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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. I was only discussing engineers at the weekend.

    There is a huge shortage of Engineers worldwide in a variety of fields, so I am led to believe.

    Accounting won't take you around the world - whereas Engineering certainly can.


    Nothing wrong with a back up plan - but thinks the earning potential hugely greater with engineering and way more interesting, challenging - IMO. !

  2. I loved the way Samuel - Ogman's lad was serioulsy chatting up Amy.

    It was hilarous watching him. :lol:


    Talk about start them young. :)


    That drive back................ was so much fun, think we were all sniggering !! :scare::lol:


    A drive out with you chaps on some nice twisty bendy roads would be good.

    Do you know the one from Southam to Banbury. If not busy its great fun, the bikers love it too.

    Hopefully meet up soon on one othe Sunday drive outs.

    • Like 1
  3. What is going on with the weather, 10 days ago we were told of a heat wave lasting 3 weeks.

    Then at the beginning of the week, storms lashing the country for days towards the end of the week.

    I really do not know why I bother even listening to it.


    Looks like I won't get away with turning up in a dirty car !!! :lol:


    Is there to be a prize for the largest amount of lacquer peel on the bonnet ? !!

  4. Dave,


    I am happy to meet at 9am at Oxford Services as Ogman suggests. That is a far way for you though to get to for 9am. You sure that is OK ?

    I will bring Scottish trip details - well that I have done so far anyway.


    Ogam/Everyone else

    AmyZed has the event as starting at 11am - till 4pm, we will be there mega early ???


    10 - 4pm is a long time chatting and eating in the cafe !!! Do we really want to be this early ? Am I missing something ?


    If not..... thinks I will be bringing my car cleaning stuff and spending the time there to spuce up my car seldom having time otherwise. :lol:

  5. Cool, I have just clocked, my Google was allowing for traffic which is bad this morning.

    So its only an hour which sounds better.


    I still reckon 9.30 am good though.


    I note too - Nic has another thread for this, but taking the M1 which does not make sense for me being 10minutes off the M40.

  6. I am at the Banbury Junction on the M40, so probably the most South for yourself and Nic anyway, so could meet at Franke And Benny's which is 2 minutes off the M40.


    I have not been to Ace cafe before.

    Google I suggesting it is 1hr 35m - obviously we will improve on this, so how about 9.30am with depart at 9.45 I we are to be at Ace Café for 11am

  7. Hi all,


    Well, I am now the proud owner of 'Kimi', a 4 - 5 year old grey and white moggy (renamed from Bakora - as he did not answer to it.). Yes, the one I went to see 2 weeks ago.

    Fodder obvioulsy knows more about these things than me - he knew I was going to have him before I did !!!


    I would have uploaded some photo's - but it says my files are too big and I don't know how to change them to fit. They currently are about 7.22 MB. I would appreciate if someone can guide me please.


    So Day 1 he hid behind the sofa and I had to drag him out and show him around occasionaly.

    He would sit on the chair beneath the table and allow me to stroke him, obvioulsy this was me sitting beneath the dining table and getting a kink in my neck at the same time !!!


    Day 3 - he strolls around like he owns he place. He follows me everywhere, albeit he sits on the hallway carpet watchig me in the kitchen as I think the floor is too cold for his delicate paws !! Softy !!

    He has a strange habit of when walking always stretching out his paws to reveal his claws, but does not scratch anything that I can see - including the scratching post i bought him !!!

    He likes his ball toys and loves attention.


    I have had to remind myself several times - this is my house and my rules and this cat does not rule me !!!

    Already in 6 days his coat is healthier and today he visited the vets for his vacinations, a check up and nail clipping he did not seem to mind any of it - well apart from the journey - i think the K1 exhaust might be a bit loud for him !!!


    Hopefully I can upload some photo's soon.

    • Like 2
  8. Most of my female friends fall in love with a car and are not accepting of pretty much any issues raised.

    Its pretty, the right colour, they can drive it, job done.


    Drives me nuts :lol: :lol: as I really can walk away and am not tempted when all the boxes are not ticked or at least close and understood or accounted for in the deal.


    But then they think I am odd for having such a passion with cars anyway. :lol:

  9. OMG - that was horrific.

    Glad he seemed to be OK.


    I am presuming it was wet or at least damp the way he came off that grass.


    His bill from the ring will hurt, two friends of mine both have damaged the armco at huge cost to themselves.

    I know its hard to get, but fingers crossed he has some kind of insurance that will cover at least some of this for him.

  10. There are charges relating to accepting both Debit and Credit Cards.

    They also have to pay a monthly rental on the Card Machine usually. If not the charges from the Card companies are often higher.


    The Debit card usually would cost less, but is all related to volume of business put through these cards.

    Many Companies do not think to call their Card Company and request reviewed rates, so often these stay as high as when they first took on the Card accepting PDQ machines and these can be high.


    However all day long it is cheaper to accept cards than bank cash.

    As long as you have a receipt for exactly what you paid, its up to the Trader concerned to look after his accounts books.

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