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Beading vs Sheeting


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Okay this is might be complete rubbish I'm talking, but today i got thinking ...


After the rain today my zeds bonnet, roof and lower hatch have nice tall beads of water on thus showing the wax is doing its job. Only problem is that the water just sits there and after I'm left with water spots... My question to you guys is can you suggest any way around this other than drying after each time it rains or taking for a spin round the block to get the drops off?


Is there currently a product that will sheet the water off better on these flater surfaces? Or is it just one of those things.


My usual process involves:



Sow foam

Two bucket wash


Megs 105 & 205 applied by DA

Jet seal 109 x2 coats

Followed by collinite Marque D'Elegance



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Synthetic sealants tend to sheet water more whereas natural carnauba waxes will bead more, however with different water behaviour you'll also get a different finish.


If you're worried about water spots when cleaning, your options are pretty much to dry after washing (either with a towel/cloth, blower or whatever) or to use a water filter - I use the Aquagleam which works well to counter the hard water around here - or the other option is to not wash the car of course...


If you're concerned about water sports from rain, due to the nature of rain it's almost impossible to prevent beading (and therefore spots) regardless of the LSP. You could either dry the car after it rains or re-wet with an open-ended hose (using low pressure) to encourage more sheeting. Or just live with it until it's time to wash again.

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crickey - have you any paint left ????


megs 105 is an abrasive cutting compound as is 205, albeit a light cut - is your car very heavily scratched then :wacko:


Again it was late when i posted.

Thats what i did lasts time i fully detailed the car, on a weekly basis it's the list without claying and 105&205.

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Synthetic sealants tend to sheet water more whereas natural carnauba waxes will bead more, however with different water behaviour you'll also get a different finish.


If you're worried about water spots when cleaning, your options are pretty much to dry after washing (either with a towel/cloth, blower or whatever) or to use a water filter - I use the Aquagleam which works well to counter the hard water around here - or the other option is to not wash the car of course...


If you're concerned about water sports from rain, due to the nature of rain it's almost impossible to prevent beading (and therefore spots) regardless of the LSP. You could either dry the car after it rains or re-wet with an open-ended hose (using low pressure) to encourage more sheeting. Or just live with it until it's time to wash again.


Nice one chap, that is what i was under the assumption of.

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I use Dodo Juice Supernatural after a detail and top it up with Meguiars NXT liquid wax every couple of weeks or so. After every weekly wash I spray the car with Chemical Guys Speed Wipe which adds to the wax protection and is also anti-static to repel dust. I find when it rains the water doesn't leave any noticeable marks (unless it's that horrible sandy rain!) and the car stays really clean looking for most of the week between washes. If it gets surface marks, a quick spray with the speed wipe and a MF at the end of the day makes it look freshly washed again, unless it gets really soiled and needs a full wash like today, doh! :)

Edited by Jp606
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