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Everything posted by captint

  1. YEY I have a picture of some that fit the description some where
  2. captint

    Pics Of Tinting?

    Hanel has some pretty sweet tints done, personally I aviod it, so you can see my cheesy ass grin as I over take you
  3. Did you exchange numbers and arrange to go to a drive in and then up to Pleasure Point with her
  4. http://www.break.com/index/busted_finger_big_time.html
  5. From a purchase perspective, got any pics as I would hate it to look like a bottom feeder
  6. I need to know, from where , how much they weigh and the dims, but of course it will be cheaper, I am a genius
  7. I always wondered how Tim Henman was so rich, seeing that he was so sh1t at Tennis and now I know
  8. Road Angel, only way forward
  9. No, once those checken wings come out everything else is a blur
  10. They do mate! There's one in Nottingham, went to it on ma mates stag a few years back. Close your ears, you could have swore you were in the US of A.....then again http://www.hooters-uk.com/ Yup it rocks, plus they sevre chicken wings in Spearmint Rhinos in Langley which is like 2 miles from you
  11. that is too funny! It was four by the way
  12. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7467226554
  13. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8271530284
  14. Congrats Ming, I hope you are happy together
  15. The lights are like Le Mans lights
  16. Through it off the south if the Island, it will end up in Northern France eventually
  17. Really I have a cassette of the sesame street rave tune, if you really like listerning to muppets
  18. Dude the US is getting to you
  19. Seen them for £400 smackers B4 and are one of the best front WD classic HH's around
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