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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Mustang I recognised the little fin on the roof as mine has the same.
  2. Cheers Leon. Yep they're similar to the stripes i'm after, although i want a red, rather than white pinstripe. Not sure when i'll be in Macc next but will give you a shout when i'm around.
  3. Yeah, I prefer auto's. My first 350z was an auto import actually. Just looking at these pictures, they're not even close to doing the colour justice. It's quite a bit darker in person, and the quality is great - it looks like it's had about 100 coats of paint on it.
  4. Waiting to hear back from a local wrapping place... going for a gloss black roof with black stripes.
  5. Well, i've had the car for 6 days. Absolutely loving it so far. Every time I look at it I get a big grin on my face like a child. It's getting an awful lot of attention - i've literally lip read 2 separate people pointing and saying 'Mustang'! I washed and waxed it today with Dodo Juice Purple Hays which I had from back in the day. Also clayed and waxed the RRS with some cheap spray on stuff.
  6. A couple of my colleagues were talking about it today and they were saying they wouldn't be surprised if America was behind the poisoning in order to frame Russia.
  7. Yeah but thats just semantics. You're right, I haven't got £40k sat in the bank so no, I cant afford the car. But i own it, it's on my drive, i'm making the payments, and i've averaged 13mpg in my first 200 miles. Horses for courses I guess. I'm getting smiles per gallon with the fuel economy but tax is just money in the bin. As i dont see value in it I dont want to pay it. Im just really tight with money! I'll happily pick up 5p off the floor.
  8. Roughly 3 million new cars are sold in the UK every year, and about 85% of those are financed via deals similar to the OP's and the one i've just signed up to, so deals of this nature are very much the norm. The stigma attached to financing a car is a really old fashioned point of view in my opinion. You're right though - its obviously cheaper to buy a used car rather than new, but its also a choice - I chose for the first time in my life to splash out on a new car as a treat to myself (at age 34, same as you Andy!). Even if I had £40k cash spare, I wouldn't be spending it on a car. And again - saying if you care about a £500 tax bill you cant afford to buy the car, its utter tosh! I care about the tax bill and I can afford the car! You don't get rich by throwing money away.
  9. So i'm the idiot for being financially savvy and not wanting to throw £400 a year in the bin on road tax unnecessarily. Good one. You're right, I am putting my self in serious financial risk. Maybe you could give me some financial advice seeing as you're successful enough to be buying a GTR? Any help would be appreciated. You can yawn all you want pal. Look, i can do it too.
  10. I beg to differ! This week i've bought a new car priced at a smidge under £40k because if spending over £40k you have to pay £540 annual tax as opposed to £140. I don't want to waste money unnecessarily.
  11. I dont understand this logic at all... If only £11k is leaving his bank account in that period, how can he be losing £21k!? To the OP, i think this sounds like a really good deal based on PCP deals of similar cars. The only thing I would question is buying a 2018 370z in the first place, when they're essentially a 10 year old car at this point. I'd want something a lot newer for my money.
  12. I decided to go for the insurance in the end. With the gloss black rims, the slightest kerb mark is going to show up prominently, so I wanted that piece of mind.
  13. Well, it's been a long week but the wait is almost over... just 2 more sleeps to go! This is probably my favourite part of getting a new car to be honest... I pick the Mustang up on Monday night after work. I hope this beast from the east pt 2 has thawed out by then.
  14. Hey, thanks for the info. What is Ten Mustang, i can't find anything online about this? I'll check out the FB group, and i've already signed up to Mustang6g.com
  15. Fantastic. Put some pics up please when you get back.
  16. I've just got a new job as a Software Development Manager and our company is in the fuel card industry, with a multi-billion pound turnover. There are literally hundreds of active projects with fuel suppliers, distributors, networks etc across the globe. I brought up the future of EV's at my interview and asked what the future holds in this area, and whether there is a big push to integrate EV's into our product offerings, and they said there isn't. Within my my first week a request from a major fuel network who we've all heard of came in, to work on a proof of concept project to offer an electric fuel card - and our bosses all knocked it back and said they weren't interested! I was really surprised and thought when a major player like that comes to us first to test out a proof of concept with the potential that EV's appear to have we'd have been all over it. My bosses are the experts though so it could be a good indicator that the future is far from certain.
  17. Man... i'd love to drive Laguna Seca... Might have to put that on my bucket list.
  18. Keep posting GZ. I like EV's and I agree they will be the future. I'd happily have one now. The constant bashing and digs at your posts on here by others is ridiculous. If you dont like GZ or EV's, read another thread instead of trolling this one.
  19. Oops, got those digits in the wrong order somehow. I meant its 4784, so that'll leave me 11cm spare front and back,
  20. Progress looks good. I pick up my Mustang in a few days and i've just measured my garage. Width is fine as it's a double, but length... my garage is 5000mm and the 'Stang is 4478mm so it's going to be pretty close... phew!
  21. That is stunning, what a brilliant job.
  22. Check out the drift days at Oulton Park. Easy, safe, doesnt hurt your car or tyres. Here is me and my mate last year. http://player.vimeo.com/video/222959151
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