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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. I got properly soaked !!!


    After I left you all, I headed over to Shesley Walsh Retro Car Meeting.


    The 3pm forecast for the downpour arrived just 1pm and the heavens seriously opened. Not actually seen rain like that in the UK and I was parked in a grassy field with lots of other cars !! Knowing the rain was set for the afternoon I departed - wet through, to get caught up on the way home due to accidents !!!


    Quite an eventful day and lots of driving - mostly good fun !!


    Nick - certainly good interesting route to the point I departed around Furnace End. Shame I missed the group photo, but then my car was rather dirty and there were few opportunities to stop. Glad now, I made the decision not to wash it - its plastered !!


    Thanks for coming out Wendy always a pleasure

    Was good to have you chasing me for change ;)

    Glad you enjoyed the route

    It was a little hard to keep that many cars together on those roads but all in all think everyone enjoyed it

    See you on the next one :)


    Chasing ??? ;)


    Pushing !!!! :lol::stir:


    Sure is harder with a larger group.

    It like we actually need to venture out earlier to reduce traffic more.

    I really need to stay for food next time we venture out - to catch up properly with people too.


    Have to say Nick, your car really sounds good. I like that a lot. Sports mode - that sound is good.

    We didn't get time to chatter, but I do like the cabin of your 370, much improved on the 350.

  2. I got properly soaked !!!


    After I left you all, I headed over to Shesley Walsh Retro Car Meeting.


    The 3pm forecast for the downpour arrived just 1pm and the heavens seriously opened. Not actually seen rain like that in the UK and I was parked in a grassy field with lots of other cars !! Knowing the rain was set for the afternoon I departed - wet through, to get caught up on the way home due to accidents !!!


    Quite an eventful day and lots of driving - mostly good fun !!


    Nick - certainly good interesting route to the point I departed around Furnace End. Shame I missed the group photo, but then my car was rather dirty and there were few opportunities to stop. Glad now, I made the decision not to wash it - its plastered !!

  3. I would say what you could try is to see how low you can get the MPG on the way back but I'd hate for you to get pulled by the rozzers. :scare::lol:


    In my Mk 11 16v Golf GTi - the first car I had where you could get the mpg read outs on the dash - after I bored myself with seeing the maximum fuel economy I could get, I then did this - so much more fun !!! ;):lol:

  4. More seriously - I would recommend Graeme Glew as an Track Instructor. (He has taught many young inspiring race drivers), was also being recommended on Piston Heads too some time back.


    He has moved companies since I did loads of Track Days with him a few years back, I found him here. http://www.racemanagers.com/

    Don't be put off by The Race Driver aspect of the site - he is very approachable and if no longer actually running the courses himself he will put you in touch with folk he would recommend. I know his son now does the same - but can't think of his name or the company - will try to hunt it down for you.


    Alternatively turn up at a Track for a Track Day and book their resident Instructor.

    • Like 1
  5. Nick, Any chance you might let me have a route plan - pm is fine if you don't want to put it up here.


    I am now definitely going to Shelsey Walsh after this (well assuming my back is still ok- fingers crossed) so want to check where it would be best for me to peel off, so I can give others an idea of what time I will arrive.


    If we are departing Kenilworth at 9am what time you expecting to be in Bosworth for breakfast ?

    Sounds like brillo is going to need it to soak up the effects of the night before !!! :lol:

  6. Remind me not to try Kite flying again !!!


    You all missed it and it would have been funny to observe.

    I tripped while running backwards trying to fly the stunt kite and fell into one of the large undulations on the hill - annoyingly really damaging my dammed back again ! I could barely walk, sit down, get up anything last night and today is only a little improved.

    Grgh !!


    Still it was better good to catch up other Zedders. :thumbs:

    • Like 1
  7. Definetely agree with the comments of live in the house for at least 6 months before you decorate or buy larger items of furniture if you can.

    Many ideas you initially have will change over this time as you come to realise what really is most important. For now, use sturdy boxes for side tables etc if you need them etc etc. Charity shops and Secondhand shops and Freecycle (on the Internet) are excellent for getting you through without major expense.


    Expect everything to cost more than you thought and sadly take longer too.

    Remember the finish on a job is only as good as the prep work you put into it. !!


    If you have a garden consider starting with that, you enjoy the summer/autumn now and so it is growing, while you think what to do in the house, it will also be more ready for next summer.


    Consider when ready, buying items in bulk, so all the kitchen appliances, bedroom furniture etc - gives you more buying power with pricing.

    Beds consider buying a mattress with a frame, means you always have the frame as a piece of furniture to sell if you get bored with it.


    Regarding colours inside the house - the colours that flow will make the house look better overal, whether walls, carpets, or other flooring etc.


    Exciting times, just remember to live as well !!! :D

    • Like 3
  8. I think the Civic Type R's have improved their looks massively over the years.


    Albeit they are not really my thing looks wise, I have done masses of Track Days in them, properly planted, very little roll and work extremely well when driven high on the Rev's. A good fun, reliable car. More power top end wouldn't go a miss though !!! :lol:

  9. All things going well, I should be able to make it too. Hoping for around 11.30.


    Earlier in the week, it was reporting a light breeze, so could be good for kite flying. I have 2 I will bring along.


    I note quite a few people are local, so possibily know the layout.

    What about we meet at the car park area to the far left of the Parking Meter (There is only one - situated at the only junction in the park)

    Oh and its £2.00 last time I checked - all day. Just bring some change !! :)


    There are a few places nearby later for food if desired too. :thumbs:

  10. I am currently using Manhatten Motors in Coventry - so 25 minutes drive north of Banbury in Oxfordshire !


    I did huge amounts of research in the area for a full restoration/respray on my VW Corrado, before deciding on these guys.

    They were not the cheapest, nor most expensive.

    I know others who have used them and are happy to also recommend them


    They have a huge range of vehicles in the Bodyshop - from Vintage, through Porsche and general accident repair vehicles.

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