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Everything posted by zippypooz

  1. Ok ive started designing a kit, but, id like a few ideas of what you guys sort of want too...any suggestions?
  2. Ok cool, just need a little more interest but i may play around with a few ideas then!
  3. ...Just wondering, would anyone be interested if i were to design a kit similar to the nismo one? Just an idea as i cant get hold of madmikester. Be honest as i dont want to waste my time!! Or is it nismo or nothing!!
  4. Thats easy enough as long as i have the original artwork for the club logo and there arnt any copywrite issues. If i can get a template for the kit, it will take me a while to make it so youd have to bare with me as its a digital print i think, not separate colous butted up to eachother. Plus id have to register on here as a seller im sure.
  5. Hi all, im just waiting on madmikester to get back to me as he has the kit id like to copy.
  6. Whoever did this MUST be a god!! Looks fab, I'm seriously thinking about doing mine now!! 😜
  7. Will post some pics of the roof wrap when i get time later!! So, all in all, if this HU problem occurs to yours, all you need is to find another unit, remove the cd player from the donor HU and fit it into your existing HU. NO CODES NEEDED, JUST PLUG AND PLAY!! Problem solved!! And thanks to Bulletmagnet for playing surgeon in this matter!! Thanks buddy!! Ps should pin this ideally!!
  8. Will you marry me please!!...just in case!!!
  9. Ahhh I may try that!! Not heard of it before!!
  10. A FREE TUB!!!!?? Well im happy with the results and if you dont need your tub, please throw it in my direction!!! Ha!!
  11. Well I bought some of this today, very impressed, best wax ive used so far... I paid £30 for a tub, simple to use, put it on, leave it for 15 mins, maybe 10 if a warm day and buff off...DON'T leave it for more than 15 mins though as you'll end up with popeye arms!! All in all, a nice wax, my Zeds the gun metal colour and it really brought out the metallic in the paintwork whilst giving the colour a deeper look. Id definitely recommend you give it a go!! Over and out!!
  12. Great stuff, thanks guys, i do recollect them doing a group buy but the savings were minimal due to the license as you rightly say. Jp youre right about the distance, i just had a look, think i'll give abbey a visit!!...thanks for the heads-up though ZEUS.
  13. Hi all, im thinking about getting an uprev, well actually ive already thought about it and want it done!! Are there any group buy offers about, i'm based in sussex so i'm thinking Abbey?? Ive have a look around but cant find anything as yet!!
  14. Yup mate, still looking lol!! maybe we can sort something out!!...im all ears!!
  15. Wasso's the guy to chat with mate...Courtesy of wasso: 'Price is £170 delivered to mainland UK. The spacer compliments the many array of performance and style mods for your car. The spacer is probably one of the best performance per £ you can buy. Tie this up with the Uprev tune and you'll benefit from mid range torque and a nicer growl from the V6 as you are increasing the plenum chamber air space. I've got one, and so have many many other people. I designed mine on the Motordyne version but further improved it by making it cheaper and having the benefit of looks by polishing and anodising the outer edge. This makes for simple cleaning, unlike the Motordyne which looks grubby and won't clean up due to not being polished. So I've taken great mod and moved it forward a few paces. In stock and pretty much good to go next day. It's a simple case of just picking a colour…… (normally based on your engine bay theme, or I do hold plain styles such as silver or black etc.'
  16. Hi I have some you may be interested in. I bought them from Payco, ive not fitted as i have other rims. Pm me if youre interested buddy.
  17. Yup its a jealousy thing too i think...and to be honest old people are one of the big culprits as they hang on their door as they get out and push it against your car!! Ive seen it in the flesh lol...luckily not my Zed!!
  18. Its well worth it isnt it!! You can still see one on mine but you have to really study it to find it, the others are perfect. And for the price, well its a no brainer!!
  19. Its worth a call i guess, just say i sent you, (Steve in Burgess Hill), it may be an incentive, especially if it gets him more work from here!! Keith, Disappearing Dents, 07776 253 888
  20. Yup exactly what i had, one on each door in the same place, one on the front wheel arch and one behind the passenger door...heres his contact details: Keith, Disappearing Dents, 07776 253 888 Good luck!!
  21. These SO-CALLED speed humps are a joke. If anything they slow you down.

  22. Hi all, Just a quicky...im sure many of us have these very annoying dings and dents from those people that should be hung, drawn and quartered for kindly opening their car doors on our pride and joys!! Well i had a dent guy come and do mine, About 4 dings, all removed in about an hour, charged me £60...Hes from Worthing, Sussex but travels about as hes mobile. If anyones looking at getting this done id recommend this chap. I can forward his number should anyone wish!! As for the culprits, should you see one, please can you batter them around the head with a heavy piece of wood. Thanks.
  23. Hmmm...do you have cover for your car? And which colour are you looking to have your zeds roof wrapped!!?
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