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Everything posted by JimmyJam75

  1. As the person who started this thread, and as I've now got my new Z, I'm happy to confirm (as have others already) that the bluetooth adapter came with the car, included in the price. Sorted. Just got to find the time to set it all up now ! Jim
  2. hmmm that didnt work.. oh well, check out the link to my space and follow the photo album link for 01-Sep Z Day.
  3. Finally got some pictures of my new Z onto my space: http://jamesneildawson.spaces.live.com/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaHandler=TWljcm9zb2Z0LlNwYWNlcy5XZWIuUGFydHMuUGhvdG9BbGJ1bS5GdWxsTW9kZUNvbnRyb2xsZXI%24&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaFolderID=cns!160E294CACEA171E!2133&_c=PhotoAlbum Jim
  4. BTW - I have taken a few pics and I'll be sticking them up on the space ASAP.. I'll let ya know when... JJ
  5. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!! :teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth: :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: Picked it up this morning !!! 10:00.. been driving all day / seeing (showing off to) friends.. ! Love it... it's been worth the wait, worth buying new and worth holding off for the 56 reg... everywhere I went peoples heads turned... Jim's a happy bunny.
  6. :) NOT LONG TO GO NOW !!!!!!!!!!! :)
  7. oh yeah... whoops... i knew i should have checked more closely...
  8. not long to go now !!!! a day and a half - ish ! btw - I might not be on here for a while.. as I'll be far too busy out on the road..
  9. .. losing... plot... ... can't... continue... ...I ... must... focus ... mind ... on ... something... else.....
  10. Yes please, that'll be excellent... an email / contact no. would be great too.. Cheers !
  11. Thanks for the advice... Does anyone know of anywhere local to me (Berkshire) that does this service?
  12. Are Monkey Trousers... - trousers that monkeys wear (such as organ grinder monkeys), or.. - trousers that you can wear to make you look like a monkey, i.e. fluffy with a tail.. It's been bugging me for ages. Jim
  13. yeah.. i know... .. once a software tester, always a software tester... woah... i nearly bored myself then.. zzzzzz
  14. lovely, will do... and I take it I should hold off polishing it for a while (as mentioned on another thread), as it's new? just stick to a wax?
  15. I think it might be really useful to have the 'post' links (ie. 'view unread posts', 'view your posts', etc.) on the footer of the page as well as the header. I find that I have to scroll back up after reading a thread, to get back to the 'view unread posts' link. Maybe an easier solution would be 'Top of Page' link? Jim
  16. In fairness, no, it wasn't the M Coupe.. but as far as styling (interior and exterior) you can't beat the 350Z.. Crikey.. i still get nightmares thinking about the bland unattractive inside of the Z4.. yuk..
  17. No way !!! I was completely the opposite.. I test drove a Z4 coupe in May and in my opinion it's nothing compared to the Z. During the test drive, a Z came the other way and i couldn't take my eyes off it.. the dealer turned and said to me 'I've got no chance selling you this car have I!?'.. he was right!.
  18. only 2 days to go !!!!! Mike - you'll be pleased to hear that I bought a nice cleaning / polishing kit at the weekend...
  19. no worries guys - I've sold it to a forum member already, cheque pending, for a price we're both happy with. sorted.
  20. Then I paid slightly more from another dealer linked to this fourm. In that case, I'm open to offers.
  21. Crikey .. i knew there was something I'd forgotten.. I've been getting all the other bits ready, the stubby aerial.. luggage net etc. etc.. right, down to the shops tomorrow for a set of new sponges, cloths etc. ! timely reminder Mike - cheers..
  22. You bet !! I'm getting to sleep later and later.. hopefully on friday night I'll have the best nights sleep in ages !!! unless i'm still out on the road that is !
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