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Everything posted by Fien

  1. Fien

    18" Rays

    nice price! what happened to the one tyre that wasnt in good nick??!!
  2. GT model would be better if you can get one although your then limiting ur options even further. I reckon you'll be able to find something decent if u look properly. I'll be impressed if you manage to make it till the end of september before buying one. once i decided to buy one i wanted it straight away
  3. lucky escape there. hopefully u havent done that much damage. if the road is even damp in the slightest then i drive like my gran. Had it twitch on me a few times when even driving slowly so have decided not to even get anywhere near the limit!
  4. only just noticed yesterday. got out of my mates golf and noticed that they looked pretty good lit up so checked mine. glad there not just broke but would definitely look better if they did light up!
  5. why would anyone in their right mind take that?! sad thing is that there must be quite a lot of people taking them up on those type of offers to keep them in business.
  6. they'll definitely try and screw u with the part ex value. They know that people are gonna be lazy and rather just trade it in rather than sell it privately, plus most people wont have the money to buy a new car without selling their old one first and in doing that they may then be without a car for a while! If you need the extra cash then i'd try and sell it privately as you should get a fair bit more than that (i'd hope so anyway).
  7. Right, ordered them so will fit them all in and take some pics and post them up. Not looking forward to fitting the side lights, they sounds like a right b!tch!
  8. https://www.autobulbsdirect.co.uk/269-l ... 17265.html I've been after some white led lights for the interior but autobulbs has ran out of the 6led types but the do have the single led extreme power versions as above. Has anyone tried these as i want to know if they're going to be as bright as the 6led version and also if they are a bright white colour. Thanks
  9. has anybody bought these bulbs from anywhere else? Unfortunately autobulbs direct have sold out of the white ones and i cant seem to find them elsewhere. I was also gonna get the 501 bulbs for the boot and back number plate. I've seem a 6 led one which should do for the boot but think 2 of these for the number plate might be a bit too bright. Has anyone tried this or done something similar? Cheers
  10. That's unlucky for that to just come off on it's own. I imagine it would normaly take quite a bit of work to just get it off on purpose!
  11. just looked and they dont have the white ones in stock does the same bulb do the job for the boot light as well?
  12. I'm into the idea of changing the interior lighting from the dreary yellow to the bright white bulbs so was after some help. where's the best place to buy them from? what size? and also what number led bulbs are recommended? I'd want to change the main interior light and the boot light but was wondering if there were any more that people would recommend changing. i'd done the same on my old clio 182 and it just makes the car look so much better at night. thanks
  13. i'd aim for less than that. can't imagine there's that many people out there with £16-18k in their pockets to buy a car with at the mo. go in cheeky and see what happens. dont make it obvious that it's exactly the car you're after, although it is hard to hide the excitement when u test drive one!! i bought mine from a dealer who's garage was full off bentleys and ferraris but i wouldnt recommend him to anyone. nothing particularly wrong with the car but never received the tax that he promised after i'd drove away along with the spare key and manuals. Personnaly i'd stereotype all car dealers and say that they cant be trusted!
  14. 10% colder is pretty good. That'd be about 2 degrees celcius. Has anybody else had trouble with their aircon not working?
  15. Well..... Just been to halfords to have a look at it. 40 quid for the recharge but u get a free cleaner with it which looks quite good. They do a free aircon check which I though i may as well get done. Turns out that he couldn't get a pressure reading which he thinks indicates that there's something else wrong with my aircon. I'm now gonna have to take it to Nissan and get them to look at it. Just hoping that it's not gonna now turn into an expensive job
  16. i'd guess that there's no real need to do it unless it's not pumping out cold air although im sure it could do with a good clean out every so often. they're probably just cashing in on the fact that not many people will have had to recharge their aircon before and as they dont know what to do just take it to them. i'm guessing once you've got the recharge it's only a 5 minute job and wont be much more difficult than topping up the water (i'm hoping so anyway!)
  17. has anyone ever tried the aircon stuff from halfords? mines not cold at all so thought i might give it a try, just wanted to know how good it was? also where abouts is it that you actually charge it up?
  18. thieves broke into my old car and stole the stereo, wouldnt have minded as it only cost about £100 but in order to get in they put a screw driver through the door, broke the lock and then totally destroyed the dash trying to get the stereo out so i had to go through the insurance and all the hassle to get it repaired. On the plus side though they must have cut themselves while doing it as there was loads of blood on the dash. Serves them right little bar stewards!
  19. Azure Blue for me, but then again that's the colour i've got so why would i think anything different!
  20. i've got no experience of the type r but know that i get about 20-22mpg out of my zed and that's doing a lot of city miles and i wouldnt say i drive to conservatively either
  21. i get a burning rubber like smell coming through the vents too but it only ever seems to be when im giving the car some beans. not sure where it's coming from but i think i might get it checked out. i was gonna book it in soon anyway as the belt is slipping when starting it up, not sure if thats got anything to do with it
  22. Warranty runs out the end of next month. Not sure if I'm best giving it a once over before it runs out incase there's anything wrong or just getting it done elsewhere
  23. Hi all My warranty expires the end of next month and I also need a service. Gonna book it in for the service early and see if they come up with any issues that I can get done before I'll have to stump up for. I know a service isn't likely to pick up anything that I can get covered by the warranty but I was wondering if anyone had any advice on asking them to check a few things just in case. After hearing what the nissan garage in chester charge for a p1 service I'm gonna make them work for it
  24. I've got my 27k p1 service coming up next month and was wanting to know if anyone recommends the best garage to go to near Chester. The Chester nissan are absolutely useless and very expensive. One of the mechanics told me that they haven't been doing nissans for long so were basically learning as they go. Understandably I don't fancy paying them to 'learn' on I've heard some reports about holdcrofts and nissan Warrington being ok. Does anyone have any opinions of them and any others in the area? Cheers
  25. Fien

    Tape Deck

    seems a bit odd that they kept the same stereo unit whilst doing all the other upgrades. i would have thought they would have realised tapes were dead long before that. they probably bought them in bulk and had to use them up!
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