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Everything posted by rogerxp

  1. Hi guys, placed a deposit on a 10 plate GT Roadster with less than 2k on the clock on Friday, but just wondering whether I should get the dealer to service it before it's delivered??? I guess not but thought I'd run it past you guys. I've read the intervals are simply every 9,000 miles so timewise makes no difference i.e. I've got 7,000 miles to go before it needs servicing even if it takes me another 18-24 months to achieve??? Thanks in advance .
  2. Is this Raymondo aka Boyd . Get back over on the other forum mate . Jamie, back on track, thanks for the reply, leave it with me .
  3. Really really interested, exactly what I've been looking for, but, my car hasn't yet sold so I'm stuck. Plus it's slightly over what I was looking at paying. That said, I'll keep my eye on this thread, and see what happens with my car, and may be in touch .
  4. Oh, eBay, completely forgot about that . My car will be on there in about 15 minutes...
  5. Thanks for the thought but yes it's a Roadster I'm after. If you fancy a pukka, well cared for, wants for nothing E46 330ci (manual) then give me a shout .
  6. Yeah, been keeping an eye on it, the price drop has bought it right into range (nearly ). Think it's a 3 owner car which I was trying to avoid if possible but it's certainly an option. Good to know you've seen it in the flesh though .
  7. Ha ha, yes, I strongly suspect it is the car you've just bought that I was gunning for - just posted a proper response on your main 'hello' thread. Just putting my car up for sale tonight so hopefully will be more liquid when another cracker turns up...
  8. Yes, I stongly believe it's the same car. No didn't get down to look at it (timing wasn't kind to make the hour trip there then back again). The price however was very strong indeed though for that car - that said, I think I'd be kicking off if it needs new pads (or anything for that matter - the leaking shocks too). They told me it had been fully serviced, as you'd expect, so I'd be hoping for 6 months (or a good 5/6,000 miles) under your belt before ANYTHING needs doing - get on the phone. Strange they didn't say anything to you about another buyer, maybe it was another chap there who wasn't aware of my interest (I was speaking to Kumar). Anyway, pleased someone on here got the car, and hope when you get the little niggles sorted you'll have many happy miles ahead of you. Is this the one you bought???
  9. That video clip is not the same car (same plate, different car) - the seats aren't the right colour. Welcome to the forum, and I'm going to be controversial right from the off, and call you an absolute swine . I'm guessing you got your car from Colliers in Birmingham??? If so you bought it from right under my nose . I was in the latter stages of negotiation when I got told they'd sold the car. It's my fault as I was being too greedy - hey ho . Only messing around though, many congratulations on your purchase, she's an absolute beaut, hope you enjoy her. I'm still on the hunt (hence my post in the 'wanted' section) and will also hopefully snag a cracker. I just logged on here intentially to see if any 'new members' had arrived sporting a new gunmetal car with orange leather .
  10. Yeah, I just like the Sat Nav installed OEM and fully intergrated. I specced it on my first coupe (brand new in 05) and it was the first system the dealer had ever fitted (they cracked the first screen installing it!!) but that was pretty rubbish. My 08 plate Roadster had it installed already as I bought it used and that was a massive improvement. Obviously any OEM system will struggle to keep up with things like TomTom (though some manufacturers are starting to use TomTom).
  11. Yeah, spoken to them about that car, in fact I was supposed to get a call back from them today (didn't chase them; acting cool ). The no Nav did put me off but maybe I shouldn't be so choosey as it's a bonkers price - I bought a new TomTom about 3 weeks ago but I just like the intergrated ones (though usually a more inferior system; the latest Nissan one being the best of a bad bunch though). Thanks for all your responses (and pm's) - much appreciated - a nice place this .
  12. Yeah, not a massive choice, but certainly a steady flow of them. Just missed out on a cracking 07 plate, 22k on clock, 1 owner, main dealer supplied car up at £13,999; we were in 'discussion' about the trade-in price of my Beemer and it was sold from under my nose - wasn't overly impressed. That said, I've come to the conclusion, to really make the change as effective as possible I really need to sell my car privately and not trade-in (fairly obvious really). Another one appeared today at the same price only 3 miles from my home but as I've still got my car I'll get spanked again on trade-in. The search continues... Should point out, there are some 07 plates around too!!
  13. I'm wanting to come back to the 350Z fold having accepted the extra spend on a 370Z is not wise at present (though bloody tempting). I'm after a bonet-bulge facelifted GT-spec Roadster. Exterior Colour - black, silver or ideally gunmetal. Interior Colour - not bothered. Really after a Sat Nav equipt car but, if the right car appears at the right price, then I'll consider it. Low mileage & low owners also preferred. Don't ask for much do I . I'm yet to sell my Beemer so if anyone is planning on selling/trading-in their car that matches the above criteria then give me a shout and see if we can synconise timescales. Ideally around the £13/14k mark. Thanks.
  14. Stunning looking motor (and the white one). I nipped onto my local dealer a few weeks ago and sat in my first 370 - happened to be a black 'black edition' and was really impressed by it; in fact, blown away. It was an auto luckily otherwise I'd probably be in really bad books with the missus now!!! My next step, once I've paid off a few debts (hence my current 'budget' car campaign) is to leap into a 370Z, likely to be a Roadster, once the used ones are more freely available and a little less in price. Love the seats and that red, pretty deep red, is just stunning, and makes the interior a very classy place .
  15. I'm looking for a cargo net for the roadster so going to bid on the one below on ebay (as recommended on the previous page). Quick question, and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, I'm guessing the cargo net for the roadster is exactly the same as the coupe??? Obviously from my previous coupe experience, it's boot was virtually seperated in two sections anyway, so guess the 'netted' area is the same size (in the roadster I've obviously lost the other section). http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CARGO-BOOT-NET-20 ... .m14.l1262
  16. OMG, I never even noticed that one of my rear lights was a red reflector Looks good
  17. Been looking at a few replacement steering wheels but don't really want to change the OEM feel and lose the wheel controls (not that I use them much) but it is certainly an option. I'll also have to keep tweaking the seat adjustments as others seem happy so maybe it's me. Still can't get over no reach adjustment though; seems such an elementary oversight by Nissan.
  18. Oh, hadn't thought about moving the seat or seat back . Thanks guys. B**stards !!! I'm fairly average size, 5ft 8in, and all in proportion (at least I think so) it's just annoying (and in this day & age crazy on Nissan's part) that my legs are either too close to the pedals or arms too far away from the wheel, unless of course I'm sat upright like I'm at church. Anyway, just wondering whether anything simple could be done but due to the electical connections my idea is obviously a no-go. Thanks for your input (I think!!!)
  19. I've already had a bit of a moan over the 350Z steering wheel in my earlier post (viewtopic.php?f=20&t=25395) and think I've now realised what's causing my most of the issues. It's not necessarily the size or thickness (although it is too big & thin) but it's the fact that I can't adjust it forwards and backwards i.e. the reach. When I'm turning a corner and my hand, whilst still holding the wheel, passes over the top, i.e. 12 o'clock position, I'm having to stretch my fingers to keep hold of the wheel. It's too far away and there's no 'reach' adjustment, only up and down. I am right here aren't I and I'm not missing something completely obvious ??? Anyway, is there any way of permanently changing the steering wheel position i.e. a block or 'donut' that would be attached behind the wheel and bring it out a centimetre or two??? Tried searching but can't find anything. Surely it's not rocket science this as it's a MAJOR oversight by Nissan . I understand even the 370Z hasn't got reach adjustment for the steering wheel !!!
  20. This may have been discussed before but struggled on a search to find anything. In standard form, you need to have your foot on the brake to open/close the soft-top, however I was wondering whether there was any way to modify this so you can open/close on the move. When I say 'on the move' I mean at crawling speeds not above 10mph. Basically so you can open/close whilst in traffic but still keep up with the car in front. I appreciate open/closing on the move could rip the hood off hence the 'crawling' speed. There is something called smartTOP that you can get for BMW (https://www.wit-usa.com/sms/shop/index. ... ome&menu=1) that does the job however they don't offer it for a 350Z Roadster. Anyone done or heard whether this is possible?? Cheers.
  21. It's only a year old Are you saying I should wash my hands more often
  22. Yeah, the Beemer is plain, but looks classy in my opinion. It's only slightly thicker than the Z wheel but it's just enough. The M Sport wheel is the best I've ever used. Love the look of the Z wheel just wish it was the same dimensions of the M Sport one. 'srobrien' - I've considered wiping it down with Fairy Liquid (or even just a damn rag) to see it that clears off any polish (or whatever might be on there from an over ambitious valeter) but keep forgetting until I'm half way down the road!!!
  23. Sounds pretty complicated. Looks like I'm stuck with my dustbin lid then. I have compared the two wheels and even though they have a similar number of buttons I'd imagine it's still a pretty big task to rewire one (plus covering over the BMW badge with a Z!!!) Edit - wow, got distracted and took so long to compose my reply, three other posts came in!!!
  24. Having had my Roadster for around 6 weeks now, and fallen in love with the 350Z again, the steer wheel is starting to really bug me. Firstly, it's too big. Coming from a Beemer with an M Sport wheel this one feels too big and isn't fat enough. Secondly, it's too slippy. This might be due to the Dealer cleaning it with something stupid but I was, rather lazily, hoping it would improve over time. Don't remember my last 350Z being like this. Now, I don't really want to lose the OEM look if possible, but especially don't want to lose the mounted controls for the stereo etc. so think I know the answer to this - are they any alternatives worth considering??? It'd be too much to ask Nissan to offer a 'performance' range??? Oh, I should point out that I have done a search on this topic but drew a blank (must admit with so many hits I could have missed a relevant one before I got bored!!!)
  25. Joined the by-pass in Wilmslow behind me. I flashed my hazzards (as I was in front) and you flashed before turning off towards off towards Alderley Edge/Prestbury. Are you on here???
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