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Wanted: Knackered rear lights, bulb connectors

ph 7

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on the off chance that someone has been rear eneded and kept their old lights.


I've got some Depo LED lights that I'll be fitting to the car but the connectors look to have been spliced in the past to a car and I'd rather not cut into my loom in case I go back to stock.


So I'm after the housing that OEM bulb goes into so that I can modify that to make my set plug and play


here is my current loom with the depo connectors


14290986692_27e609edcc_c.jpgUntitled by p_h_7, on Flickr


here is a photo borrowed from jetset and highlighted to show the bit I'm actually interested in


14110394648_200d4a76d9_c.jpgP1014734highlight by p_h_7, on Flickr



Hopefully someone will have some of these knocking around the dusty corners of a garage

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I see the piece I'm missing, can be seen at 1:44 in the following video:



If I had that I wouldn't mind using my oem ones as I'd just switch them back after

Edited by ph 7
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That part you're looking is the wrong part. You have that on your OEM rears. What you need/are missing is the black bit at about 2 minutes into that video. It slips into the bulb holder.

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That part you're looking is the wrong part. You have that on your OEM rears. What you need/are missing is the black bit at about 2 minutes into that video. It slips into the bulb holder.


yep that would be a bonus if I could find some of those but I guess they will be rarer than hens teeth. Considering the manufacturer of them is in America I could contact them directly and see if I get any joy from a spares perspective.


but before I do that, PM firing to Alex


I wish the guy that fitted them to my car took so much care.


It isn't too much bother really, and will be all the more rewarding once done. That last bit is a lie...I want them now!!!!!


But really I expected a bit of fudging, I just want it to be a fairly neat piece of fudging!

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Just repeat to yourself what you said yesterday,


"I'm not interested in external mods"

"I'm not interested in external mods"

"I'm not interested in external mods"

"I'm not interested in external mods"


If you wanted to re-establish the looms then zmanalex has them but obviously you would be using chocolate blox to connect where you have had it severed but then your connections would need doing on your lights again.


Personally I would drink some gin and forget you ever read this thread.


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