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LED Markers Fitted


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So got some LED reflectors fitted today. To begin with I was pretty disappointed, as I thought they'd be brighter. Now I've seen them at night though..I love them.


I bought these off ebay for about £60...I do think that you could probably make better ones yourself and this is something I'll probably try in the future.


I've got them set up to come on with the sidelights.


'scuse the rubbish pic



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Yeah they look really good.


How did you open the reflectors up and then seal them again?


Very carefully by running a stanley knife round the seal, then gently prise apart. once done just reseal,I used super-duper glue stuff and a hot glue gun.


Make sure you fully test they are sealed again before putting back in the car. moisture is a bugger to get rid of once in them :lol:

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guys, I tried to make my own today…didn't go too well.


The dremel type thing I used was far too thick and made an absolute mess!


I carried on just to see how the rest would be.


A question, in my opinion it doesn't look very good that you can see the resistors and the little "cut here" symbols on the strips. Did you guys just leave it like that or use something to cover the strips other than the actual LEDs?


I'm thinking about Plastidipping them (of course covering the bulbs themselves)

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The dremel type thing I used was far too thick and made an absolute mess!


Errrrr Dremel? Have you got a pre-06 or post-06 Zed :shrug:


If post, you should not have used a dremel. I just left the strips as they were, so yes if you looked really closely you could see the PCB strip. You could have always run a little hot glue down and round the LED to blur/hide the writing :thumbs:


Got any photos?

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You need to drill a hole at the top of each lens, at the widest point with the dremel. The hole should be big enough to pass the cables through.


Get a sharp Stanley blade and very carefully put the blade between the joint where the lens meets the backing plastic, slowly work the blade around the lens joint until the 2 halves split apart, this will take some time. You will have to lever the blade in the slot you cut to make the two halves split.


Once apart, lay the led strip on the thin upright and secure with strong glue, superglue won't work!

Use a glue gun and place a dob of glue at the bottom of the LEDs.


Pass wires through the hole you made, and reassemble, don't use superglue it will coat the inside of the lens with a white coating.


Use a dob of clear silicone sealant to make good the hole where the wires come out.


Wire into the side light cables job done.


Will take you about 4 hours to complete. Note, the dremel tool will cause the plastic lens to go soft, stop, allow to cool and carry on drilling, repeat until you get through.

We used a pink grinding stone to make the hole, don't use a drill, this will shatter the plastic as it breaks through. Patients is the key.

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