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Everything posted by stuey

  1. im a straight and up front fella............
  2. Yeah but does your lovely girl griend know? yeh she duz..............
  3. hey guys................... i got a lovley girlfriend now.................. me and charlie are just friends................. she and her friend are staying here on the saturday night...!!
  4. oi oi oi......................... wots goin on here.........
  5. well done pedrosa in jerez................. awsome ride..............
  6. replied outcome??..............
  7. stuey

    Best Advert

    im gonna buy a lighthouse...................
  8. mine are polished up............ tyres on................. ready to go..........
  9. anyone tempted to put summer wheels on yet............
  10. some nice cars in there.... ................ but like your other link.............. rubbish music......!!
  11. but i look alot younger than both of you................
  12. im a plus 1 now too.......................... and for the carvery................. add me in mods.............
  13. Yes you will , i forgot to mentionat work the water rates bill was £1200/annum ..we switched some years back to a meter and now pay......................................................................................................................................................................... wait for it £150/annum and i bet £149.00 of that is cups of tea................
  14. no.... this is my bill at the moment................. this is why im considering a meter...........
  15. sounds like i would be quids in then.............
  16. just had an anual water and sewage bill from welsh water............ £619.00 so i rang them and they sed i would benefit from a water meter as i am a single occupant and would probly end up paying around the £200 mark... anyone else on a meter and how much do you pay for how many people also......................
  17. wont be long before this site turns into a bingo site with all these girls here.......... Haha, you wish Stuey. Hey Lulu, don't forget to pop in and say hi at http://www.zchickz.com. Site is run by ladies, so you get the normal forum behaviour. the more the merrier..................
  18. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CPou2w_m4g4 enjoy................ especiallly after 1 and a half minutes...........
  19. man and hi wife driving down the road when they see an injured skunk on the side of the road the wife sez............. aww......... we cant leave him there ...he will get run over......!! so the fella sez... ok il stop and we will take him to the vets... you can put him on your lap .. she sez.... you cant put him there..... it stinks................. so the fella sez............. ok..... put a peg on its nose then.......!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. wont be long before this site turns into a bingo site with all these girls here..........
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