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The HTC One has landed...

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Htc have come along along way from first handsets. Just finished a project with them and they have got some good ideas in the pipeline.


I Still sometimes use my Nokia 6310i for comedy value with the Dom jolly ring time, to be fair it still lasts longer than my iphone and gets more attention than any smart phone.

Edited by robin c
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Phone is amazingly fast. However, if you've used HTC phones before, sense 5.0 is quite different to previous versions.


Camera may only be 4.0 megapixels, but they've done that for a reason. Let's in 300% more light. Hardware and software package included makes this camera better than many others out there. HTC Zoe is the name of this camera package. Look it up.


Sound quality is great with beatz activated. Stereo sound is good. Possibly a bit too loud though for notifications.


Display, clean crisp. Higher pixels per inch than any other phone.


Car kit app, very clean and simple to use. Big improvement over previous versions is that its customisable. Big plus one for me.


Battery life is very good too.


Not too keen on notification sounds and ringtone sounds when compared to my HTC sensation.


Best phone I've owned... Yes. Better than the iPhone 5, IMO yes. Better than the Samsung galaxy s4? Hardware wise probably not, but close enough. But I'm a HTC & Android fanboy.


You've sold your iPhone for this? I hope you understand what you're doing by changing from iOS to Android? One great thing about iOS is that Apple create the hardware and software to work in perfect harmony. But it ends up monotonous and underpowered.


Android encourage you to make your phone yours. Make it unique. Make it yours. Get that home screen tailored to you. Check out a pretty little app called minimalistic text. Very pretty home screen widgets. Esp barcode font. Geek cool!

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