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Everything posted by jerry3167

  1. So be it, 19th APRIL IT IS!! See 1st post for confirmation!! Jerry
  2. Anyone up for a group buy..
  3. Congrats on your Z, you`ll be a regular visitor at Petrol stations!
  4. OMG...what are you getting? Can I have 1st dibs??
  5. Cheers m8! any decals that will sit flush on the cover? Z badges etc? Jerry
  6. PM sent confirming the sale!! Jerry
  7. OMG..Most Z drivers are ALL babies lol But theres a price to pay to drive a high powered sports car.
  8. Muhahahaha.. at this rate I will be Envy Croydon Jerry
  9. Hi Ian, Nice looking carbon cover m8! Is it in MINT condition, apart from the screw hole you made bigger, ie No scatches etc? If its good, I will have it m8!! Jerry
  10. Adammmm..Spill the beans m8, tell us more about the Harness bar pleaseee!! Jerry
  11. Hi Lee, You know what I proposed m8!! Jerry
  12. Sounds right to me, Im a new owner with a 04 plate 12K miles, and it does the same, been watching it closely these past few weeks, Next oil change Im putting in the Best oil money can buy, same that was in my CTR.. Jerry
  13. I havent actually got to touch-up the caliper yet chris, but early indications suggest that the match is good Thanks m8!! Jerry
  14. I got my recent insurance from Chris Knott, £534 , Protected no-claims,Mods declared plus all usual fully comp features.
  15. That is interesting, Adam holds the key to this! Would be a shame to sell my Harness as its MINT and FIA til 2014!! Jerry
  16. Thanks for that Adam, Where does the Harness bar fix to, and do you have these? Cheers Jerry
  17. It will be like Marmite, you`ll either love it or Hate it! But Its down to personal taste. Looks promising though..
  18. Man, I need to go home, I'm not reading things properly atm Chris, Sounds like you need some Zzzzz No Pun intended Jerry
  19. You can do the LED rear lights in all of 10 minutes and Popcharger in no more than 45mins Admittedly, popcharger and exhaust take a bit longer and can be more difficult, so will let you off with them Chris, Those LISTED above are already on the Car, when I took over ownership!!
  20. I think I will keep his number, as He is fairly near me too!! Good find. Jerry
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