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Posts posted by Strudul

  1. When i did this with my friend and his 350z matt, we originally bought and fitted 2x chrome/silver red bulbs but they failed the MOT due to not being bright enough. So instead we went with LED bulbs which are fine. I bought this and we have one each fitted currently:



    They are pretty bulky but do sit fine within the housing, I had my reservations at first if they would fit :lol:

    Reckon these would do the job?

    • Like 1
  2. I reckon you should be fine if you use decent VHT paint. They are often rated up to 650°C and designed to be used on BBQs and exhaust manifolds, which I'd have thought get significantly hotter.

  3. Just for once, can you recognise that I (the and others) regularly disagree with Ekona or Jetpilot and sometimes with TT350 and yet, we can all have a discussion, however you seem to find yourself entangled in these multi page tit for tats, with anyone from the opinionated to the most mild mannered members in the community.


    Who's always the common connection?

    Why do you think that is?


    I expect it's largely coincedence and possibly a conspiracy...

    You asked for a definition. I gave you one and TT agreed that was his intended use of the term.


    If you had bothered to take the time to read and understand the source I provided, then that would have been the end of it. It wasn't an argument, it wasn't even a discussion, it was a clarification.


    Instead you chose to ignore and discredit it while being generally discourteous for no good reason.


    I don't know why i need to explain it further cos it's really not that hard to understand, but one last attempt...


    Extremism is defined as “the vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefsâ€


    That's not up for discussion, that's how the government defines it.


    Muslims don't need to choose between their values or ours - our values are compatible. However, if they choose to vocally or actively oppose our values, then, by definition, they are an extremist.


    Considering that blowing up a load of people is against the law, some Muslims blatantly haven't chosen to abide by our values, but instead have chosen to oppose them. Trying to generalise an entire religion is never going to work.

  4. There's 2 quotes, both from the same source, a government site with a speech from the Home Sec, which provide more than sufficient elaboration on the point TT was making and define the terms used (how the government defines them).


    Are you saying the government website is lying about what May said???


    Just for once, can you grow up and try have a discussion without throwing your toys out of the pram and resorting to ad hominem,

  5. Aren't those spacers too big? I thought 22/25 was max for these wheels.

    25/30 is fine and probably the best fitment. Some people go even wider, but then it's pushing the limits of the law.


    If lowering 30mm+, then with 25/30 spacers, you'll want to roll your arches to avoid any chance of scraping. With 20/25, this isn't necessary, hence they are a more common choice.

  6. You're gonna have to post something other than links to have discussion.


    Assuming you're able to?



    You questioned TT's use of the word "values".


    I explained the reference, answering your questions on what "our" and "their" values are:


    To which you responded by saying:

    Thanks Strudul, but that's not what it says.

    Even though that's exactly what it says, because it was a direct quote :shrug:


    Anyway, you went on to say:

    What it says is that "the real, peaceful muslims" need to choose between our values or theirs. If we say ours are "democracy, the rule of law etc" and then what does that leave for "the real, peaceful muslims" to choose?


    But that's incorrect, hence my reply of:

    Which explains that the "real, peaceful Muslims" don't need to chose because "their" values are compatible with "ours".


    Assumed you'd be capable of joining the dots and I wouldn't have to spell it out for you... :surrender:

  7. The only way extremist Muslims will be defeated is when the real, peaceful muslims learn that shopping the extremists isn't turning their back on their brother and they're actually helping Islam to survive. One day it'll come to us or them. Our values or theirs. If the extremists are left to be the global face and PR for Islam - which they are. They need to integrate with their host nations and cooperate. Infiltration is beating integration.


    Just so we know.

    What are our values?

    What are theirs?



    Thanks Strudul, but that's not what it says.


    What it says is that "the real, peaceful muslims" need to choose between our values or theirs. If we say ours are "democracy, the rule of law etc" and then what does that leave for "the real, peaceful muslims" to choose?


    Or have they already chosen extremism by being Muslim?


    The reason I ask is because is blatantly obvious that, given there isn't all out war on the streets of the UK, that Muslims have already made that choice long ago and are in fact already living under "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty..."



  8. A supermarket car park isnt a car show venue.........


    Vlog's is like fashion or style, one style isnt better than another it just appeals to different folk.

    A lot of meets / shows are in car parks / fields :shrug:


    You're right, art's appeal can't be judged and people have their own preferences, but you can still judge the skill involved.


    This painting is worth $87 million and I could paint it with my arse:



    This drawing (yes, it's a drawing, not a photo) is worth ~£5k and I couldn't even come close to matching it.


    • Like 3
  9. The only way extremist Muslims will be defeated is when the real, peaceful muslims learn that shopping the extremists isn't turning their back on their brother and they're actually helping Islam to survive. One day it'll come to us or them. Our values or theirs. If the extremists are left to be the global face and PR for Islam - which they are. They need to integrate with their host nations and cooperate. Infiltration is beating integration.


    Just so we know.

    What are our values?

    What are theirs?


  10. I thought a year or 2 back the government changed the rules so men and women had to be charged the same. The table above paints a different picture.

    They did. The difference will be due to other factors that increase premiums.


    For example, more men choose sporty cars or modify them, leading to higher premiums than women.


    Don't know the stats, but if men tend to have more points on their license / less years NCB, that could be another factor.

  11. Dont a lot of these modern V8's cut cylinders whilst cruising to increase efficiency?

    300C HEMI will run on 4 cylinders, yeh.


    But it sounds like ass when it does lol, have to keep stabbing the throttle to get her woken up again.

    Can always get it disabled with a tune (remap) ;)

    • Like 1
  12. Nothing wrong with it per se. It's purely a case of there being much better ways to go about it that will allow for faster development of skill. Why purposefully gimp yourself when better opportunities are readily available?


    Car meet environments are unsuitable, you can't control anything and you can't practise techniques. The type of photos you get will be admired for the cars in them, not for the level of photography.

  13. Not trying to be a complete dick, but taking pictures at car meets is generally a terrible way to improve photography skills.


    Good on him for being dedicated and passionate, but it's like playing a lot of Forza because I want to be a racing driver. You can't set up truly good shots because the composition, setup and lighting will all be awful.


    That being said, the car meet itself provides an excellent opportunity for networking and the chance to approach people to ask if they would be interested in a custom, personalised photo shoot. Offer it for free to begin with if necessary to build a reputation and experience, then increase the price accordingly.


    As for editing, it's undeniably a good skill to have, but part of the skill of photography is being able to take amazing photos without the need for extensive editing.

    • Like 1
  14. But what increased risk? I've owned a modified 350z before, as well as other fast cars. The only thing that has changed since my last one is I have more experience and more NCB, which should make it come down not go up!

    In the eyes of insurers, mods equal higher risk of claims due to:

    - theft

    - crashes

    - damage

  15. Completely depends on the car, how you drive it and your annual mileage.


    You can get 40 mpg with a V8 or you can get 4. It's always going to be more expensive than with a more efficient car, but relative to the rest of the running costs it's not a huge amount (unless you are doing high mileage >10k pa).


    According to the stats, the mpg for a 300C SRT-8 isn't that much worse than a 350Z (28 mpg rather than 32). So if you're used to the Z, you shouldn't have any problems.


    Try this, put in your annual mileage, your expected mpg , and decide if you can afford to spend that much on fuel each year.


    Only you can predict your mpg though. Personally, in my Z, I get:

    • >40 on motorways
    • ~29 commuting (mostly A roads and a bit of city, but there's a lot of speed cameras)
    • 22 on "spirited" runs (on private roads, spent mostly at 100-140 in 4th / 5th)

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