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350z Owner from the ME


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Hello guys,


I have just joined the forum and I like it already. I have been browsing through threads and I can clearly notice that the members are really friendly around here.


Anyways, my name is Danny and I am the proud owner of a 2005 Nissan 350z with Middle Eastern specs. I am located in Qatar btw.

My version is what is known as track in the US. I have the Brembo brakes, burnt orange leather, 6MT, 18" Rays, etc... BUT the car was manufactured in Japan and not in the US.


Here is a picture of my car:



I have covered the seats just to preserve their MINT condition :D


Anyways the issue is that since my car is a Jap, it came with a transponder key similar to UK specs (5WK4 876 /818 433Mhz). Actually two transponder keys and one key without transponder.


Lately one of the transponders suddenly stopped. I thought it was a battery thing, changed that... nothing :blackeye:


I have read the threads on this forum related to transponder issues, notably these:




And I have a question here. Are UK and JDM completely compatible in terms of FOB programmings?


Thanks fellas


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welcome to the forum. car looks prestine.


you have some nice roads that side of the world. I bet the zed have managed to stretch its legs few times.


no idea about the keys but I am sure some one in the know will be along shortly :thumbs:

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No, no rains. Very rare actually, like 4~5 times per year :bounce:

This pic was taken in a mall's parking lot. Not all roads are like this. Unfortunately, I bent the passenger side rim in a pot-hole. I was really :rant: at the construction workers since they never put a sign or WIP at that time.

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Hmmm.. he will not be able to find my Z since I shipped it back home on Christmas (Lebanon) and currently I am driving a company car going by the nickname "the tissue box". It is a 2009 Nissan Altima 3.5L which I DO NOT recommend to anyone :cold:


Yes I am Lebanese and not Qatari, just working same as your dad. I am also a member of my350z, NASIOC, Subaru SVX forums, etc..

The Z is my daily driver, the SVX is my monster project car B)


The only mods I have done on my Z are the Rogue short shifter, Nismo knob, Eclipse HU + rear view cam, CDT speakers, Alpine Sub and... and... the JDM +06 taillights B)

I also bought the Nismo V1 spoiler but it is not gonna be installed. I will sell it locally (Leb).


Now back to the Z, I shipped it to Leb and I was on vacation for two weeks at that time. After one week, I was having dinner at a restaurant, coming out, pressing the unlock button, nothing happened :blink: Again and again and again... still nothing. Opened with the key, next day changed the battery, still nothing... So I considered the worst case scenario that the chip is burned, so I started looking for a replacement transponder over ebay without luck. And all the Nissans in Qatar have the US specs transponder, mine was one of the very few Jap manufactured that were imported by Nissan Qatar.


Then it hit me, my Middle Eastern Spec Subaru SVX was the same as the European (notably UK) specs SVX. So I thought, maybe it is the case with the Nissan... and there you go ;)

Logged on to ebay UK, found the same transponder, bought it (them = 3 :wacko:) and had them shipped over. I just got two today and the third hopefully tomorrow. I wanted to program them in Leb for $15 each next time I go there (May), but I thought maybe there is something, some way cheaper than this that is DIY.

Again pushing it further to asking the experts in this, yourselves gentlemen :thumbs:


BTW, I work for Nissan Qatar, they don't have the exact replacement key and they cannot help me in this :bangin:

If your dad needs any help in Doha, let him call me when he comes over, here is my number 00974 5292350


Cheers :drunk:

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Trust me you don't. I am suffering now after 3.25 years of exile in this rotten country. I am used to mountains, green views, fresh air...

Over here it is all sand. And I understand in the UK it is all rain. Those are two extremes, you guys want something in between.


Check its layout on Google Earth, you will know what I am talking about :console:

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