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My dilemma- help...


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Shed is the way forward and a 106 pug diesel is where it's at. Got mine for £300 taxed + test and 650 miles to 40ltr. I thought the same at first, but I enjoy driving the Z more now and it feels so much more special, tends to stay clean for longer as I don't drive it when it's really crap outside, the miles are staying down and I don't have to worry where I park in Tesco anymore.

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Shed is the way forward and a 106 pug diesel is where it's at. Got mine for £300 taxed + test and 650 miles to 40ltr. I thought the same at first, but I enjoy driving the Z more now and it feels so much more special, tends to stay clean for longer as I don't drive it when it's really crap outside, the miles are staying down and I don't have to worry where I park in Tesco anymore.


+1 Come on the sheds!


Neil, they don't want to leave the Mearns because it is a lovely area (cough, snobby look at me, cough ). :lol:

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Shed is the way forward and a 106 pug diesel is where it's at. Got mine for £300 taxed + test and 650 miles to 40ltr. I thought the same at first, but I enjoy driving the Z more now and it feels so much more special, tends to stay clean for longer as I don't drive it when it's really crap outside, the miles are staying down and I don't have to worry where I park in Tesco anymore.


+1 Come on the sheds!


Neil, they don't want to leave the Mearns because it is a lovely area (cough, snobby look at me, cough ). :lol:

I know matey (2secs until I find my marbles and silver spoon :lol:

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Oi I'm proud of my silver spoon! I can't drive a shed with a silver spoon now can I? :lol:


I don't think the ignition barrel on my shed is that fussy? Key, spoon.....all good..... :lol:

Hahahahahaha Craig your sum man, your wittyness amazes me

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Oi I'm proud of my silver spoon! I can't drive a shed with a silver spoon now can I? :lol:


I don't think the ignition barrel on my shed is that fussy? Key, spoon.....all good..... :lol:

Hahahahahaha Craig your sum man, your wittyness amazes me


Especially for this time of night.. :lol: ....tucky tucky nighty nighty dreamy dreamy sleepy sleepy snoozey snooze time for me I reckon.

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I know wot ur saying doc but I owned my last merc for 18 months and lost 4.5k on it cos I sold it at 99k miles. Doesn't sound like a lot but I bought it for 9k! :scare:


I love this car even more than the merc (clk) but don't wanna lose half the value again


I'm 90% decided on option 4- trade the yaris for an a3, use that for work and the zed at weekends, attend some shows in the summer then reassess my situation

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I've got a fifth option for you.......Swap Zed's with me! :thumbs::yahoo::#1::cloud9:B)


Here's 4 good reasons why............


1) You'd still get to drive a Zed! :drive1:yahoo: (still oem sadly!) :blush:

2) My 06 GT only has 41.5k on the clock so another years mileage wont make much difference to the value! :thumbs:

3) I only live 15mins from you (Cathcart!) so you could come and visit your old Zed whenever you wanted! :thumbs:

4) You could relax safe in the knowledge that a fellow Forum member will look after your old Zed! :thumbs:


....That is, as long as the value of your Zed with all it's Mod's is about the same as mine?!? ie £12k ish!


Please say yes! :notworthy:

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Lol nice idea mate but OEM isn't in my vocabulary :lol:


12k is a he'll of an offer for mine tho lol


Damn! Thought you'd say that! Oh well! :shrug:


Bloody hell, just do a swap Irfan and re mod all over again....... Happy days :D


My offer of a swap would be open to you to Jay! :thumbs:


Bloody hell, just do a swap Irfan and re mod all over again....... Happy days :D

+1 there is just no pleasing this guy :lol::lol:


You too Neil! :thumbs:


I know I've got no chance but you can't blame a guy for trying! :lol:

I'm seriously considering asking Paul if he'd do a swap with me giving him some money too! :notworthy::cloud9:

Think my credit card could just stretch to the difference! :sweat::sweat:

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Lol cheers bro... I would poss give Paul a pm :thumbs:


Honestly! I'd love too but I just cant justify it right now! :bang: Maybe in a couple of months when my bonus goes through and if Pauls still got her! (£15k is just :#1: ) :yahoo:

Rather than blow it on Mods for my own Zed! (I'm reconing bout £3-5k should get me started!) I though I mite just buy/px a show/track ready Zed from a forum member looking to return to stock! :thumbs:

Save me loads of heartache getting mods sourced and them loads stripping and retro fitting! :thumbs:

Time will tell! :snack:


lol stu i wouldnt swap my zed for anything lol... pauls car is a truely magnificent beast

:lol: I knew you'd say no! Your not :doh: or :drunk::lol:

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