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So Many Filtration Devices...


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...So much time... That's the only way I can explain why choosing the correct panel filter replacement would cause me so much pain.


So I ordered a Blitz panel filter and it's out of stock from the supplier I used so I looked around a bit more. That wasn't a good idea.

I saw Cosworth, seems like a simple replacement like the Blitz and HKS - more of a name thing than any real difference. Obviously this isn't a bad thing, it's not like they'll have significant impact on performance or noise or anything else. As fas as I can tell they're much of a muchness as my Mother would say before being reminded that 'muchness' isn't a word and she should consider that before saying such things in front of her highly suggestable children...

Anyway, so then I looked at K&N and Pipercross. Seem the K&N is washable and the Pipercross has somespecial kind of foam construction and they're the same price as the Blistz etc.

Seems like a plan to but one I can reuse eventually when it needs cleaning in a few years time.

So I know there's a lot of personal opinion involved in this and I appreciate that, however I have no opinion as I haven't used any before.


The Pipercross looks good to me, I like the impressive speak about the foam and like I said, I am highly suggestable...


Are there any comparrisons between the different versions availble - does anyone have any experience of using more than one? Does one make more noise/power/last longer etc and are there any down-sides to any of this 'technology' the manufacturers fail to tell me about?


Or should I just buy one and then moan it's wrong or post saying how much it's changed my life. Because it will. It will make thatt much difference.


I don't think I've ever spent so long thinking about spark plugs and air filters and oil as I have this last month. :yawn:

I'm so boring. :lol:

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i just bought and fitter a pipercross fanel filter to my 350, does make a nice differance, i had an apexi cone filter, then went back to the standard filter setup and really did notice a differance with how the car revved, but with the pipercross its much better, i found at least with piper cross they give you figures like 30% increased airflow where as hks just said increased airflow, so i went with the numbers...

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I bought a Pipercross. To me it doesn't appear to sound any different or make the car perform much differently, apart from being slightly smoother perhaps.


Meh, it's bound to make me more attractive to the fairer gender when I boast about how my new air filter improves airflow by 'up to 30%' and then rev my engine and wheel spin out of the car park with my hand waving them goodbye as I drive into the sunset with exactly no performance increase to my car whatsoever.






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