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Getting stood up for a shoot!

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Grr why do i put faith in some people.


well here is the story,


first was someone offered to fly me to london for a shoot, but then sold their car and didn't even tell me it was for sale, so i was just left with no replies and no date and was a bit :( as i was looking foreward to it.


seconds was a lotus exige,


i knew the guy was selling it, and the first day he tried to arrange, i couldn't make it but i offered him days the next week and he didn't reply, chased him up asking if the tuesday would be ok, no reply, then sent one asking if this tuesday was on, yes or no, and guess what!!!! no reply.


Last night i was to have a black R8 to shoot,

the guy was going to text me when he was on his way to pick me up,

i know he finished work at about 8 sometimes, so was fine till then, but no text at all last night and considering i have friends from ireland over, you can imagine how annoyed i am that we stayed in to wait for this text. At least he sent me an email this morning saying he had sent a text last night (i guess to cancel) but his phone said it failed to send (this morning) so he emailed me.


So currently i have been let down by two folk and the third i think was an accident as he seemed to be really up for it, so i'm going to re arrange a time with him.


But being stood up for a shoot feels like @*!# and makes me question if my work is actually any good, or if i'm just being taken for a ride cause there free?


Sorry for the long read i just was a bit :rant:



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That sucks ass mate sorry 2 hear this! I am also not in a good mood! Was driving minding my own business when i heard a crunch! The carbon fibre front lip cracked right up the middle. Dont kno wat the hell caused it! But raging :rant:

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Mate that sucks. You say you are doing these for free? I take it they pay your expenses though? Could try doing it so that they pay a deposit which is refunded upon the shoot happening? Like you say, if its all free then they will take you for a ride as they lose nothing. You need buy in from them to give them incentive to actually turn up. Refunded deposit would be good as they buy in but the incentive is they get it back at the end :)

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the reason im offering some for free just now is to build up my portfolio so i have lots of makes of cars and different types, which means i can charge what i want as i can back up my prices with proof and experience.


i think the deposit idea is a good one, thanks chris.


thanks guys :D

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Gutted for you mate, but people will let you down unfortunately.


I think your works top notch and you really really should be charging its that good, even if its a small amount. I do like the idea of the deposit though while you build up your portfolio.


Keep your head up :)

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Another idea is that you work out your expenses and claim them up front. Only downside with that is that (a) you dont really know what it will cost and (B) if they dont show even the expenses dont cover the time you've lost. Guess you could wing it depending on the job, i.e. if its close then small deposit, if its a bit of a trek then get expenses paid up front :thumbs:

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Thanks everyone,


the guy is genuine, spoke to him 2day and he tried to text me last night to say work had called him back out again but my phone is playing silly buggers, as me and the missus figured out earlier.


but i do like this deposit idea and will look into it, as i give them the option that they pay my travel or they pick me up (i like the second as means i get a lift in ferrari and R8 )


this is why this is the 350z owners club, cause your all a big bunch of nice folk!



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