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Posts posted by Aashenfox

  1. For someone who doesn't agree with it, you've done a good job of arguing for it. (Edit, not you Col).


    It's a silly idea, end of. Try and argue the toss about it all you like, but it's never going to happen and would cause more problems than it solves.


    I think in an escalation scenario, it would be as viable as martial law. There are many similar examples where citizens are so armed should the need arise, Switzerland is the only one I'm sure of that springs to mind.

  2. Still, it's better to force them to adapt or prevent the one or two it takes them to switch tactics. Picard knew his phasers were ultimately useless against 10 borg, he still used them on the first two.


    I welcome your viable alternative.

  3. I don't thin it's an insane idea, have you guys forgotten the conditions?


    Conditions for my plan of implementing the arming of 10% of the population of London's nightspots with a tazer, which they are under no obligation to take OR USE:


    One of these attacks is happening once per 2 months (to warrant some kind of martial force in the first place, perhaps this is why you think it's insane, you forgot that the ESCALATION of these events is the scenario under discussion here)

    People are primarily engaged in hand to hand combat (stabbings etc, as two of the last three major incidents)

    The usual case is that the vest is fake or not present at all (as two of the last three incidents)

    The police have not been able to respond fast enough to prevent people being stabbed to death in the street in front of their relatives/friends/the general public (as one of the last three incidents, and the one we're mainly talking about in this topic, 8 minutes is an amazing response time, but to be amazing ENOUGH, you'd need teleporters)


    That covers pretty much everything you said, right col? We were always talking about a situation where it was no longer safe to go out, or the risk was so high that significant numbers of people stopped doing so. It;s not an insane idea and I feel insulted that you think I would be capable of putting forward and presenting as serious an 'insane' idea.


    Dan, about those Americans, tell me something. Does it work as a society? Are they living in fear? And please don't come back with 'look how many of each other they kill with their guns', because we aren't talking about anything as lethal as a gun anyway. A spike in tazer crime during a period of heightened terrorist activity is hardly an unbearable price, now is it? Plus anyone can already get their hands on a tazer.


    Anyway, now I've finished clarifying what was already pretty clear, this is a totally fantastic (meaning fictional) scenario anyway. What would YOU do if these attacks became commonplace, just sit around and get stabbed for 8 minutes while the admittedly excellent police arrive?

  4. I think Strudul got his point across eventually, you seem to want to argue for more than the 5 minutes that Strudul is allowed, please, Steve, don't feed strudul, he'll get another warning and I kinda like having him around. :lol:

    • Like 2
  5. What if they have a bomb and a tazero sets it off?


    I didn't say it was perfect, but then, nothing is. When they invented cars that went faster than 1mph, they said 'hey what if the cars come off the road and kill people?' You know what they said to that? Yep, that's gonna happen, deal with it! Now it is the single biggest killer of innocent people. ;)

    • Like 1
  6. There is so much right place right time involved here, that even with super civvy squad, odds are a policeman is still going to be the closest attendee, unless the super civvies outnumber the police. In which case it becomes like the nationalist army in Ukraine.


    Give a tazer to everybody with a degree in mathematics, economics, any of the respected sciences (no ologies except biology) and English (literature or language), free, on the house. That would cover enough of the population to prevent an incident IMMEDIATELY that someone started hacking and slashing, and limit the chance of the local pikies getting their hands on them too. Selected people would be able to choose not to take the tazer if they wished.


    I do not have a degree by the way, so please don't accuse me of excluding people in my thought-of-in-5-seconds-plan, it's just an example that I came up with in 5 seconds, obviously I'm not saying it's implementable, just giving an example of A criterium that would cover enough of the population to be faster than the police in response to this type of attack. I'm talking about arming a high percentage of people who spend their nights out in The Borough and other affluent places where the jihadis want to take advantage of our decadence, say 10% of that demographic, who are also, typically, mature, responsible contributing members of society.


    Again, this is only worth even considering if these incidents start becoming more frequent, but arming the population with tazers is not a bad middle ground between what we have now and what the US has (10% of the entire population (not just 10% of the higher educated, as I suggest) carrying a loaded firearm).

  7. If a decent proportion of the 'responsible' population, carried tazers, this kind of attack would have been reduced to just the run over victims and maybe one dead on the street. Very effective show stoppers and very rarely lethal. Taze, and run. You can't deny the logic in that. Is it practical? Dunno, maybe, if these attacks get more frequent, yes, definitely. Would tazer related incidents unrelated to terrorism increase? Of course, but as stated, they are very rarely lethal.

    • Like 1
  8. This could technically be a proxy murder, typically they are 'Hitman' killings. Though in this case she used the victim to perform the hit on himself.

    She should get life (didn't read the whole article so no idea of the sentence) she forced her will of his death on him to be honest.


    If she knew that he had suicidal tendencies when they met, then a case could be argued that she found a victim that she could play with; i.e. save him from himself a few times to make herself look heroic, then basically murder him and get away with it (which fits the facts as presented by the bbc, except we don't know if he was like that when they met or not). That would be premeditated murder, but still, could you convict someone of murdering someone, when they physically didn't? It would be one hell of a lawyer to successfully prove premediated murder by proxy beyond reasonable doubt, where the proxy is the victim. Interestingly, the fact that she chose a judge and not a jury is indicative of that kind of cold, calculating mind as well. If it doesn't end up as a 'based on reality tv movie', various scenarios would make for a brilliant fictional courtroom drama.


    Sadly, this is typical of those kind of BBC news stories that seem really interesting, but you never hear the end of, or many years later due to appeal system, etc.


    I'd bet money she gets away with it, but I think she should get prison time, not sure life is warranted, but a decent sentence.

    • Like 1
  9. Have a read...




    I have to say, if I was the judge, I think I'd want to throw the book at her, I'd put her away for aggravated manslaughter (is that a thing?). She's asked to be judged by a judge, rather than a jury, interesting choice.


    It;s so patently clear that she did it for the attention as the grieving girlfriend, but on the other side, he had indeed been planning it for a long time. Would he have done it anyway? I think she had a responsibility to talk him OUT of it if she was a responsible person who really cared about him, and the bottom line is if not for her influence, he would be alive today. What do you guys think?

  10. But we need sociopaths to be our soldiers, this is a VERY old debate. We train sociopaths to enjoy their more base proclivities as soldiers, then when they get home, we tell them to turn it off. What's amazing is the number that successfully manage to do that, I feel very sorry for the others. :(


    P.S. Or take the other direction, as per the movie Jack Reacher, you train a natural killer to be the best there is at his art, you tell him that his success will be judged on how many enemies he kills, then he goes into action for YEARS and never even sees an enemy. No wonder he goes nuts.


    You can have one or the other, but to have your cake and expect to eat it too is folly.

  11. And I sold my stakes at 200, 420 and 780 dollars respectively. I could actually kick myself, I'd have 6 BTC all told if I had just kept the faith and held on to them.


    A worse thought is that if I'd only become aware of them a couple of months earlier, I wouldn't need to work now.

    my best battery cost 200 quid, but it will propel a 6 kilo car to 50 mph in 3 seconds with the front wheels in the air all the way.


    Is that all....The 2ton P100D Model S gets to 60 in 2.5 seconds :)


    Regarding investments, some guy on the Tesla FaceBook group just revealed he bought about £10K worth of Tesla shares back in 2013.....I leave you guys to work out how much that's worth now. Needless to say his now asking for advice on how to be tax efficient when he comes to sell, as it's a rather large amount of capital gains his liable for, life is hard for some :)




    Hm, 8 cubed times bigger and only twice as fast? For shame. ;) I'm weight and grip restricted, I have a LOT more power than I can put down, if I gun it, it just does backflips on the spot, pretty funny actually. If I had equivalent traction I'd be significantly faster than the tesla, but only for about 12 minutes. :(

  12. Based on current lithium battery tech, which I know a fair bit about thanks to my RC background, it would be reasonable to expect between 250 and 300 cycles before the light 'service [sic:replace] main battery' warning light will pop up


    The current EV battery packs are performing far better in real life than seen on consumer electronics (RC cars included).


    Your quite right after a few hundred cycles most consumer electronics level cells starts to show degradation but the cell chemistry used in Tesla packs are showing 5% degradation at 500 cycles and less than 10% at 1000 cycles.




    This has been backed up by real world examples, in the US rental cars have 200K miles and showing about 6% degradation.





    A battery that can deliver a significant number of Kilowatts on demand, and for sustained use, AND survive 300 cycles, AND not have ridonculous weight, will be a thing of great beauty.....and expense.


    Tesla cells already do all of the above (including the expense). Though apparently the reason Tesla have been able to push things along so much is because the chemistry they use is inherently more 'unstable' and liable for combustion, which is why the Tesla cars have the most advanced and protected battery packs of any EV on the road...... You should try to get hold of some cells and wire it into a RC pack (apparently the chemistry is 100% propriety to Tesla even though they are Panasonic cells so the only way to get hold of them is via salvaged Tesla car battery packs), just don't blame me if it catches on fire :D


    This all still relies on them being made cheaply enough. As for these batteries being more efficient than the ones used in RC tech, yes, they are more efficient, but the substrates are the same, I question that testing and the circumstances under which it was conducted. By the way, the RC ones absolutely blow them away on power density (sustained peak current delivery per kilo of battery). ;) NAturally, as you will point out, that is because we aren't bothered about range as much as power, so its horses for courses, just wanted to throw in some props for the hobby batteries, as they are fricking awesome (and equally expensive, my best battery cost 200 quid, but it will propel a 6 kilo car to 50 mph in 3 seconds with the front wheels in the air all the way, and make a monster truck do backflips on the spot).


    I'm with you gangzoom, I love all this, it's the future. They'll find more cobalt, or they'll be motivated to find an even better alternative. :)

    • Like 1
  13. I used to go around with a group who liked a good scrap on a friday night. You know this is a uniquely English and our relatives (US, Australia) passtime? The Greeks are visibly shocked when they learn that we like to have a beer and a fight, and that we don't even really care win or lose, it's the taking part :lol: I was never much of a fighter, honestly, I used to stand back and just defend myself when required, but I'm a big dude so it wasn't much of an issue.


    Sex and violence are our true nature, to deny that is to deny our nature. All these efforts to become civilised, REPRESS US, and cause this pent up violence to explode from time to time.


    Anyone who works in a large modern corporate will be familiar with the psych evaluation that compares your attitude to certain events 'in the office' vs 'at home'. It turns out that many people are totally different people in their jobs. It is said that this 'being someone else' has an effect on the brain akin to the disease schizophrenia, and it's why many 'execs' burn out.


    Denying our violent nature and trying to be civilised is exactly this. When we're alone and we watch porn and boxing and enjoy it, then we are out in public and expected to decry those things. Madness. A balance must be found, a vent for people who have exceptionally strong base instincts must be found. When we were war-like, it was easy, send them into battle, everyone was happy! We no longer need warriors like Achilles and the Mountain, we have NO USE IN SOCIETY for people like that, yet they are stil being born, having terribly frustrating lives, no wonder they go nuts and kill everyone. The lucky ones find activities like extreme sports and mountaineering to balance themselves, but those who have no opportunity for that will be very unhappy people all their lives, probably abusers, despite not wanting to be, simply because they need to get the rage out.


    Bottom line: Civilisation is no good for us as a species, we need more war, it's not how we are designed (maybe we evolved too quickly?)


    Anyone needing further clarification on this, watch the excellent and hugely underrated movie 'American Psycho'.

  14. I (generously) imagine the range of these things to be about 500 miles when a finalised retail product, which would be more than adequate I believe, in anyone's book. Then that equates to 1000 cycles.


    Currently, that is a LOT of cycles for a lithium ion or lithium polymer battery. Based on current lithium battery tech, which I know a fair bit about thanks to my RC background, it would be reasonable to expect between 250 and 300 cycles before the light 'service [sic:replace] main battery' warning light will pop up, from then on, it's likely to start losing range (and become a fire hazard as teh layers start to swell and separate as the battery ages (of course there will be safety stuff to prevent this), and its down to the owner when the range becomes so poor that they have no choice). A battery that can deliver a significant number of Kilowatts on demand, and for sustained use, AND survive 300 cycles, AND not have ridonculous weight, will be a thing of great beauty.....and expense.

  15. So another natural resource like oil that there will be a shortage of in years to come and there i was thinking it was the future!


    There will never be a shortage of crude oil. Our education has reached a level where everyone (except Donald) knows that we can't keep burning it (and not because it's running out, because of its effect on the air and water table), so usage will peter out over the next 100 years and we will be nowhere even near depleting it by then. It was a valid concern just 20 years ago, but no longer, thank God. Trump's thinking of the next ten years, and in that context, he's doing the right thing for America. They aren't going to be giving up gas guzzlers in the next ten years.


    If you want to worry about a resource, worry about water. If our population growth and industrial pollution doesn't slow down (it is, but not enough), then we will see drinking water shortages in our lifetimes on a global scale (ironically, only the non industrial nations, like small african nations which traditionally are thirsty, will be ok). This will then be followed by a huge investment in desalination, as it will be the only source of clean water. The in-between times will be rough, and I wouldn't be surprised if we discover a horrendous side effect to desalinating seawater and back to square one again. As long as we are such a number that our needs require us adapting the planet, rather than us adapting to IT, we're going to have these kinds of problems.


    P.S. If you want to invest in something, make it copper, silver, or graphene, particularly silver.

  16. I would have made the Mines lip black to go with the side steps, but it looks great colour coded as well! Nice job! :)


    P.S. I'm a cat person, but that's one impressive dog! Beautiful.


    Now you really need some of these, will finish your front end off perfectly. Grab 'em quick, they have already been discontinued, I am led to believe, whatever stock is left, that's it! I just fitted them to my car (don't have a pic to hand) and they are STUNNING. Easy job for any grease monkey.

  17. Hm, actually, cancel that, got confused there for a minute. If you still have a PAIR of cats at the bottom of the downpipes (manifold), then assumedly you still have a Y pipe.

  18. Complete knee jerk reaction from someone desperate to put some distance between herself and Labour and win a few extra votes - how much of these promises have been thought through, all processes examined, viability tested and consequences thought through - none at all. Political rhetoric to snap up votes on popular themes.

    Welcome to the democracy in which even the idiot gets an equal vote. Once again, as I've said before, I don't have a better idea, but this isn't working.

  19. It's easy to gather a bunch of people with questionable sanity and turn them into a mob with a purpose, it's a bit more difficult to get people who have been told they are special snowflakes all their lives to agree on the right thing to do, since they've been told that their personal concerns matter just as much as the next person. WRONG. When the stuff hits the fan, you have to put your personal feelings aside and work toward the greater good.

  20. We do have to hit them in their virgins though, I don't have a better idea currently, but you have to consider the following...


    Radicalisers prey on the fact that Abedi and his mates feel that a glorious death followed by ascension to paradise is preferable to any life they could have in the UK.


    There are two ways to possibly address this. Take away paradise, or make the alternative (life in the UK) seem more appealing than a glorious death. I don't think the latter will ever achieve much success, too much bad blood now, so we are left with the former. Take away paradise. If the extremist believed that he would definitely not be going to paradise, I don't think he'd do it. Period.


    Not saying this is what we should do, you know, just thinking out loud.

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