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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. found this.... e223. Creating a New Key Pair and Self-Signed Certificate Using keytool This example uses the keytool program to create a new key pair and self-signed certificate for the principal Duke. The example generates a 1024-bit Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key pair. > keytool -genkey -alias alias -keystore .keystore Enter keystore password: password What is your first and last name? [unknown]: Duke What is the name of your organizational unit? [unknown]: JavaSoft What is the name of your organization? [unknown]: Sun What is the name of your City or Locality? [unknown]: Cupertino What is the name of your State or Province? [unknown]: CA What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [unknown]: US Is correct? [no]: yes To create a 1024-bit RSA key: > keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -alias alias -keystore .keystore
  2. Bose skip is very common, especially in the winter! - mine is okay at the moment in this heat though but Im due to replace it soon
  3. SunGodRA has been my internet name for years. I used to study ancient egypt as a hobby and Ra, the Sun God symbolized the creation of every living soul. A legend goes that the Sun God Ra divided his body into a number of parts which created the other Egyptian gods. The first creation of his body or his divine children were 'Shu' the god of air or wind, and his wife, Tefnut, the 'spitter' or goddess of rain. He was the grandfather of Geb, the god of the Earth and his wife Nut, the goddess of the sky.
  4. the new iPhone has a built in compass - you may laugh at this, but it means that TomTom can work very efficiently on it (once its released) - and aparrantly, the new video recording is very good as well
  5. public forum - be careful what u say
  6. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/19%22-DARE-R1-ALL ... 2001r28650
  7. Welcome and again rims Someone will be interested in your Rays for track etc - how much u after?
  8. Im gonna try a write a little script to autovote for you - so it picks up a different IP address each time Let me know how many votes you want me to set it at
  9. Welcome to the foum If you do a search will find most of the answers - but I would have though your age might be a big problem with insurance companies - have you had any quotes?
  10. iPhone Blackberry is a bit iffy for business email unless you have Blackberry Enterprise Server installed, and even then you cannot accept things like shared calender invitations etc. But if its not for business use, I guess its down to personal choice
  11. I went to flash you, but squirted my washers instead! LOL (cant get used to car hopping)
  12. What a can of worms I have opened here!
  13. DOH! - not a clever marketing ploy - I am so stupid for posting it !!! - never gonna win it now
  14. I finally took your advice Shire about the black roof (in a topic last year) - all booked in now for end of month - rear tints to follow - looks lovely on your car mate
  15. I have got mine booked in at the paintshop in a couple of week - I think black roof looks so on silver/gunmetal car Got a good price as well - £150!
  16. She'll sell you one Oh and don't lie. We all know you just had a porn marathon alone! No, shes a great lass, we had a really long chat on IM, had a great laugh and I told her I was going to wind her up by posting that
  17. After a long conversation with Nixy in private chat (we are now engaged and planning on having children) - I have decided to call my car after the new love of my life - NIXY Looking to buy private reg now
  18. Go to http://www.match.com or watch some porn........
  19. Nixy - now your single - fancy a drink?
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... NA:GB:1120 Anyone here bidding on this? Cos I am!!!!! Let me have it!
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