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Could some kind soul check my interior fuse box from the photo here.


Yesterday side lights went AWOL. Found the mystery 3rd fuse box behind the battery and fixed that. Why do Nissan keep this so secret, no wonder they kept Pearl Harbour such a surprise.


So messing about inside the car with the footwell fuse box, out on the road, in the dark, I must have messed the arrangement up because the air bag light stays on now.


Any help welcome because I am about to blow a fuse myself.






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Ok well that's sorted.


Just for the record the side light fuze is located in the (3rd) fuze box tucked behind the battery and you need to remove the surrounding trim to get at it. There are two other fuse boxes, one is in front of the battery (call it number 2) and another is inside the car to the right of the pedals ( number 1).


I also managed to get one of the fuses in the wrong slot when checking no. 1 box and had the air bag warning light on all the time.


To find out where and what fuses go into the slots I found Google useless as most of the stuff was US based and most of the time didn't even relate to a 350z. I went on ebay uk and looked up spare fuze boxes for UK 350z and cross checked different photos to see where my fuses should be. that's where I found the misplaced one.


I didn't need to re set the air bag, which surprised me but I found out, if it starts blinking you re set by turning off the ignition when blinking stops, waiting 4 seconds and repeating the process 3 more times. Then start up and all should be well. YouTube is a useful thing.


I hope this might be of use to someone.


Thanks for the responses.




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