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Everything posted by N1SM0350z

  1. "These High Performance Air Induction Systems will eliminate the restrictive air filter boxes that are present in all vehicles today. By replacing the box with a less restrictive intake system, you can produce up to an additional 13 to 15Bhp This is accomplished by gaining 1 HP for each 10°F reduced. Each kit utilizes mandrel bends for a custom fittment for each particular vehicle." So does that mean they can reduce it but 130 to 150 F then? and even if it did work the ECU would cancel it anyway.
  2. that Kia loked brand new when ud finished! top job!
  3. P'Md I htort you had to pay for spotted cards
  4. I really should get some spotted cards, could double the member count on here
  5. If the comunity support officers use thier little device that tells you how fast your going and your speeding you dont get a ticket or points do you? you just get a warning letter then if you get 3 the police are involved? Im sure I saw this on TV. Anyone know? Thanks
  6. When I searched I came up with a long list of your posts. There must be a mystical 350z layline running through Wokingham. posts about what? Layline does that mean like "underground" or secret/ sorry for being a pleb im tired thats my excuse neway
  7. Azure 06 roadster but not a face lift on the A329 heading towards reading around 12:15 ish. Then another Azure roadster heading towards reading at around 13:00 ish it looked like the same one again.
  8. Well if I was allowed to drive the Zed it may have been me but as im not then it cant have been , it GV06 so definately not, dont recognise that plate either. Back to martin in the studio..
  9. Thats a shitter dude When someone rearended my dads first one it was going to be £17000 worth of repairs so they wrote that off too. Hope it pans out alrite
  10. Pardon my stupidness , but what do these do?
  11. May be it was an older model unregistered in the dealer that they hadnt shifted before the facelifts cameout and had a good price on it because of the new models coming out so was bought and registered in 06, I have seen a couple for sale before where I think this has happened but either way its not the facelifted model
  12. Whats the verdict then?? Good news I hope.
  13. I waited a 9 months to get it modded in the first place because i was dicked around by Veilside, only got it back 7 weeks ago, think i should win an award for the most bad luck You should win the award for most patient!!
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