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Posts posted by Aashenfox

  1. In that case, can I just say, that while I would never say strudul is completely innocent of what he is accused (he does like to argue!), he is treated with an unnecessary level of disrespect around here (since the exhaust blowing incident), and some of you have started to deliberately 'set him off' recently, A reset is certainly warranted on BOTH sides. May I suggest that if you are tired of hearing Strudul's slightly left field rhetoric, then just add him to your blocked users list, because the disdain that some of you now have for him, is hampering your objectivity and actually causing you to become the bad guys at times.


    /gets down off soapbox and stops wagging finger

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  2. I can almost guarantee there will be very strong protests (I hesitate to use the word riot) in major cities if the Tories win today. It almost makes me want to see Labour win, just to see if we get the same thing from right-wingers.


    And of course, anyone who voted Tory will be called evil and morally bankrupt and that we wrecked the country. I just want the best for my country, I couldn't really care less who was in power as long as they make things better. If Labour win and they can make things better without screwing me to the wall then I'm all for it. :)


    That's ok, I'd label anyone who didn't vote Tory (this time, only) selfish at worst, or at best, failing to understand what's in their own best interest (and that best interest has absolutely F all to do with Tory vs Labour policy, it's ONLY about making sure whoever wins has a strong majority so there isn't endless back and forth bickering over details of brexit). When the Trump has been impeached, and Brexit is a memory, and ISIS has been contained, then you can start looking to the future again, for now, please, I beg you, think of the SHORT TERM success of the UK in this global turmoil and give someone a strong majority. I am a tory, I was raised tory, but that has nothing to do with this, if I thought Labour had a better chance than the Tories, I'd be saying vote labour. Who wins is not important, what's important is that whoever it is, they win big. Contrary to popular belief, politicians aren't idiots (except Boris). What we really need right now is Winston Churchill, which is why the Tories have been banging on about strong and stable leadership (and ridiculed for it, naturally, because we haven't seen strong leadership in decades), but they know the public is sick of chinless wonders in Downing Street so want to present the illusion that they can do the Churchill job for us. We are obliged to give them a chance to try, or suffer the consequences.


    It;s only for a few years, go back to voting based on policy next GE.


    If there is no majority for either party, this will be the 4th travesty of democracy in as many years.

  3. No, Dan said 'not in my lifetime', and gangzoom said 'a lot sooner than that', then later agreed with a clarification in the region of 'less than 16 years'. That was all in response to the assertion labelled 'EV taking over' which is a very woolly statement to start with, but that is the assertion I was responding to, using my own criteria to determine when EVs have 'taken over', as described in my posts. :)


    There will 'always' be ICE powered vehicles 'around', as they are such an important piece of our history.


    Exactly when they reach a point which you can label, 'in ascendence', that's a hard one to call. If you want another metric, when 50% of vehicles are EV, I'd go with about 20 years, just a gut instinct, it would be difficult to express why I think that.

  4. If everyone changed their car every year, your figures would be right, and the problems would be less. But particularly the older generation (over 50s) are on 20 year plus cycles for their automobiles and will simply not consider replacing it until it needs replacing. The government cannot force people to spend money they don't have so you can expect for at least the next 30 years, that petrol vehicles will still be around albeit in ever dwindling numbers. Then there's the problem of people selling their cars AFTER the EV boom starts, when nobody will want to buy a second hand petrol car at all, and they will have basically lost the capital that was in their current car (a significant proportion of a person's net worth), potentially precluding the possibility of buying an EV of an equivalent class, or even causing an individual to have to get into debt, again somewhat unfair. There's a lot more to it than simply 'electric is better so it will win quickly'. :)

  5. We'll be the modern equivalent of equestrian enthusiasts annoying people in our crazy smelly noisy slow outdated machines.


    You can bet that the V6 sound will be missed and more thumbs will be raised in general by passers-by at least. :)

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  6. You could do a sportsman's bet, y'know.


    The point was more for you to define moving away from fossil fuels. You say within our lifetime, but what would you consider as us successfully moving away from oil & gas.


    I would say combustion cars wouldn't be mass produced and over 50% of the UK grid energy is generated consistently via solar/wind would be massive departure from where we are now. I would be disappointed if by the time my daughter is old enough to drive people are still buying brand new combustion cars on a regular basis for the purposes of transportation.


    And this...funny you should mention '50% of energy made from renewable sources', it happened yesterday for the first time ever. Yay us!



  7. So 16 years then? Jeez man, that's even more optimistic than I thought you might say. Shame you're not a betting man, I'd have put my house on that one! :lol:


    Actually I think it'll happen a lot quicker than that....but as I say I'm not a betting man :D.


    I support everything you say, except that. It will be AT LEAST 25 years before petrol cars are banned (or rather, it is discouraged except in niche markets to produce and sell them in the UK), and even then there will be a grace period of 10 years or so for people to make the change, so figure 30 years MINIMUM before the only new cars being sold do not burn anything, but instead merely inconvenience a large number of electrons. That's my prediction anyway, and it doesn't apply to the US who will be using petrol for at least the next 50 years, imo.

  8. Amazing. And I'm sure that this wasn't your point, but I want to say anyway for anyone else who might be reading...


    That's transplantation rather than implantation and it's not an improvement on the original design. It's critical to differentiate between choosing to integrate technology into a fully functioning body (because you believe it is an improvement, or at least a useful augmentation to the original part), rather than repairing or replacing a broken or missing body part. In other words, while Tilley's story and arm IS amazing and shows how far we've come, would you choose to swap your real one? Obviously not yet, which shows that we still have a long way to go. But bone conduction is a tangible improvement on our ears, as it gives our ears bluetooth connectivity, and therefore is a different category of bio-implantation.


    Just pointing out the difference as far as the debate goes, not trying to correct you or anything or reduce the relevance of your post, Jay. :)

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  9. Human implantation will begin soon I reckon, starting with bone conduction audio. A tiny 'speaker' of a sort, attached to a bone, vibrates your skeleton to create sound waves, gives you audio in your head that only you can hear (it;s already available in retail products). Quality isn't great yet, but it will get there, at least for taking calls it will be fine, and when it's implanted internalyy directly to a bone without skin in the way, naturally quality will better. No need for headsets any more and no need to cover your ears to be able to hear something privately (I hate headphones for this reason, I feel cut off from reality cos my ears are blocked and I can't hear what's going on around me, bone conduction is perfect for people like me, as you can still fully hear your surroundings at normal volume, as well as whatever else you are hearing.


    There are potential pitfalls even in something so simple, what if someone hacked it and forced you to listen to Agadoo at full volume 24/7, you'd cut yourself open to get rid of it!! It's stretch, but things like that will have to be considered. :)

  10. I found it boring and pretentious. Nice idea, but dull as ditchwater.


    The cinematography and direction was as good as the first Alien. It was a little slow, but that was for you to enjoy the imagery, which was, phenomenal, every scene had impact. The fact that the robot, the ultimate in technology, was designed and existed in the middle of the most organic of things, a rainforest, was one of my favourite aspects, there was a lot of that, contrasting imagery. The dancing scene was something else as well, showing the total lack of humility in front of something so important. If you watch it with a critical eye, it's hard not to love it. I'm usually an action fan, but that movie has so many subtle genius touches, almost easter eggs, that you gotta tip your hat and say respect, imo.

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  11. SS, is there a pic of the twin you've bought that I'm not seeing? I'll tell you what it's a clone of if you want.


    Strudul, you have to be a special kind of person to want to drive a Z with a single, one pipe means only one set of baffles, so they are ALL exceptionally loud from what I understand.

  12. Yep, 1995 is about right for all of this. Kingston was serious business back then, couple of yardies making a lot of trouble, stabbing guys and one guy got his ears cut off I remember. Ah happy hunting grounds. :lol:


    Yes, we always had the met if we got in trouble in Kingston, cos it's borough of Richmond I think. Esher, Walton, Molesey, it was the Surrey force for Elmbridge (right?)


    Kingston is in the borough of Kingston.


    Yeh you're right, I probably got confused cos I've lived in Richmond too! :lol: I've been gone for 15 years in december, that isn't gonna be the only thing that I probably remember wrong. :lol:

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  13. Lower one is an amateur effort, clearly a lol smiley with crappy animation tacked on, though I do like the physics effects, quite accurate arc in each direction, the upper one lacks imagination. 6 and 4 out of ten respectively (lower, upper). :lol:

  14. Pathetic. I was thinking more like...



    I was always really impressed by this animation, cos despite being side on you can still see the nostril jets. Very accurate. :)

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  15. To prevent terror attacks? More surveillance, more undercover, more help from Muslim communities. That's it.


    For the time being, I 100% agree. I sincerely hope my escalation scenario never needs to be considered.

  16. I just don't see how handing a few tazers out would be such a big deal, whereas it would prevent deaths in attacks. There were people hitting the terrorists with chairs and crates and stuff, it's not like you can say that people aren't willing to have a go, and fair play to them. Don't know if I would have, I just wish they had tazers instead of crates and skateboards. Respect.

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