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Digital Camera Help


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Folks, i know a lot of you on here are keen photographers, looking for a bit of buying advice on a new digital camera.

Its for the girlfriend, she's got Comet vouchers to spend and needs a new camera.

Budget of £200, has to be portable enough to fit in her handbag and look the part.


Here's the Comet camera's page to help. Sony gets my vote but shes a "higher megapixels the better" believer.




Thanks in advance

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I bought a Samsun NV3 a few years ago and it fantastic little camera. Takes great photos, is very easy to use and very well made.


On our new years party last year, one of my house mates dropped it into a full pint of Beer. I left it to dry and the next day took the casing off to give it a clean. The part of it that was damaged was the lens cover. So i logged onto ebay and bought the same camera for £10 (it had been run over, the screen was cracked and it didnt power on) and took the lens cover out of that. Works perfect ever since.


Anyway, thats a bit off track. The replacemwent is the NV4 which looks even better. Thats prob what i would go for.



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