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Posts posted by Aashenfox

  1. Moderate muslims are just the same as any other moderate person, you expect when you go to live in another country, to have to live under their rules. If that is unacceptable to you, then you are the one with the 'problem', not the inhabitants and government of the country.


    But that isn't what the problem is, they aren't railing against our way of life here, they're railing against our (you have to admit stupid) foreign policy.

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  2. I passed a motorway cop that was dealing with a coach on the hard shoulder, at about 150mph in the S2000. He musta heard me long before he saw me, I had a titanium single on the car at the time, 8500rpm in 6th. I couldn't see him until it was too late, parked in front of the coach, he just watched me fly by. Again in the S2000, I pulled out of my neighbourhood onto the inner city highway on a sunday afternoon, sideways. Halfway through the maneuver, with the steering opposite locked, I noticed a policeman on the central reservation. You know how it goes after that, everything in slow mo, a million thoughts in a split second, including 'holy crap I am so screwed it's not even funny', and the copper lifts his head and makes eye contact, dead pan watches me complete the drift, then just as I straighten up beams a broad smile and sticks his right thumb up.


    In the Z I was pulled over twice in very quick succession after just getting the car, but nothing since then. First time they wanted to check me out (car was really chavvy) and tell me that I had a low rear tyre (I did, I was on the way to have the wheels changed, I even had them in the car with me), the second time there didn't seem to be a reason and one of them asked me if it was a ferrari, which was entertaining. It was quite low back then.

  3. 1. It is over here, can't speak for the UK. Here we have to turn up in person at the ministry of transport and actually hand them the physical plates, it's a right faff.


    2. Dunno


    3. If a car isn't driven 'around' the rubber and plastic parts perish (stock bushings, for example, but not poly) more quickly. Also, if it's not revved a bit, the engine will coke up (not really an issue though). The fuel will turn to varnish over a period of 1 to 5 years depending on climate, temperature and other factors. This will deposit gum in the bottom of the tank which may end up in the fuel system causing major clogging, but will CERTAINLY ruin the fuel tank floaters which are sensitive at the best of times. Operate the clutch and brakes LIBERALLY every time you go out to start it, and change the brake fluid at the same intervals as if the car was on the road (or doubly LESS often if you are not actually driving it 'at all' and therefore don't need to be able to repy on the brakes). At least roll it back and forth to work the wheel bearings if you don't actually move it under its own power. You want to get the car up to temperature on each start to work the thermostat, as well as the various pumps, fans and valves of the cooling system. Lock to lock the steering to work the pump and rack...Basically, try to give as much of the car a proper workout similar to what it would get on the road, wherever you can, otherwise things perish and sieze. There's a reason why most adverts saying 'car unmoved for several years' are on the cheap side, rather then the 'perfectly preserved' side. ;)


    EDIT: Oh, crap, I did it again, I assumed a 370Z owner was talking about a 350Z, my bad. Still, most of that is still valid. :lol:

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  4. Identical product, the updated packaging is the Gold 'React' product, I'd be trying to get one of those simply due to the hygroscopic nature of DOT 3, 4 and 5.1, the newer the product the better, though of course I'm not trying to say that a sealed bottle lets moisture in, the difference would be less than negligible (pocket of air trapped at the top of the bottle under the cap will contain 'some' moisture), the OCD in me says buy the newer bottle..

  5. I was going to say that, but didn't want to annoy anybody. The truth is we're reaping what we sowed. Obviously I'm not saying that we made our bed so we should lie in it, but is their reaction disproportionate? Yes, in our view, but probably not in theirs. Unfortunately, there were too many excuses to hate the west, we made it SOOOO easy for the propagandists to spread hate and radicalise entire cities and sects by our own greedy and inconsiderate actions. We saw it coming and we didn't do anything about it and now it's too late. It;s not like we can call a truce with a religion.


    However...Del, we live in the free-est era of man. You can take your car down to parliament square and run people over willy nilly if you want to. You think that's going to last forever? No fricking WAY. Almost all the problems of the world are to do with too much choice and too many unquestioned rights. The solution IS to make human ideology more 'common' amongst the people. Doesn't really matter which one, islam or atheism or whatever, the problem is people thinking not only that it's cool to be 'extreme' and 'different', when what's needed to progress and have peace, is common ground.


    Though as I've mentioned before, to try to live in peace is folly, we are NOT a peaceful animal. We need death and plenty of it to keep our numbers down, and we need hardship aplenty to give us a reason to unite. This peaceful easy life is making our personalities rot with nothing to fight for or believe in, our leaders are mere cardboard cutouts, far removed from the commoners. To deny our nature and pretend to be someone (or something) we're not, will have explosive consequences one day.

  6. You're a lucky boy, I've been doing this research myself lately, mine's going in tomorrow (I;m having a pro do the splicing though, and I'm going the other way, I'm going FROM 6 to 8 pin. Worth mentioning there is no need to cut anything, the connector blocks can be disassembled and the entire pins moved from one block to another, for a very neat final result.


    You'll need the 6 pin off your old headlight, but basically, the following info seems to be complete, taken from the US forum. Also, be aware that in the Haynes manual there is a full wiring diagram.


    Let me know how you get on...


    You will cut the 8 pin off the head light... that will leave you with 7 wires


    Red Fat - Positive to ballest.

    Black Fat - Negative to ballest

    Skinny black - Common Ground for accesories lights

    Light Green - Positive High beam actuator

    Green/White Stripe - Positve for 4LEDs and corner running light


    That leaves solid blue and solid green... which runs to the same bulb. One is a running light(on when the headlights are on) and one is a brighter blinker. I forgot which is which but i dont use the running light. You can, but i think it looks cleaner without it. Power a 12 volt source to black and blue or green to tell which one is brighter. Also, i think because i disconneted one it made my blinker blink fast... but i kinda liked... helps since i switch lanes so fast

    edit (blue is the blinker + , i didnt use solid green.)


    Now.. your 6 pin harness... cut that off your old headlight... leave as much wire as you can.


    You will have:

    Red - Low beam positive ..... goes to Fat Red- powers ballest

    Black - Low beam negative - goes to Fat Black powers ballest

    Light blue - high beam +... goes to light green - high beam actuator

    Green/black stripe - Blinker +... goes to green or blue... whichever is brighter.

    Green/White - Running light... goes to Green/White

    Skinny black - common ground to skinny black



    8 Pin--------------6 Pin-------------------------Function

    Fat Red------------Fat Red-------------------- Ballest +

    Fat Black----------Fat Black-------------------Ballest -

    Skinny Black-----Skinny Black---------------Common Ground

    Green/White -----Green White---------------LED/Corner running lights

    Green Black------Nothing or Green/White -- Blinker running light

    Light Green ------Light Blue------------------High beam +

    Blue/Black--------Green Black---------------Blinker +

  7. Unbelievable, we were watching the same vid at the same time. I just turned back to the forum window cos I was thinking of sharing it. That's uncanny, the video's only been out an hour as well!


    /cue xfiles theme...

  8. Clegg had no power, so couldn't influence any decision making, only do his best to reign in the really harsh policies the Tories might have rolled out at the time such as smashing pensioners for all their savings for instance ;) that was certainly nothing to do with his ability to deal with pressure.


    Utter nonsense, Clegg had the power when the Tories needed his party in the event of the hung parliament, no one made him form a coalition, he could have pretty much asked for anything, but he was starry eyed at the thought of being deputy pm and folded under the pressure of getting in to number 10 or two fold, how did handling pressure well as you believe do him or his party ;) they are now trying to appeal to stoners and students (oh the voice of the poor young stoned students who cant even manage to get to a polling station) in the hope of getting some votes back, like thats going to help the country through Brexit negotiations and our future :lol:


    That's a manipulation. Just because they are pro legalization, doesn't mean they're handing power to stoner students. As you correctly noted, said stoner students have ZERO influence on world politics anyway. However, your point is perfectly intact, I can speak from experience of my Greek peers voting for 'the underdog' at a time when experience and stability was needed. Sadly, all they got was a dog.


    So, I say to you (all, not you personally JP), as I tried to say at the time to the Greeks, put aside your political views and give the most capable people (whoever they be) as much power as you can during this time of 'crisis'. Sort the rest out after.

  9. Not really snake oil, as such. They do two things of note, one you noted as a disadvantage, that some consider an advantage; the fact that certain engine vibrations are felt more through the body (though this is lessened by real dampers vs a poly bush in a piston). Some say this is important to them, that they can 'feel' what the engine is doing better, but the primary purpose of them, which is to stop the engine lurching around in the engine bay under hard transitions of on/off power, is only advantageous and even the cheap ones are relatively effective at this. Fitting one can often result in a car feeling a bit sharper, especially if the engine mounts are soft as standard or worn out. The more horsepower you have, the more advantageous they are. As for disadvantages, can't really think of any...So, worth putting one in the basket one rainy sunday when you're really stuck for something to spend your paypal balance on.

  10. If it's going to be a daily and you have a heavy foot, just don't bother. If it's a weekend fun toy, or you drive like you're driving Miss Daisy, it won't be an issue. Simples.


    Sources: I was able to get an early Mini Cooper S down to 14MPG and that's a 1.6 so...yeh, it's down to your foot, and struggled to get much better than 18 from an E92 335xi on average use (I do have an exceptionally heavy foot, that's why I now daily an Up! :lol:).

  11. Yeh, I don't think this is going to work either, you won't be able to start the car. But hey, I can't wait to find out for sure one way or the other. :)


    By the way, I was quoted a lot less than that for a new main key by Nissan here in Greece, they wanted about 130e (110 quid)

  12. You want a Galaxy Tab E. Very cheap, absolutely fine spec for everything except advanced 3d games (and even then it can handle them, just about, courtesy that the screen resolution isn't silly crazy), large 9.6" screen, perfect for the young and old. Both my daughters have one (4 and 5.5) and they have not suffered any damage yet (going on a year), so they are also very durable. The camera is awful, but who cares about hte camera on a tablet? There is no better product for the money. They were a bargain when they were 200 quid, now that they are 120 or something, they're unbelievable value.

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