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Posts posted by Chris`I

  1. Must be an update to IE10. The forum doesn't natively have spell checking that I know of. Firefox and Chrome have had this for years, IE is finally catching up. Ditto the simleys disappearing, must be an IE10 issue as they work fine for me on FF and Chrome.

  2. Sorry we've been archiving old threads to try and alleviate this kind of issue, but if its been busy then it may have been the cause or added to the load. I'll keep the archiving work to non peak times. I seemed to be going ok at 21:30 when last checked. Should speed things up once we're done.

    • Like 1
  3. US edition of the Nismo is meant to be a stripped out racer, akin to the GT3 in 911 terms. However, Nissan's take on that is to give you crappy non-leather seats and remove the sat nav :lol: I think over here they'll stick all the extras on so they can charge more ;)

  4. I got 8.9 out of a tank once and it took over a hundred quid when i filled it. Wasn't on roads though ;)

    I got about that at an airfield day. The whole tank was an average of 16MPG and that was with half a tank for cruising there and back to up the reading a bit :lol:

  5. Maybe do it before and after just to be sure? :headhurt:


    Certainly shows the kind of fallout you get around metalworking. My old Zeds used to live at Slough train station car park and after a few months the paint would feel horrible. If I did as you did with Iron X it would have likely looked the same. Made the clay bar earn its keep!

  6. Can any one give me some advice on stone chips that have gone to metal, rust spot?

    By no means an official answer, but on my old 350z, I had a rusty stone chip on the roof line at the windscreen. I got some Krust from Halfords, put that on as directed then painted over the top with a P4U touchup kit. Couldn't see it was there afterwards and it never came back or bubbled from underneath :thumbs:

    • Like 2
  7. Paints4u are a great colour match for the GM Zed. When I had my 350z it was far better than Halfords.


    I'm just finishing a little spray project today where I've used some P4U rattle cans and again the colour match to the bus is very good.

    • Like 1
  8. Cleanse before wax depending on which polish you use. As said above, if it breaks down properly then you're fine, but if you're using AG SRP, it has fillers/silicone which you'll want to remove so cleanse the paint before wax.


    If in doubt do what you feel like, at the end of the day the most important phase is removing the defects, anything after that is just adding a few percent of perceived benefit ;)

  9. My sister told me Yahoo won't accept F*ckoffyoulowlifescumbags22 :shrug:

    I would be very worried of any company that monitors what you try to put as a password. Technically the more profusely abusive you are in your password, the stronger it is! :#1: You should see some of the system passwords we have at work, no hacker will ever guess or brute force them with a library attack :lol:

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  10. I don't mean to add pressure... but you're getting close to Wales if you include the 6-8 weeks waiting for the paint to harden before you can polish/wax it. ;)

    Good job its not a Zed eh! Function over form on this vehicle, we can polish it at a later date. You'll be lucky for it to be clean, let alone polished :lol:

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