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Posts posted by CaptainSensible

  1. You would be surprised at the number of people who cannot afford £6k straight up on a car...given the average wage of the country is something like £27k, I would have to disagree with you on this one captain, that the majority do not have that sort of money in this day and age to spend on a car - petrolhead or not.

    I agree with you, but most people could get a 6k loan, not that I think its a good idea, but a lot of people do it.

  2. I think people who are referring to the value of the car are missing the point. You can pick up a decent zed for 6k these days, which I suspect most people could afford if they really wanted one. But that's the point, they don't, because its a impractical, noisy car that isn't cheap to run, and most people wouldn't have the bottle to buy one. Being a petrol head, I say kudos to anyone that chooses to buy anything a bit left field in this sterile world of euro boxes. Doesn't matter if it cost 100 quid or 100 grand.

  3. That was an outstanding drive from JB. It was interesting that before the race they were concerned that they might struggle with the set up of the car if it was too dry but it worked perfectly for him.


    Lewis just needs to calm down a bit. He was the same last year getting to aggressive (remember his crash with Webber in Singapore?). He needs to learn to bide his time and wait for proper overtaking opportunities rather than half chances which result in a crash.

  4. I would add a note of caution about investing heavily in property at the moment.


    House prices have been buoyed by extremely low interest rates over the last 3 years. Yet despite this house prices hare still well below their peak. Why? The answer is availability of credit, or lack of. Most high street banks are still in the process of recapitalising and repairing their balance sheets following the financial crisis. They only want to lend to people with healthy deposits, who they percieve to be a safer bet, but this is restricting demand for property.


    That's why house prices have slid a little in the last few years, however there could be more to come. When interest rates start to rise, which they almost certainly will over the next couple of years, so will mortgage repayments for anyone who isn't on a fixed rate.


    You need to honestly ask yourself if you could still afford the mortages on both properties if interest rates were 2-3% higher thna today (or even more). Also think about what impact higher interest rates will have on the housing market and house prices. There's a lot of downside risk on property at the moment in my view.

  5. Do it and keep the polo as a shed, use the Z at weekends or special occasions.


    Best of both worlds.



    I wish I could do that sometimes. I'm really not looking forward to driving the Zed in winter. I just can't afford to run a shed. My insurance is pretty high and to tax another vehicle.

    Zed is fine in the winter, you've got heated seats and the big V6 warms up fast on those cold mornings. You just appreciate those dry warmer days all the more.

  6. Just back form a trip to Paris, where I was fortunate enough to stumble accross an amazing car collection owned by Ralph Lauren on display by the Louvre. Unfortunately visitors weren't allowed to take photos but there's lots of info on the show's website - http://ralphlaurencarcollection.co.uk/


    If anyone is in Paris before the end of August I'd highly recommend a visit, its a stunning collection.

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