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Everything posted by Pimm

  1. Come on chaps, shall we do the 14th or 21st ?? I am happy to do either date Pimm 14th/21st
  2. I am not a lover of that colour but with those extras on it looks Tidy install
  3. Going on about being sunny but do you mean the last time it was dry I like that bumper alot and the side skirts look good but not over the top.
  4. Pimm


    Come on chaps this is unique and just a one off limited edition, special edition, rare......... hard to get hold of
  5. Yes agree the bose system is not perfect but it is not that bad imo. I do have the bass on setting 4 and for general music it does the job. I do have a sub with a built in amp hanging around and one day i may install that for a little more extra base. I reckon you may as well just tap into the speaker wires to get your signal and see what that sounds like and go from there. Keep us in touch with what you decide to do
  6. Pimm


    what shot are you starting off with and you going direct port or single port? bet you cant wait mate its a 75 shot, and i think a single shot...not 100% sure about that though...there is sooo many peices in the box, im sure glad im not fitting it I cannot wait for you to see how it goes..
  7. Pimm


    Great i reckon
  8. Ever since i have had my car this year it has done nothing BUT rain
  9. +1 This happend to me a few times. Now i run legal plates and no more hassle
  10. After some interest, get your names down for this Bristol mini meet that i have started http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight= Thanks
  11. What about the 14th or 21st September ?? 1 o'clock at the Mall car park(will discuss what entrance), and i will pm my mobile number just in case of any problems.
  12. Its a crazy world we live in
  13. If you go into the John lewis's car park it is underground and plenty of light to we could take a small corner of it
  14. I thought i would post this to see if anyone is interested in getting together at some point soon. I would like to meet up with some other members, not sure of when though so any suggestions or exact place to meet just add below. If we keep the meeting just for a couple of hours that may make it easier for people that may have to work or have other arrangements. Sound good ?? Thanks Heath
  15. Just had a good look at this car and phew, well nice Phil Only thing is that i look at my azure z and wish it looked like yours with all the bits on Best of luck with the sale
  16. Funny because when my petrol light comes on i fill up with V Power and still the most cash i have ever put in is £68. I know it is a 80 litre tank but when the lights comes on i wonder how many more miles you can go ??
  17. I think we should start a post in the meet section for Bristol and then open a discussion on times and dates
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