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Posts posted by davedutch

  1. Graham,

    Just noticed the "ex team member" hope this just means you want a break from the headaches this forum causes you and NOT that you have lost your enthusiasm for the forum !


    It's always good to see new blood taking an interest but also a shame when established people step away.

  2. No worries !


    I was just congratulating you on your new role - at least I know where I stand now !! Ha ha


    Kraziekatz, careful what you wish for ! I think you may just have volunteered yourself for team member representing the female view, as you say the "sprinkling" is getting bigger

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  3. Do you mean the panel that slots into space created by rear strut?

    14N makes them,

    I have one from 14N that I no longer need because I traded up to a 370, no idea what to ask for it so feel free to make an offer.

  4. Just done nearly 300 miles on mine for a half term trip to cornwall, confident even in the wet and great on some of the local roads down here but a little twitchy over the white paint in the wet. Heading back up this pm and it looks like rain again!

  5. You are required to inform the police IF you don't swop details with all interested parties, or if there are injuries, otherwise they dont want / need to know. If you make a claim at any stage during your policy and your car is a total loss the policy generally ends otherwise the policy will only be adjusted at renewal. As said earlier and others have also said, insurance is not fair but you have to see it from their side, it's easier for them to refund an adjustment than Chase an individual, and yes any reported accident will potentially impact future premiums regardless of fault and even if you have protected n.c.b.

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