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Message to Chester West and Cheshire Council on FB.



Hi. I work on the bins as a Refuse Collection Specialist - specifically the part of the process where the rubbish is neatly and laboriously collected in the kitchen before warily hauling it all out to the multicoloured plethora of bins that dominate the vista of my drive way.


I require some clarification regarding certain parts of the process as I've never met my line manager to query it - he whizzes past in a noisy fashion (usually when I'm trying to have a snooze) in some sort of crazy looking venga bus themed bin wagon .......lets all it the 'Sunshine bus' variant of a bin wagon ........but he fails to acknowledge me as an employee for some reason


Anywho what I want to clear up is once I've completed my job in the refuse collection process I don't quite understand the theory behind slatting half of the rubbish all over the neighbourhood and then returning the other half to the bin with a leaflet on top moaning about how said refuse has presumably not been placed in an appropriate manner into the bin?

I mean surely that just defies the whole point of starting my second job as a refuse collector and my dragging my weary arse around the sodding kitchen every day (after I've finished my first job I might add), then hauling it all outside and placing it in the thousand and one bins I don't need if we're just going to laz it everywhere anyway. I could cut out the middle man and just do that for you.

Lastly I would like to see the occupational health please as I seem to be suffering from amnesia.....see I don't ever remember applying to be a bin man let alone having an interview!


Also I seem to recall;

A) paying THOUSANDS of pounds in council tax for my personal refuse to be collected and sorted for me by someone who has a more peaked interest in refuse collection and its inner workings.

B) living in an economy with millions unemployed so I'm feeling a little embarrassed that I have 2 jobs so feel free to give someone mine.

C) living in a fragile ecosystem that could really do without 2 perfectly serviceable wheelie bins being taken away and another wheelie bin and 3 pain the arse boxes being delivered. Also the cost of that must be astronomical......please see point 2.


Much love



P.s please speak to payroll.......you owe me 3 months wages. Also......I quit.

Edited by Ricey
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