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Everything posted by Justthejedi

  1. Cougar store in Leicester are fitting some black diamond discs and pads. I'll get a headset sorted for next time . Cheers.
  2. Sweet, that's me finished on forza. Good battle chaps, bed for me, up early to get new brakes fitted to the zed.....woohoo!
  3. Just added you guys, Angryb1ker & Hell presidenti, DravynX.
  4. I'm xbone, same user name, I'm only level 22, get killed a lot and usually come last but I give it my best! I'm in the same boat. Not on every night but It's ANGRYB1K3R if u want to add me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Same here too, name is DrayvnX if you guys wanna add me, im usually on around 7ish to at least do the dailies and if i had team mates i'd be up for the weeklies and raids too. I'm xbone, same user name, I'm only level 22, get killed a lot and usually come last but I give it my best! I'm in the same boat. Not on every night but It's ANGRYB1K3R if u want to add me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Same here too, name is DrayvnX if you guys wanna add me, im usually on around 7ish to at least do the dailies and if i had team mates i'd be up for the weeklies and raids too. Cant find you - friend me on Xbox One if you wanna team up. I'm RandomCapitals (I know!) That moon strike was bloody hard! It's the Wizards that gang up at the end! Sorry for making you do the Venus mission twice, my error. Cheers
  5. I'm xbone, same user name, I'm only level 22, get killed a lot and usually come last but I give it my best! I'm in the same boat. Not on every night but It's ANGRYB1K3R if u want to add me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Mm Same here too, name is DrayvnX if you guys wanna add me, im usually on around 7ish to at least do the dailies and if i had team mates i'd be up for the weeklies and raids too. I'm xbone, same user name, I'm only level 22, get killed a lot and usually come last but I give it my best! I'm in the same boat. Not on every night but It's ANGRYB1K3R if u want to add me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Same here too, name is DrayvnX if you guys wanna add me, im usually on around 7ish to at least do the dailies and if i had team mates i'd be up for the weeklies and raids too. Cant find you - friend me on Xbox One if you wanna team up. I'm RandomCapitals (I know!) Right chaps, I'm going to find you all and team up
  6. I'm xbone, same user name, I'm only level 22, get killed a lot and usually come last but I give it my best!
  7. Finbar Saunders and his double entrendres...í ½í¸‚
  8. I want some Legendary guns, I keep getting weak weapons, I'm now doing the strikes as I finally got round to subscribing to LIve!í ½í¸ƒ
  9. Yeah the 'light' of your armour determines the level after you reach 20 What do you do with all the materials gathered? I have discarded loads and not seen any benefits? I don't get it??
  10. I guess Saturn & Mercury will be the add ons released christmas time... I am currently level 28 and worked out I meed 28 ascendant shards to upgrade my armour fully The DLC was my thought too, I hadn't noticed them up until Tuesday night after the patch went live. I'm on lvl20 and finding it really hard to progress. I guess I need to do more strikes to try and get legendary drops. Yeah I'm finding it difficult to level up, I'm level 22 at the moment but as I'm not subscribed to xbox live I can't do the strikes or crucible so just do the Bounties which are getting a little tedious.
  11. You on playstation? The whole network was down for maintenance until 1 am this morning, hence the lack of other players. You must have been very lucky to get on, although Sony did say that if you'd logged on prior to 6pm on Monday you'd still be able to play on line. I'm Xbox one, was playing last night and the Tower was buzzing again.
  12. This was weird.......was playing last night at 8.20pm, went to the tower and there's usually loads of guardians running about, last night, nothing!!....nobody there at all except me. Has everyone given up?
  13. So does the story officially end at level 20?....after you've destroyed the black garden. I'm just doing bounties and special missions to level up but still only at level 21. ......something keeps me wanting to play it though?
  14. Yes, you're right .....these next gen games are not living up to the hype. Take Titanfall for example, they raved about that, I played it for half an hour and thought it was terrible, too much going on, just a mess of a game. I have an xbox one and Destiny is the best game so far in my opinion, the games can only get better.
  15. Still level 20 and getting a bit bored with this now.....maybe I should subscribe to xbox live??? I can't do any strikes or the crucible without subscribing which I feel is a little unfair. Alien Isolation looks good though...
  16. Black diamond are recommended matey.
  17. Silly question.....how do I do the bounties?
  18. I too have just completed Level 18 of the story, killed the x3 statues that come to life as massive robots but I can't get level 19 to play as it's saying requirements not met?? Do I have to do loads of missions to level up or what? Is the story finished @ level 18??.....i like the game but it's ruddy confusing.
  19. I'm a bit behind then, level 16 at the mo...
  20. Cheers for the response Daryl, I've cooked my brakes by sitting on the pedal at junctions, the Brembo's create a lot of heat so getting into the habit of using my handbrake more.
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