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Thinking about selling car - replace clutch?


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Hi everyone,


I'm recently having a bit of a change of circumstances and considering selling the zed :( for something with a better load capacity. It's a 2003 (53) runs fine etc and I want to do a few bits before I even put up for sale.


Only question I have is should I replace the clutch or take the hit on sale price if I put up an honest advert? I'm pretty sure the clutch is close but it's still driving fine.




Crusty crab

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Well if you sell it here now you've pretty much answered your own question :surrender::)


Haha. If you sell it on the forum either get the clutch replaced or be prepared to be knocked down the cost of clutch and labour and probably have a long wait selling it.


Replace the clutch and it will probably sell a lot faster

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how many miles has it done? don't replace the clutch if it doesn't need doing - most people know that a clutch can go anywhere from 40k to 100k, depends hows its been driven. you could sell the car thinking the clutch is on its way out and the new buyer gets two years use before it actually goes.


if it drives fine now, then leave it. if it actually starts slipping, then replace it.

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Looks like a nice car, I'd leave as is if it's still working adequately. If feel is going rather than actual clutch operation, it could benefit from the common slave/line upgrades instead (assuming you've not chaged these already) - much cheaper :thumbs:

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So the clutch hasn't ever slipped during diving but I had to pull off from a very at step drive way the other week and it definitely let go then. I know the bite is high anyway. It does pull well perhaps I'm just being paranoid....


Thanks for all the responses. I think I'll leave it for now and and see what comes. If I do go through with selling it I'll be putting an up here anyway so I'm not trying to hide anything :)

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think of it as a selling point - '70k zed, still on original clutch' - ie testament to how mechanically sympathetically it has been driven during its life... the alternative is '70k zed, already on third clutch' would make me wonder how the rest of the car has faired if its already been through two clutches!

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The only certainty here is that you have no idea as to how long your clutch will last. It might be on its last legs, but it also might last for another 50k miles. Don't put anything about it in the advert at all. Anyone who has done research into those cars will realise that lifespan of the clutch has nothing to do with the mileage. Just let people make their own conclusions.

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