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Posts posted by Strudul

  1. So when are you becoming a trader and pimping out your PU mount? :lol:


    If you ever do a V2 try and add a rubber surround between the middle metal tube and the PU, perhaps washers or similar may work to add a little dampening.

    Considering my thread on PU tranny mounts got trashed and deleted, I'm assuming there wouldn't be any interest :lol:

    May be doing one for a mate though and having a look into the diff bushes too. I'd love to do the engine mounts, but they are a right mission to swap out.


    Personally I love the noise and wouldn't want to reduce it, but I think the best way to numb it would be to drill a few holes in the PU so it can flex a bit more.

  2. Shirts


    Where do you guys find decent fitting formal shirts?


    Got a wedding coming up (luckily not mine) and none of my shirts fit me properly anymore, not that they ever really did.


    Most shirts seem to be designed for fat guys or scrawny twiglets and it seems to be borderline impossible to balance a good fit in chest / neck / waist / arm size and sleeve length. I'm also heavily limited by needing longer sleeves than normal :(


    Anything out there that is designed for a big chest / arms, but thin waist / neck before I have to make a DIY shirt tailoring thread? Don't like spending huge amounts on clothes (or anything for that matter) and couldn't care less about the brand, I just want a decent fit for reasonable money.

  3. Following on from that, should I re-calibrate my gear gate again? Done it a few times before, but presumably everything will have moved slightly and it won't be perfect anymore?? Or should I just leave it because it feels fine?

  4. Polyurethane tranny mount installed.


    No pics cos I was absolutely covered in dirt, oil, bits of dead fox, and general filth.


    Was going to do a before and after vid, but my footage from before that isn't drowned out by music is very limited and I've only been for a short drive round town.



    Amazing. So much smoother. No resistance when trying to shift into 2nd (up and down).


    Didn't get a chance to try 6th, so it will be interesting to see if it's helped at all.


    Noise / Vibration

    Fantastic. There is an increase in noise, but it's a lovely deep rumbly noise, like a V8 or a well executed exhaust leak. ;)


    There is the faintest hint of whine sometimes, particularly if you don't shift accurately and everything has to adjust speed, but it's barely noticeable.


    Didn't notice any increase in vibrations and no new rattles, so that's a bonus.


    I haven't gone overly hard, should be somewhere around 70A, but I kinda wish I'd gone a bit harder since it will settle down after a few hundred miles and I'll probably lose some of the new rumbly noises :(

    • Like 2
  5. So lets ask a question, if someone called a black fella, a black fuc*er and said black fella wasnt offended by said comment, why should anyone else be, let alone someone white being pc?

    That's kinda the point I'm trying to make.


    Whether someone is offensive should be determined by the target.

  6. Something is only insulting if the victim deems it so, regardless of the intent.


    Does that work for those not necessarily fully aware of their surroundings, people with learning disabilities?


    It's ok to give them abuse if they don't understand?

    I'm inclined to say yes, it still works, but really it depends on the extent. At the end of the day, if they aren't insulted, then there's no hard feelings.


    However, that's not to say the insulter isn't still an utter **** and I never said it was okay, just that it's not insulting.

  7. You may have seen him in a certain exhaust spacer video, but shhh :blush:


    Dunno, have to admit title case is not a strong point since the rules are so inconsistent. Fortunately most people have even less of a clue than me, so you can get away with anything. MS Word isn't flagging "Are" and "This" up though, so I'll sleep easy knowing Bill Gates agrees with me :bleh:

  8. I think using an ellipsis in the title breaks a few rules, but as far as I know "are" and "this" should be capitalised and I'd never only capitalise the first word.


    I think it very much depends on the style of choice...




    It's an excuse to discuss grammar, which I always enjoy :happy:

  9. Brown or White bread ?

    Whole grain.


    Capitalisation of every word in the title, including even conjuctive verbs and articles? Shame on you, you'll be using arbitrary apostrophe's soon. ;)

    Wait, which word shouldn't have a capital letter? Looks fine to me.


    Do we have to call the GLO? :lol:

  10. Reckon these would do the job?


    Looks like they will yeah the only issue might be the size, its hard to get a feel for their dimensions and height may be an issue if they foul the inside of the housing. Only one way to find out.

    Yeh, message the seller ;)


    The ones you linked say 52mm.

    Can you remember how tight they were?

  11. Did it on mine and I daily drive it. Thought It might bother me, but it really doesn't.

    Lifetime subscription to Rainex?

    :lol: Haven't put anything on it.


    It tends to clear itself if you are going fast enough. Might not be able to see out of it perfectly, but you can usually make out shapes / lights, which is enough, though I rely on my wing mirrors much more anyway.


    Just have to give it a wipe if it's snowed / frosted before you set off.

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