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Everything posted by charlotte-sparkles

  1. haha I thought 'blimey thats a big milk lorry...' then I realised it was a boat.....
  2. She works for Viagra? she could be a product tester I guess.....
  3. this is such a big step for you....admitting you are special is halfway to recovery
  4. haha, its obviously her 90 year old bed ridden 'husband' with a raging MEF problem
  5. I LOVE the Russians, they certainly aren't worried about 'legalities' - hence why I want one as a husband - ooooh yehhhh
  6. I am going to be getting this today for the xbox - so everyone watch out! I have terrible aim and a filthy mouth If any one wishes to help me (I will need as much as I can get ) please add me on Live: LottaSparkles
  7. niiiiiice - well Mum and I will be there and aiming to sorta leave 7:45-ish GT2 eh.....
  8. ace! we will see you there as well I get so excited about car shows - gotta try and not embarass my mother
  9. oh oh oh.....Darren - mum and I were going to get to Hollingbourne services at 7:30am, where is the next meeting point after that? *GETTING EXCITED!!!*
  10. I have two rescue dogs, Lexie and Stan - and the most beautful/cute/cuddly/smart hamster called Venetia Valentina
  11. omfg........is this letter for real?! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
  12. haha I saw them at the 02 back a couple of months and they were immense! looks epic - Will.I.Am is legend toooo
  13. I dunno but his freakish hands are giving me the eebie jeebies
  14. haha - I try not to let the slightly lesbian flare out toooo often yeh I love BEP
  15. OMG.....BLACK EYED PEAS!!!!! Fergie is soo mega delicious....is it wrong that i think that?!
  16. yeah I found it hard to keep up.....despite getting ready to go out (hair make up getting changed) so no surprise really
  17. ......................................................................
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