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Everything posted by elfman

  1. elfman

    Future zed

    So today after it had been snowing quite a bit I went to get my zed! Had to get pushed out of the car park but after that made a 40 mile journey to the girl friends parents. Good first day to another zed ownership
  2. Spotted this sat on the drive covered in snow while I was working over the road
  3. elfman

    245 35 19s

    I hope he comes along soon he's missing a good trolling
  4. It's a fact your first year on any car is the most expensive. I can understand why they want you with some rwd experience tbh! I know sky ask what you've driven before and that helps bring it down. As said shop around and look at the excess! As ollie said if it's that much cheaper than everywhere else I'd check the insurer and quote.
  5. This might be a repost but WOW
  6. It's only 30 miles to Middlesborough and I bet it's cheaper there haha! I imagine smd would be you clean before and after though clean lovin
  7. This is brilliant I'd love to see a spitfire fly!
  8. That avatar girl scares me but I kinda like it. I think it's because she's ginger.
  9. Dave did you take that pic in a shop :/ the chap in the background looks like he's at a check out!
  10. Ok I take it back that guy was driving like a right c@#k hope he got locked up for a bit! I don't see anything wrong with revving during the day, let's face it we've all done it but that guy was mental!
  11. As said they're a lot more respectful than a lot of bits are abroad. They don't drink and the only trouble they cause is driving nice cars all bit it a bit dangerously so I'd say it's not bad at all. Seems to me like it's a load of toffs complaining about noise when they live in London! And being pretty dam racist tbh the old bloke was appalling. I'd welcome them a lot more than a load of drunks throwing up on your door step. It's annoying seen S they won't be complain to the actual car owners.
  12. Agreed. I got my first at 19 by just walking into a tattoo place and picking something off the wall. Big mistake. While I never regretted getting a tattoo, I regret getting it the way I did. All the others I made sure I spent time researching and each one means something to me. My half sleeve, btw, was partly to cover up that first one I got, and no, it's not Batman and Robin Maybe your next should be!?
  13. I haven't had potato waffles in ages! Your a lucky man dave! Gravesend can't be that bad, he'll if it is dave can just stream live views of somewhere nice with his epic Internet speed! On that note you could get some black out blinds and a projector and give you windows a nice view hahaha!
  14. The clown was good get it back! Bouncing boobies are always welcome hahaha!
  15. If anyone has seriously thought of a tattoo then you spend hours researching who you want to do it. It's her own stupid fault imo.
  16. Greatly annoys me when they know nothing as well if I was selling a car I'd want to know how everything works. Many moons ago I took a seat ibiza for a spin and the salesman didn't even know how to unlock the doors from the inside I had to show him!
  17. They only have a hand full of test areas for FTTP until recently it wasn't possible due to the ofcom commitments to always have a working even if the power went off. Smd is a very looking man indeed! In the next year or so fibre should be put into new housing estates though which will be good! I no use to us though haha!
  18. Just did a speed test 11mb/s only 290 to go!
  19. Wow nice to see the FTTP stuff is working well! I your a lucky man dave must be in one of the trial areas as it's not a standard thing yet (due to cost). Rich new housing estates will still be copper I'm already so most you'll get is FTTC. Unfortunately the initial cabs that get it are in the most dense areas and your right usually full of scummers haha! All cabs will be done at some point but that also depends on what government funding BT get to do it as well as if it's financially viable. Our cab is on private land which means we'll be well down the line as they don't want to pay the costs of putting a new cab up. Imagine most people will know this but it doesn't matter who your service provider is, you go down the same pair of wires and the equipment is usually the same in the exchange. very few sp's put there own equipment in exchanges tbh. Same goes for FTTC and FTTP to. unless you have Virginia in your area of course. Also I agree ban smd! I
  20. It will deffs come down I'm 25 3yrs ncb and 3 points in a high risk post code and it's just over
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