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Glasses guide price for '04 350Z GT


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Was wondering if anyone has access to or knows the latest Glasses guide prices for an '04 350Z GT as am looking to do a deal asap and just wondered how hard I should/could be bargaining - I know its a buyers market but would like to know what sort of price the car is worth in the market.



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Thanks for the advice. After looking at the guide price, I definately agree its well over what the real going rate is in the used market. Have been to a few car auctions where dealers were buying in stock and the price some really good cars were going through at was rediculously cheap!.



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All depends on what you are looking for,a price for,Cash buy, part ex, retail price, private sale etc


With the current market it toatally depends on so many things.


Cars that have been on the forcourt for more than a few months are probably getting near if not allready loss cars, unless they were bought very well as they have depreciated so much recently.

At the end of the day a dealer that is going to stay in business with this current market (in my opionn only ofcourse) is one who is going to recognise that and wants to turn cars quickly and the way of doing this ofcourse is buying right but also selling at a good price for the customer!


I think CAP is becoming the more used method of car pricing amoung traders, gives you a more acurate valuation, recognises any factory extras from your reg plate etc, grey import prices etc etc...


But the best way to gage it is like mentioned above trawl autotrader and pistonheads etc and you will get a decent idea of what you going to be able to get for your money.

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