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Everything posted by chubbster

  1. My friend, Sr. Pino Grigio, would like me to thank you. So, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your warm and gracious welcomes. Tomorrow we may die, but today we MODIFY. ...(think I might put that one in my sig)
  2. This (MY07) is the very best variant of the 350z. £9,995 is not a bad price. Shame you parked it in the middle of a bush (that's supposed to be a joke, related to your new photo - wtf is it?).
  3. Hmmm - That's a problem. Maybe drink the petrol and put the coffee in your car? ...anything's worth a try.
  4. Fairlady - It looks like Photobucket is compressing my scanned image to the point where it's unreadable. If you want to give me your email address I can send you the original scan, which is really easy to read and will give you all the information you need. chubbster
  5. Ah, there we are then - I can't stand anything other than the strongest espresso made from freshly ground beans - mystery solved. If you like Nescafe, use Shell, but if you like your coffee strong as hell, go for Tesco Momentum every time. It feels good when you make a breakthrough.
  6. Well there we are then - conclusive proof that nothing's conclusive.
  7. Yes - I also feel that the 370z steering is quite a lot lighter at higher speeds than the 350z. This doesn't help, in my opinion.
  8. Here - I've scanned the 2 relevant pages fron my UK service book. Mine is a 370z, but I'm sure it's the same (or near as makes no difference) for your 350z... Edit - I've realised the 2nd image may not be readable, so I'll try uploading it in a different way.
  9. Did you know that the service pattern goes like this... Service 1 = P1 Service 2 = P2 Service 3 = P1 Service 4 = P3 ...then the pattern starts all over again, if you know what I mean. It's not just P1, P2, P3 - make sure that you and your garage (if it's non-Nissan) know this.
  10. How much would we need to raise, as a forum, for this shoot to happen? Erm - As long as it's within 40 miles of my home I reckon a tenner per person per pic, plus petrol and lunch would cover it. Strictly as a favour to all those wanting it - I'm not a full time professional. (You provide the Multipla). Hey docwra - With our combined bellies I reckon we could both do the Multipla shoot. You up for it? Chubbster Edit - On second thoughts, as one female member has already bemoaned the lack of male totty draped over cars, maybe we should do a special shoot with us hunks of manhood draped over a lady's car (instead of the Multibra) - any suggestions on what the ideal 'lady's car' would be?
  11. Yup, agree.... I'm not trying to upset anyone here, but when I use the word 'magnet' I'm talking about someone turning their head and going 'Wow' because they really like the looks of the car, not someone being attracted to draping themselves over it (and potentially causing significant paint damage) because they are being paid to do it. I feel there is a significant difference between the two. Personally, I'd drape myself over a Fiat Multipla if you paid me a bit - and lent me a step ladder. ps - don't bother googling 'Fiat Multipla babe' - I tried it and nothing comes up.
  12. Id get someone to look at your 370z, the handling is certainly different and the 350 is more raw, heavy and one could say engaging but only because you are aware of more technology involved in the process with the 370. but i certainly wouldn't say the 370 doesnt hold the road at high speed as well as the 350, the opposite in fact but i guess each car can be different and its a personal opinion. I love em both but in different ways but i know where im happier. Hmm - maybe you're right - I've never kerbed it, but I bought it secondhand, so maybe I need a 4-wheel alignment done. Having said that, When the 370z first came out I had one for a day, from Marshall Nissan, and I had exactly the same lack of confidence at higher speed, which is why I held back from buying one for 2 years.
  13. That's fine, coming from YOU, DodgyRev.
  14. Having owned them for nearly 10 years, I can state with some authority that the type of people who turn their heads most frequently at the sight of a passing Z are young boys. Tidied.
  15. ...until the day you get stopped by the officer who followed me off the road into Tescos car park just to relieve me of £30 (it may be more these days). argh man feel like you've jinxed me.. haha Haha - I think you jinxed yourself in the post before mine! Lovely car, by the way - I adore the colour (that'll be £35 sir).
  16. For some months I have been doing my own little consumer test between Shell V-Power and Tescos Momentum. My findings may not be reproduceable by anyone else, but they are my honest findings... I have used Tescos Momentum for over 9 years in Z cars with no ill-effects, but I've always had a nagging thought in my mind that Shell should be better for my car. So, for a few months I've been travelling a little further afield to buy Shell. ..Well, to get to the point, the result is that I've been experiencing acceleration lag when I put my foot down with Shell in the tank. As soon as I switch back to Tescos the 'flat spot' disappears and the car accelerates just fine - smooth as anything. I know it's only a small point, but it's significant to me. Has anyone else experienced this?
  17. chubbster

    350 v 370

    I think you're right Tim. The 370z comes into its own as a long-distance GT tourer, because of the level of creature comforts. Having said that, I drove to Le Mans a few years ago in the 350z and loved every minute of it. I find the 350z easier to point in the right direction on motorways - it just goes exactly where you want it to, with no hint of skittishness or wandering.
  18. ...until the day you get stopped by the officer who followed me off the road into Tescos car park just to relieve me of £30 (it may be more these days).
  19. Read the book "The Z Car Story by Brian Long" and It explains the aerodynamics that went into the Zed, in particular the ground effect that they incorporated into it to make it stable at high speeds. The bloke who designed the 370z did not read that book - fact.
  20. The two 350z's I've owned have both held the road at really high speeds much better than my 370z. A lot of 370z owners will deny this, but it's true. I've no axe to grind - I'd love my 370 to have the handling of a 350 - gives you far more confidence. I dare say someone will pop in to disagree with me
  21. I'll bump this just the once, if that's ok - quite interested to see if it was anyone on this forum.
  22. Not only do you look just like my son-in-law, but it seems you eat like him too!
  23. Hmm - on reflection it should have been 370z Close - I was a bit slow there.
  24. Wow - Just joined the forum and I see this! If you were closer to London I'd be round to have a look. All the very best with your project - I shall watch from afar!
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