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Advice appreciated after jumpstart my drivers side window went down and will not go up

Andy b

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Repair Requirement INFOID:0000000004460995




1. Disconnect battery negative terminal or power window switch connector. Reconnect it after a minute or


2. Door switch is OFF (close).

3. Turn ignition switch ON.

4. Operate power window switch to fully open the window. (This operation is unnecessary if the window is

already fully open.)

5. Continue pulling the power window switch AUTO-UP. Even after glass stops at the fully closed position,

keep pulling the switch for 3 seconds or more.

6. Initializing procedure is completed.

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Try Ebized's procedure first. If that doesn't solve it, you'll probably needs to reset the electronics on your zed. I had similar issue when I replaced my internal lights with LED. Windows goes down but doesn't goes back up. Heated set stops working, can't lock my car via key fob. I sent it to Nissan and they can't find a fault but they said the reset my zed's electronics. It solved the problem.


Maybe someone here knows how to reset ? some sort of pedal dance??

Edited by veeg33
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I had this - caused by a build up of carbon brush debris inside the window motor. That's why whacking it fixes it - it moves the gunk off the contacts.


Took a couple of hours max to fix, not a difficult job at all, defo a DIY job. Just get the motor out, then open up the motor (couple of screws) then give everything a good clean. A light sanding afterwards on the contacts to get them nice and shiny then its good as new.


There's a DIY guide somewhere for this...

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