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Everything posted by racinggreen

  1. I have to say it most certainly is bullying. I work for a large company and just went through the same thing. I put up for it for some time for my own reasons but decided recently enough was enough. As it is a large company I put in a grievance. Recently had the result of the investigation not entirely to my liking but they did agree with me somewhat and he is now going to be dealt with. Now I know that this most likely means that I could be seen as a trouble causer - but so what - we have laws for a reason so I figure if a person treats you like S&%t use them laws and dont let them get away with it.
  2. does your wife drive less far than you? If so swap cars during the week and that will keep the milage down on the z.
  3. This is the unit I bought and it works just fine.
  4. hang on ive been missed out here 10. 350 russ 11. Racinggreen
  5. Takes time to get the 'one' but keep at it. welcome.
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