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Everything posted by JimmyJam75

  1. You betcha ! But in the meantime, I'm selling my current car to help pass the time!
  2. if you have that pic to hand, then yeah - let's take a look ! cheers, Jim
  3. Hoorah !! I got the registration today.. and a time for pick up... roll on the 1st ! (16 days to go...)
  4. Last night we were visited by two 'vast' spiders... Check out the picture on my space: http://jamesneildawson.spaces.live.com/ Can anyone better this? Anyone else have horror stories to tell?! JimmyJam75
  5. Nice one... I've opted to wait for mine... 18 days to go....
  6. An update on waiting times.. I order a new gunmetal coupe GT on 1st June and it was delivered to the dealer last Friday. I'm going to wait for Sept 1st for the new reg, but I make it two and a half months waiting time..
  7. I'm trying ! In the meantime, I've bought some more goodies ready for it's arrival. a luggage net and a tax disk holder - both from Holdcrofts at an excellently discounted rate - I can highly recommend them!
  8. I've just had a call from the dealer... it's here... Now all I have to do is wait 22 days until I can pick it up... AAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH !!!!!
  9. I'm afraid I agree with M13KYF - it's borderline chav.. a bit naff...
  10. You sure can !!! (well, most of the popular original games anyway.. )
  11. I thought single player PDZ was a real let down, but online seems to be the favourite battle ground for most still (when you can get a connection!). By my reckoning, you still can't beat a Halo 2 deathmatch.. I'd be up for arranging a match if anyone's interested?
  12. I love my 360... PGR3 is excellent, but yes repetative after a while. Call of Duty 2 is the best game on the 360 by far, although PREY is a very close second. I'm often online playing away, so add me to your friends list if you fancy a race / fight! My gamertag is also JimmyJam75
  13. Personally I'd have to recommend an all inclusive 2 weeks in Barbados. I was there on my honeymoon in May and have never been so chilled and relaxed. The 2nd week was spent touring / exploring the island. Virgin Atlantic do some good deals but expect to pay lots. Check out my space for my Barbados review and more photos! http://jamesneildawson.spaces.msn.com/ Jim
  14. Whoops... the link should work now. Please check out my space and feel free to leave a comment. http://jamesneildawson.spaces.msn.com
  15. On Sunday, the wife and I went to Silverstone for the last day of the Classic Race meet. We stumbled across the Classic Z Register, so I took a few piccies for you all to see! There's a small blog entry and more pics on my space: http://jamesneildawson.spaces.msn.com Ta ! Jim
  16. Oh bums.. so it seems I may have a spare BT adaptor then! If so I'll put it up for sale closer to the time. Cheers all ! Jim
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear from him for DAYS.. !
  18. OK.. So I know I've been going on about this for ages in some of my previous posts .. but .. the wait will soon be over. My Z is due to the dealer mid August, so I've devided to post-pone collection until 1st Sept, that way I get the new plate. It's only another couple of weeks, and I'm certain I've dont the right thing.. (!?) it's just the wait is unbearable... Especially, as I've been buying stuff for the car already: a stubby aerial, BT adaptor and a Z key-ring (which came yesterday.. in it's own lovely little presentation box - *sniff*).. - SEE PIC *SIGH* Is anyone else picking up a new Z on the 1st? Does anyone have the ability to time travel? 5 weeks... how am I going to cope... HELP! Jim
  19. Woah !!! - I didn't realise that my topic would cause so much controversy! Thanks for all your input guys. I did actually purchase the BT adaptor from one of this sites recommended outlets, and maybe I won't need it after all. But, we'll see. I'll be picking up the car on 1st Sept (it's delivered mid August but decided to hang on for the new plate).. so I'll wait and see what's inside .. Jim
  20. This dreaded clicking.. is it known to affect the 06 > models? (STILL waiting for mine... *sniff*)
  21. Thanks for all your comments guys... I don't want to step on anyones toes here (me being new an' all!) but I'm still edging towards the fact that my 06 Coupe will have bluetooth integration - i.e. be bluetooth 'ready' but that I'll still need the optional 'extra' of the Bluetooth adapter for it to work. In fact - this is kind of what the guy I'm buying it from tells me, and that in most cases Nissan will try to charge for extras where-ever possible. He said he'll try to find out a concrete answer for me.. When I get it, i'll post it. Meantime, I guess until we hear from a new 06 Coupe owner, or until my Z arrives.. (please God let it be soon).. I'll have to wait and see !! JimmyJam
  22. cheers mate - hopefully someone can clear up the 'adapter' question for us.
  23. I think I've been a bit of a loon. I'm (still) waiting for my 06 model 350z to arrive and am currently buying up a few accessories for when it arrives. I'd like to use the bluetooth feature on the car which I assume means I can make hands-free calls & use the buttons on the steering wheel?? Is this right? I've bought a 'Bluetooth Adapter' from one of the recommended retailers on this forum, but having looked further into it, I'm not sure I need it. Doesn't the 06 model come with bluetooth already? If so, does this mean the adapter is just for use on pre-06 models? This is probably already been asked on the forum, but a quick search couldn't answer this for me. Feel free to a) boot me to the appropriate thread and, boot me up the you-know-what for asking what is probably a very silly question! Many thanks, JimmyJam
  24. VERY impressive photos.. nice one!
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