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Everything posted by cfoster

  1. As above what does your car's oil pressure gauge read on idle once its fully warmed up / run for a fair while in normal day to day traffic? Not sure what the norm should be as i noticed when mine was idling it was reading below 1/4 on the gauge? Chris
  2. very nice mate, am toying with something similar on my black z but unsure what colour to do the wheels / pinstripe! Chris
  3. Would like to go for one of the repair kits but vegas is imminent so missus is keeping hold of me coin!!!!! On average how many miles does the 180 degree turn and regrease last for? Is it a case of only a few weeks or are we talking 10k+ miles? Chris
  4. Cheers for that, just had a read through and looks like a worthy purchase for me!! Just to confirm is it the outer CV joints (ie - brake disc end of the driveshaft) or the joints that slot into the rear diff? Chris
  5. I had mine greased at my last service (not Nissan) and it hasnt made a difference . Would not 'rotating' it be the reason for this? If so is there a guide on rotating it myself then replacking I presume? Chris
  6. I would take it back to them and complain mate. Play dumb to the fact that you know of the common 'clicky axle' syndrome and see if they advise you the same. Tell them as it wasnt there before you dropped it off you expect it sorted. Chris
  7. When I used to have an escort cosworth i used to take the fuel pump relay outm not sure where it would be in a Z. Blocking it in with another car would be the best bet, or perhaps a wheel clamp?
  8. Excellent cheers guys, sounds like red stuff it is!!!! CS - whats the prices on the EBC turbo discs (grooved and drilled arent they?) - also forgot about the gearknob I wanted from you ages ago!!!! Chris
  9. As above just had the car serviced and my discs and pads are in need of replacement!! I'm going to go for the EBC turbo grooved / drill discs but what pads should I go for. I dont really want to spend loads to be honest on the Ferodos as to be honest I dont really drive the thing so was looking at the red / yellow stuff pads. What are the difference and what am I better off going for? Thanks Chris
  10. I have a black rear lip spoiler if thats the colour you are after!! Chris
  11. I find the dark interiors in Z's make the interior look / feel very small and claustrophic compared to Alezan, which seems to brighten the inside up. Shame as I really wanted an Azure one but ended up with a Kuro Black with Alezan!!
  12. Good website that, another decent one I use a lot is www.brandsoftheworld.com, got loads of vectored images on there!!
  13. lol!!! Still early, was probably half asleep typing it!! 9 days is longer than norm but got a good deal, plus we can spend a bit of time by the pool etc relaxing as well as gambling!!
  14. Doh, typo!! 9 days I mean!!!!!
  15. Not going this year but did last year, few pics of our cars all stickered up!!!!! Attention wasnt the word, plus I got a lot of business from it!! chuby Gal in his 355! Baby mark!! My teg Mates t350c Gutted I cant go this year Chris
  16. Make that 4, i'm off there on June 3rd as well for 90 days!!!!! Chris
  17. I have just installed a CCTV camera out the front of the house and with it I bought a Lilin DVR (this one: LILIN CCTV 4 Channel Digital Video Recorder (PDR-400IP) on eBay, also, CCTV Security Cameras, Security Equipment, Consumer Electronics (end time 21-May-09 16:13:38 BST) ). In short what I would like in the end is to be able to view the camera via a channel (analogue I presume) on all the TVs in the house. Currently i'm having trouble finding what cabling I need, this is my finding so far!! My DVR has a Video Out at the back (BNC), from this I need to plug in a BNC to Phono lead (like this one: BNC-Phono Video Lead > Maplin ), and plug the phono end into an RF Modulator (like this one: Programmable Universal Modulator > Maplin ). This is where I get stuck. I have my eye on one of these Labgear HDU681 8 way splitters ( 8 Way Loft Distribution and Amplifier ) but unsure how to mate this to the RF Modulator. So how do I connect the RF Modulator into the Labgear thing?! On the RF Modulator it has a 'To TV' and 'Ant In' on it (see pic on link above), but do I presume I ignore the 'Ant In' plug and put my aerial directly into the Labgear thing, then plug an aerial lead from the RF Modulators 'To TV' socket into the 'CCTV' socket on the Labgear? Its all confusing me so would like to confirm before I go out and buy the cabling!! Any help or other suggestions would be great. Thanks Chris
  18. I have one of these and to begin with was a bit of a pain to use but having had it a few weeks its a wicked piece of kit!!!! Should sell easily
  19. Cheers chaps, wonder how long it will stay that clean for!!!! Stew - its just the rear quarters and back one that are tinted, was like it when I bought it so not sure if its the factory tint or not?! Chris
  20. Cheers . It can go in at a squeeze with the mirrors in but too much crap in there at the mo!! CCTV is now installed on the drive and its a pretty quiet area. Being black though the thing gets dirty sooo quickly!!
  21. Had the Z about 2 months now and still loving it!! Had a bit of time over the weekend to give her a clay and polish so thought i'd dust the camera off to get some pics!! (no stubby aerial comments pls, i will be getting one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Chris
  22. lol!! Hmmm, not sure about willing but i'll give you a hand!! You can be the guinea pig for my install!!!!!!!!! Chris
  23. fitted already!! cheers si for the ultra quick delivery . Matt - oh dear looks like corinne is going shopping with your card tomorrow!!!!!
  24. lol, was pure luck as i was about to buy a brand new one from one of the traders off here today!!! Cheers si Chris
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