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Posts posted by Banz

  1. I'm still struggling with pulling away smoothly. Simply because the engine and exhaust is loud on this car. My natural reaction is to release the accelerator when I hear the revs at 1500. Only done around 150 miles. The first 100 is buying the car and bringing it back to Cambridge.


    Fuel flap wasn't an issue for me! I spent quite a bit of time looking at youtube videos before buying the car.

  2. Had it happened to me multiple times on multiple cars by one person. Gave up in the end and bought an old military Land Rover. She even keyed that, but you couldn't really tell and I totally didn't care lol.

    Found out who it was though. Apparantly, her dog, off lead, ran towards my then 7yr old kid when he was out playing on the green. He panicked, screamed, and kicked out at the dog.

    From then on, she keyed every car I had.

    She ended up having to have her MX5 scrapped (Not because of me I should add) I think she was a bit mental, and got into it with another rather mental neighbour. What goes around...


    In my holiday house, I also have a mental neighbour. It has a very narrow private road only passable by 1 car at a time. All of us park our car at the curb closes to our house. This women hates everyone on the street. She is the only car that would park on the opposite side making it very difficult for people to get through. There are times when she would also park so close that no one can get through.


    When she isn't parking at the opposite side, she would reverse the car into your bumper really hard setting off the alarm. Her car is smashed up, both side mirror broken. Massive dent in front and back bumper. Now days she is better, she doesn't reverse into your car anymore. But what she would do is slowly get into the contact of your bumper and try and nudge your car out the way. I only park my very old 4x4 next to her so she is only damaging her own car. No one dares to park anywhere near her house.


    She is getting better now as I heard the neighbours gave her a good beating. It's a pity, cos it's a good area. I heard she inherited the house but then she had a really harsh life.

  3. Maybe the stone chips were just there and I didn't notice. Since it seems to be pretty normal for this car. But I'm pretty sure there wasn't that many. My guess is the touch up paint has came off after the jet wash.


    How much would it cost to get a roof or bonnet resprayed?

  4. and now I really regret it. There was only a few visible stone chips. Now there are a dozen of them on the roof and the bonnet. I'm guessing the high powered wash did it.





    The worst one.



    Should I get some touchup paint and do it myself or should I pay some money and get it done properly? It looks horrible as they seem to cluster up together.

  5. Something similar happened to me 2 years ago when I install spacers on my rear axle. Found a 1.5 inch screw, slow puncture ie filling up every week or so. However, cost me a fiver to repair B)

    Most people said it cost around £5. But they did lift the car up and inspect underneath. Plus I went during my lunch time without booking. Took about 30 mins so I guess it was worth it. Never been to that garage and google review did say it was quite expensive.


    Let's just pray that this would fix the problem and I wouldn't need to replace the MPSS tyre. Still plenty of thread on it!

  6. AKwST5B.jpg


    The guy said something about 6mm is the max they would repair and it is on the border. If it keeps leaking then I would need to replace the tyre :doh:


    A £20 quid repair is better than a £200+ tyre.

  7. So my two key fob is definitely interfering with each other. It is such a pain.... Now I need to carry both car keys. Have to unlock/lock my other car before I can open my 350z. Time to get rid of the other car.

  8. My spare key have ran out of battery. I opened it up and it is using 2016. I only got 2032 so I put it in there. Both battery is 3V.


    I tried unlock then lock. Seems to work. Then I try again, nothing happened. Kept pressing it and holding it down. Nothing.

    Then I was thinking maybe my other car key fob is interfering as my main key also seem to work intermittently or only when I'm up real close. So I unlock and lock my Honda. Then try using my spare key on my 350z and it is now working again. Tried it a few times and have no more problems.


    Is it possible that the key is interfering with each other?


    Would I also damage the electronic by putting a 2032 instead of 2016?

  9. This is the car that I bought. http://www.350z-uk.c...th-choice-mods/


    It was nerve wrecking as I rarely drive a manual car. Probably no more than 20 times in the last 10 years. Worse thing was that the car was in Milton Keynes. The most roundabouts in the bloody country.


    After I got the car, I went to the petrol station. I was puzzled as I've never used anything apart from unleaded and diesel. I triple checked to make sure I was putting in the right type of fuel. What happened next was embarrassing, I had to let a car get out and I needed to reverse. I couldn't get it to reverse as I didn't know how. All the manual cars I've drove in the past had a knob that you pull up to put in reverse. The guy was looking at me thinking I must be an arrogant bastard not letting him out. I kept putting it into 6th gear and moving forward..... After the incident, I quickly phone the seller and asked him how to put it into reverse.


    On my way home, I kept over revving every roundabout and have **** poor clutch control. Every time I rev it too high, I release the pedal and the clutch at the same time which results in a very unsmooth ride. I feel so sorry for the gear box. Although I haven't stall the car but I was so stressed and every roundabout became my worst nightmare.


    After I got home, had a rest and ate some food. Calmed my nerves a bit and I decided to take it out on the roads that I know. My God, I was in tears. It was amazing. Slowly started getting used to the clutch and gear but still a lot to learn. I was smiling all the way and decided it was the best decision I've made. I wasn't really too keen on buying it at first but now I know I've made the right decision. I've driven some nice automatic sports car in the past like Mercedes SLK and Lexus IS. But this is just on a completely different level. It's like learning how to drive again.


    I've asked my poor friends to come with me on the next few days and teach me how to drive a manual car again.

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  10. ^^^^ yeah very true guess cause the polo is the daily an accident has a higher chance. But just got my insurance today from admiral (23 year old) declared all mods and the 350z came out £257 for the year :) couldn't believe it went over it multiple times and she kept saying yes that's correct.


    How is that possible..... I'm 32 and admiral quoted close to £700!

  11. Do you have business miles included?



    I don't drive to work. As I live 30 seconds on foot from work.


    The strange part is that if I park it at my drive way, the insurance is less than if I park it in my work car park (cctv, security guards and gate). I guess they just input the details into the computer so you just can't predict it will give you.

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