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Everything posted by zippypooz

  1. Yes its called Ventureshield, made by 3M, this is a similar material to what i'll be using.
  2. Thanks, well its pretty good stuff, slightly rubberised and a little thicker than standard vinyl, so it doesnt split if a stone hits it. The stone in effect bounces off. Ive used it before on a Porsche Cayenne as a scuff mat on the door seals so your shoe doesnt scuff the paint as you get in. Worked well.
  3. Haha...I used to apply the Porsche protectors at dealerships, i'll using the same material. Cost wise ive gotta see but im in the trade so hoping i can get a good deal which i think i can, plus im able to supply the artwork for die cutting...we'll see!!
  4. Hi guys an gurls, Having got fed up with the stone chips on my front spoiler and having had it re-sprayed, ive designed a kit that fits on to the front bumper of the Zed, its basically a stone chip protector, much the same as the one just in front of the rear wheel arch. Its a clear self adhesive vinyl panel, the same as they use on Porches, Zeds and other cars. I think its worth doing especially as the Zed is known for chipping!!
  5. Im trying to get the price as keen as poss, so looking between £100-£140, all depends on a bit of negotiating!! I dont think i can do a group buy deal really as i wont be able to get much of a discount on the material and print costs, but i'll see what i can do. Thanks for your interest!!
  6. Thanks chaps!! Like i said, i want to supply something that each person can tailor to their own zed. If it helps, if you send me a photo of your car side on like the photo i posted, i'll superimpose the stripes in the colours that you want (as near as i can get it), that way you'll be able to get a rough idea of what your colour choice will look like on YOUR car. PM me and ill send you my email. Send your pic to my email address and ill email you back your colour choice. That way at least you know what youre gonna get for your cash.
  7. I'm still looking at prices, what it's gonna cost me to make etc. I want to make them affordable. I'm using wrapping vinyls as it's easier for you guys to apply. I'd be gutted if I bought one and got loads of bubbles in it and had to pull it of. So this way it's just more user friendly. Bare with me on prices but I'll get one within the week hopefully.
  8. I've basically copied what I can, images from the net, nismo kit images and nismo bonnet designs. You can see the one I've done to compare if you like. It's a pretty good copy I think.
  9. Nismo graphics are very hard to get hold of. I've produced these graphics so that people CAN get hold of them. I was asked. I also said I'd come up with my own kits if people were interested. This is a forum. Forums are places where enthusiasts go to get advice and help. I'm trying to help and give something back to this forum...as it has helped me greatly. Also, my kits will be an improvement on the original kit. And just for the record, I don't operate out of a shed and am not claiming I designed the nismo kit. I've copied it and made it better. Surely that's a good thing.
  10. Haha...im gonna put it on my zed to size it properly and make sure it curves with the car, so i'll show you all some photos of what youd get.
  11. I can do variations on the colours, thats not a problem.
  12. Heres the kit, i can do this in other colours too... http://www.350z-uk.c...8_296_85074.jpg
  13. Ok, Ive almost finished this Nismo kit, ive posted a photo in my gallery, comments and interest would be much appreciated!! Ive improved the kit from the usual kits you get, its more accurate basically. Hope you like it.
  14. Nice job. This is exactly what you get for your money, we charge a similar sort of price but unfortunately a lot of people dont want to pay and go and get cheaper wraps done. Theyve done a great job, the car looks fab. You do get what you pay for when wrappings concerned.
  15. Ahhh if you were nearer id help you do it. You could do it yourself though with someone else the other side of the roof. Just remember youll need a heat gun and a thermo...the vinyl has 2 memories, one as it is and two when you heat it to 90 degrees it will stay as it has been conformed. Heat is a must.
  16. Looks great!! Id like to see some more if poss!! Whats the spoiler?
  17. Ahhh thats a cool model!! Yup looks pretty similar to what ive done, thanks for that...definitely gonna use the bonnet as a guide.I posted what ive done so far...a couple of posts before this. Thanks for posting these, it all helps!!
  18. Hi, im looking to book in my 2005 350 for an uprev with you guys, can you confirm a price for me please?
  19. Ahhhhhhhh!! Your next job i think lol!!
  20. Where are you based??
  21. Im hoping my version is sorta the same as what youre about to post lol!!
  22. Ok heres what ive done so far, not quite finished but you get the picture!!
  23. I'll do something very similar but ideally id like the original kit to copy in the flesh as its hard to copy it from the pictures on the net, mainly as i cant find any proper side view photos or any photos of the kit before its on the car grrr
  24. OK, Thats pretty much what ive done, colour options and mixes (at the mo its just 2 colour) are pretty much whatever you want at the mo so based on two colours for id like your suggestions as i want this to be a personal touch type of thing for your personal zed!! Other kits may have 3 colours so your suggestions on that would be good too. ive sort of copied the main shape of the 'madmikester' stripe but without the 'rear squares' at the mo as i dont want to be murdered for copywrite lol...im going to do 2 or three different kits, all will consist of 2 x side stripes and one bonnet decal...i think. The first one ive done is quite understated ie more subtle but i'll design the others with a bit more going on if you know what i mean!! At the end of the day id like to design these kits with you guys and your own zeds in mind, i like the idea of your input so you can say 'i had a part in designing this' via this zed forum...obviously im not superman so keep your ideas reasonable and remember i have to create these which in itself takes a while in man hours!!...and i want to keep the cost at a good price...unlike most 'official' kits that seem to cost an earth. One good thing im gonna do it make these in bubble free wrapping vinyls as many of you wont be overly confident in applying the kits. Bubble free vinyl does what it says and should you get a bubble or two, you can work them out with your finger....so no having to pop them with a blade!! Its a slightly more expensive vinyl but i think its worth doing. I'll post a pic of my first design as soon as its finished and we can go from there, i can see what you think and also see if its worth doing depending on how many would be interested. Thanks guys.
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