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I was having a bad enough day only to find some snivelling little sh1t has keyed my passenger door right outside my f@cking house! :rant:


I've spent some time this year getting the Zed just how I wanted it and after the NW run I was buzzing. Just some Zed burgers and it would be perfect. I was really looking forward to showing off at Silverstone with everyone else. Now, hot on the heels of the kerbed alloy I've completely lost heart. I think I'm going to get it fixed up, sell and plough the dough into a business venture I've been talking about. I just don't think you can keep a nice car how it should be living where I do and using it as a daily driver.


The scratch is about a foot or so long and down to the metal. Anyone know any good bodyshops in the area and care to hazard a guess how much it might cost me?


I'm right royally ****ed off!

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Absolutely gutted for you, but dont let events put you off the car. Its not your fault some moronic individual hasnt got the brains they were born with or the ability to control their envy.


Hopefully they will now be playing an unsuccessfull game of chicken with an intercity 125 as we speak.


I am not sure if chips away can repair such damage, isnt there a scuffsaway, or scratch-away? Im sure Ive seen a website for a company specialising in that, Ill have a look.


Why do utter morons like this still exist. If I ever caught one doing this to my car or anyone elses for that matter, it would take me all my self control not to make them dissapear in the park/woodland/pond area behind my house. :rant:


I hope you get it sorted soon.

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Gutted for you Digsy. My guy could help but he's miles away from you down here in Notts. I'm so sorry mate, I get pi$$ed when a bird $hits on mine so I have no idea how pi$$ed you must be.


B'stards. I'm lucky enough to know a security guy who's fittend descreet cameras that are motion detecters - they only work when then sense motion. They're not that expensive either and they'd catch the motherfcu***s who did this. They relay back to your PC so when you come home you can check out what's happened. For £1000 it may be worth investing?


Anyway, sorry dude. I feel for ya. But keep your chin up.

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Really sorry to hear this mate , you've had a bad few days by the sound of it :dry:


Dont let the b***ards grind you into submission...!! get the paintwork done asap and get the car polished up nice and see how you feel then..

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Just had a thought about your problem,can you mount a CCTV camera on your property (even a dummy one ) overlooking your car ? this will deter most vandals..I had a similar problem with my business premises and it stopped overnight once a camera was put up :)

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Morons like this think that if you've got a nice car you must have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth rather than worked your ass off to finance it. I believe what goes around comes around and all that. It's a pain that we have to insure our cars to drive them and then dare not claim on the insurance or the excess is too high - we lose all round really! It's a ball ache but I'm sure you'll get it sorted without too much fuss. Don't lose heart!

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Guest prescience

Very sorry to hear about this mate, everything crossed that bad luck doesn't come in threes for you :surrender:


Given what you have said about how you felt about the car just a short time ago, I'm 99% convinced that if you repair it and sell it, you'll regret it later :D

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Completely gutted for ya after all the crap you having at the moment.....


But completely agree with whats been said, don't make a rash decision and sell cos of this. At the end of the day if you let some scrote grind you down and make you change YOUR life, then you are letting them win!


Remember how happy the car makes you feel when you out and about in it, how good it looks and the fun you've had such as on the Wales drives out.....


Just take a good long relaxing breath, and get it back to the best you can...


remember, we all only here once, so do things that make you happy! If some t*sser can't deal with the fact you have a nice car, then hopefully he'll walk in front of one, one day.....


Keep your chin up mate! :thumbs:

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Don't be hasty lad, you start the post off with how much you like the car. I had someone key and walk over the length of the car a few years back, doesn't matter what you have it can get ruined. Keep your chin up, try Chips Away, other than that look for another bodyshop recommendation from someone on here local to you.


I like the CCTV idea, I had a camera at my last place, a black and white with sound for little more than £25 from B&Q. Connect it to a video recorder over night on long play and you can record the lot. :thumbs:


Get it fixed, enjoy it!! :)

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Guest prescience

Don't want to rain on the parade here, but I believe its illegal :rant: to point a CCTV camera off your property (e.g. onto the street outside for example). Pointing it onto your drive would be fine IIRC


Pretty sure there was a case recently?

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Don't want to rain on the parade here, but I believe its illegal :rant: to point a CCTV camera off your property (e.g. onto the street outside for example). Pointing it onto your drive would be fine IIRC


Pretty sure there was a case recently?



Hmmmmmm.. never heard this before , in fact Police came round recently to ask if I had any video of a previous night to see who was walking past at a certain time :teeth:

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Don't want to rain on the parade here, but I believe its illegal :rant: to point a CCTV camera off your property (e.g. onto the street outside for example). Pointing it onto your drive would be fine IIRC


Pretty sure there was a case recently?


Can't believe that's the case, wouldn't that make filming your kids in the park or taking photos illegal? :wacko:


I thought the law was the pictures were the property of whoever's camera it is?



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Sadly - it would appear the law is an ass.


Tracys father was once the victim of having the rear gates to his property vandalised time and time again - he reported it to the boys in blue time and time again - no action was taken and no visit was made.


He was simply told that without evidence there is nothing that can be done.


So the next time the kids were doing it, he started taking photos. One of their knuckle scraping parents phoned the police and reported him for taking pictures of children.


He had a knock on the door within the hour. :dry:


I have certainly used a video camera in the past to record the activities on my drive and around the general area in the street, usually at Halloween & Bonfire Night time of year.


Whethr its ilegal or not I dont know - but if I caught anyone damaging my property on a video camera and then identified them at a later date, I am fairly confident that my actions at that point int time would be illegal.

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Digsy what a week eh mate? I'd like to string the lot of em up and take pot shots with an ice hockey puck (6oz of solid rubber flying at their heads at around 90mph) for a few hours. Ahhhhh the thought of that now makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.............


Chin up mate remember what D-Ream said :D


As been said, get her sorted, get her waxed up and the world will feel like a much better place. We could all be driving round in 20yr old bangers but whats the point in grafting hard if you can't have the things that you enjoy?

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Guest prescience
Don't want to rain on the parade here, but I believe its illegal :rant: to point a CCTV camera off your property (e.g. onto the street outside for example). Pointing it onto your drive would be fine IIRC


Pretty sure there was a case recently?


Can't believe that's the case, wouldn't that make filming your kids in the park or taking photos illegal? :wacko:


I thought the law was the pictures were the property of whoever's camera it is?




Here is some sort of background

http://www.nfh.org.uk/resources/Article ... part_2.php

and here vis-a-vis hooking up a VCR

http://www.nfh.org.uk/resources/Article ... part_3.php


As I say I'm sure there was a recent case under the DPA and/or Human Rights where this was tested, perhaps in court, doubt I would've made it up - can't find the specifics ATM. I'm not condoning it, in fact it's cr*p if it is the case

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Sadly - it would appear the law is an ass.


Tracys father was once the victim of having the rear gates to his property vandalised time and time again - he reported it to the boys in blue time and time again - no action was taken and no visit was made.


He was simply told that without evidence there is nothing that can be done.


So the next time the kids were doing it, he started taking photos. One of their knuckle scraping parents phoned the police and reported him for taking pictures of children.


He had a knock on the door within the hour. :dry:


I have certainly used a video camera in the past to record the activities on my drive and around the general area in the street, usually at Halloween & Bonfire Night time of year.


Whethr its ilegal or not I dont know - but if I caught anyone damaging my property on a video camera and then identified them at a later date, I am fairly confident that my actions at that point int time would be illegal.

You know what, i am sick of the "law" these days, i makes me sick to think that proper justice is still not being served to offenders and that the victims are in fact the ones that get in trouble of lose out! What is it with this country!!! :rant: If someone damages my property and i have photo evidence of them doing it, i dont care if i get told i cant use it, it will show someone causing criminal damage to MY property, so they will go down one way or another!
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Don't want to rain on the parade here, but I believe its illegal :rant: to point a CCTV camera off your property (e.g. onto the street outside for example). Pointing it onto your drive would be fine IIRC


Pretty sure there was a case recently?


Can't believe that's the case, wouldn't that make filming your kids in the park or taking photos illegal? :wacko:


I thought the law was the pictures were the property of whoever's camera it is?






Here is some sort of background

http://www.nfh.org.uk/resources/Article ... part_2.php

and here vis-a-vis hooking up a VCR

http://www.nfh.org.uk/resources/Article ... part_3.php


As I say I'm sure there was a recent case under the DPA and/or Human Rights where this was tested, perhaps in court, doubt I would've made it up - can't find the specifics ATM. I'm not condoning it, in fact it's cr*p if it is the case


I'm not implying it was made up, just shocked if that's the case. Surely that would also make the sale of cameras for that purpose illegal to?! The law is most definitely an ass!

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So sorry to hear about this Digsy. I had some little cretin throw a handful of gravel at mine as I was driving past a couple of months ago :rant: A total of 21 small stone chips along the driver's door and rear wing was the result of that little tw@ts efforts. I didn't stop because I would now probably be facing a prison sentence.

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