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Everything posted by Fien

  1. I'm the same. Dont think i've ever seen it over 28! think i'm averaging about 21 at the mo although i do alot of city driving.
  2. Congrats on youre new purchase. A sound choice! I've had mine about a month now and every time i get out of it i have to have a quick look back and admire just how good it looks!
  3. i'd say do a proper check (hpi etc.) on the car prior to going down there just in case! that's a must! service book history. good tread on the tyres as well is nice as they're not cheap! i'd also check the PAS fluid level before taking it out for a ride. When it goes below the limit you can get some steering wheel shake which is a bit worrying but it's fine once its been topped up! hope it goes well, i'll be suprised if u dont buy it after seeing it and taking it for a test drive!
  4. i'm getting the same problems when starting the car first thing in the morning, just sounds awful i like the talc idea for fixing it, cheap and easy! but is this gonna be a long term fix or do you think it's gonna need properly looking at. Cheers
  5. Fien

    Tracking out

    I've noticed my Zed has the same problem and only seems to be at fairly fast left turns. Been worried that there's something serious wrong with it . Hope to god that it's only just that now. First thing i'm gonna check when i get back to my car.
  6. Short answer - Yes! 0-60 in 5.6 seconds. Cant argue with that!!
  7. I've had my Zed now for 3 weeks and on my previous car i had an alpine head unit with usb connection to my iphone. from reading the posts this seems like a lengthy and expensive process if i want something similar with my Zed. I'm not wanting to change the standard head unit, after all its BOSE so isnt exaclty rubbish, so i'm going to have to go down the FM transmitter route. Has anyone else done this with an iphone and if so which peices of kit would you recommend? i'm aware that a lot of those on ebay etc can tend to be really poor quality and you end up with static in the background for most of the time. Plus i'd ideally like one that charges the iphone as well. I'm wanting to set up a cradle on the dash as well ideally so i can just stick my phone in when i get into the car and have easy access to track selection etc. Unfortunately the power points in the Zed wont help for the transmitters that come with a cradle as i dont want to be leaning over to the passenger side or have to look behind me all the time . Has any one done something similar? Any suggestions are welcome also. Cheers
  8. Fien

    Cradle for bluetooth

    will it work with an iphone? If so how much were u looking for?
  9. Fien

    How Old??

    Just turned 28. thought it was quite an extravagant purchase considering the price of it but after owning it for a few weeks i can see why people are happy to spend most of their cash on one!
  10. Not gonna be able to make the meet this weekend got too much on. Really gutted as seeing a convoy of Zed's will just look awesome!
  11. never trust ebay any more. usually find now that you can get things for cheeper from a main supplier if you can be bothered to look hard enough. wont be buying it any time soon now as i've just realised i'm broke. Guess if anybody tries ringing me while i'm driving they are just gonna get ignored! I'm sure they'll be able to cope!
  12. Personally i'm not convinced on either. The 350z's look as if it's in need of a decent spoiler to make it look even better but after seeing them with one i'm not sure that they look as good as it could be! sticking with the original for now, think that looks good enough on its own!
  13. I did a check when i purchased my car and i found the following guide. It says that if you purchase from a member of the motor trade then you cant be held liable and also if you have been informed by the seller. However i'd say in reality getting it in writting wont stop the finance company coming after your car so you'd be best checking it anyway! http://www.mycarcheck.com/help/report/
  14. Fien

    Fuel Economy

    After i bought mine i drove it about 200 miles home and got 27mpg down the back roads. unfortunately i do mainly city driving and realised i'm now only getting 14-16mpg !! Slight bit of difference so it can really depend on what ur going to use the car mainly for if it works out best for u.
  15. it sounds like i've bought that car you looked at. They didnt advertise it as a CAT D and only decided to tell me after i'd been looking at it for a while. Apparently it was due to front bumper damage and is now all sorted. I checked it out and it seemed ok and they also offered me 12 months warranty. I thought it was a good deal so went ahead with it. Looking back it's probably not a good sign that they are not more forthcoming with that information earlier. As for the HPI check, you are covered by law if you buy from a trade dealer. I did a check on the car as well just in case
  16. Look good! I'm more of a fan of the white ones however, put them in my old clio 182 and they made the car look miles better than the yellow'ish light u normally get.
  17. I bought my '06 updated GT last weekend for £12k with 24k on the clock. Been registered as a CAT D for front bumper damage but got 12 months warranty. Thought i got an absolute steal but i think the way the car market is at the moment most things are a steal!
  18. I've heard that the 309 model has an illuminated ignition socket as well!! why they felt the need to do this i have no idea but i guess the designers needed to do something!
  19. that's great, thanks. Unsure what to do now as to wait for it to come through or to just get it. Unfortunately i'm post march 06 so i'm looking at £400 for the year Might give them till monday and then just get the tax. Starting to get a bit paranoid though as i dont trust a word they say, makes me doubt if they've even sent off the V5 yet. I've seen my old car advertised as "1 mature owner, always garaged". This is a lie as i'm the 2nd owner of the car, 27 and have never kept it in the garage. I thought they would have atleast been partially trustworthy by the quality of cars they had, £120k Bentley, Ferraris, Merc SLK's. Wouldnt have thought they would get to selling those type of cars on bad service. Anyway, i've got a 350Z now and i love it. Will get some pics up soon
  20. Ha, that is some luck. You couldnt make all that up if tried! Hope next month is not as eventful for you
  21. Hi, i bought my 350z at the weekend from Chequered Flag car sales in Halifax and along with all things they told me, i was told that the car had a couple of months tax on it. I drove the car away and only realised when nearly back home (about 100 miles away in chester) that i didnt get the tax disc off them. I've since spoken to them and they've said that they'd send it in the post however i've checked on the DVLA website and it doesnt appear that the car has any tax at all! I'm obviously not driving the car at the mo and i'm still waiting on the V5 to come through and so am wondering if anyone has any advice on my position? I know it was a mistake on my part for not getting the ficitional disc when i bought it but from my opinion they've mis-sold me the car and even worse have let me drive it off their forecourt illegally! I'm just grateful that i havent been stopped by the police. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks
  22. thanks for all the advice. i've been thinking, do you need to always keep the phone in the cradle or is it just for pairing up initially? I got the impression that once it's been paired the bluetooth device would automatically pick it up as soon as u got in the car?
  23. thanks for the quick reply, thought i was missing something. Just had a look on ebay and they're going for £100. Definitely didnt get one with the car so i guess i'm gonna have to cough up for it. Bit annoying but i reckon its worh getting.
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