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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. Either of those you have already searched, or even both if you can.


    No amount of extra tuition, guidance is an issue and always helpful.

    Novice Days as suggested above I hear are good too.


    Skid Pan days can be quite good for gaining the experience and better understanding of over and understeer too.


    Then the Advanced Driving Test can be good for aiding driving techniques for the road and free, just the test to pay.


    All are excellent fun, so enjoy. :)

  2. Either of those you have already searched, or even both if you can.


    No amount of extra tuition, guidance is an issue and always helpful.

    Novice Days as suggested above I hear are good too.


    Skid Pan days can be quite good for gaining the experience and better understanding of over and understeer too.


    Then the Advanced Driving Test can be good for aiding driving techniques for the road and free, just the test to pay.


    All are excellent fun, so enjoy. :)

  3. Wow, some of the lengths you chaps have gone too. Plus the financial outlay required for it all. I am not knocking it, anything but.


    Quite sad though that these lengths are required in some areas to make your your car is safe.


    I remember one time my nephew coming to stay and I left the garage door open while working in the house, he was horrified and only 14 years old. He lived in Luton and said the garage would be emptied in minutes where they lived. I know its not an option for many due to a number of reasons, but think i would be wanting to move.

    • Like 1
  4. I would agree with Dan, apart from really liking the looks and general drive when I bought my Zed, has taken 18 months or so, to grow to be In love with my 350.

    No way could I call it a boring car.

    I drove a Z4 and that gave no feed back or excitement to drive what so ever in my opinion and that was really one of my considerations when looking for another car.


    On the 350z.

    I had expected initially the interior to be a whole lot worse than it is. However there are not many that look really great.

    MGP - never owned cars that are much better, so not an isssue.

    Boot space - well aids me for sure not trying to take the kitchen sink everywhere !!!!


    None of these items make a car boring for me, just the look and drive does that.

  5. Nothing worse than the bottom fall out of your world feeling when you think you car may be gone.


    Fortunately your deterrents worked along with your neighbours assistance.


    There was one time my neighbours came rushing out of the house onto my drive having heard my car start up, they were not aware I was at home and it was me.

    Good to know there response time is good !!! :lol: (Ex Coppers) !!

  6. I really feel for you. I would be really mad, let alone the costs of repairs to yourself.


    As others though - sadly I feel there is little that can be done that will assist the situation other than trying to park elsewhere and reporting it.

    If someone has the mentality to do this, they are not likely to be too reasonable. Think hard before approaching them

  7. AMG 63 - has to be the one I reckon.


    M3 and RS4 both fantastic cars in their own rights, I feel the AMG is in a different league entirely though.

    Certainly less on the road too - always a good thing !!


    Mustang - Just No !!.......... Not in the UK

  8. Brilliant. There usually are some good kite designs up there. Think I will be buying a new one. Not flown a kite for ages and ages.


    Sadly my Remote contol cars are all indoor ones, as they are a riot too and often a few around the hills of these too.


    I have to thoroughly recommend the place when it snows, if you can get there that is. Brilliant for sledging !!! :lol:

  9. Wow ! Glad to hear you are ok.


    Hope this all goes though smoothly and quickly for you.


    Please do get yourself checked out though by a Physio - after a hit in the back, even if you feel fine can have caused damage. Hopefully not of course.

    • Like 1
  10. Another for MPSS, really worth the extra, for grip and wear.


    Refurbish alloys - BJV Enginerring, near you too. !

      I have used them twice, very reasonably priced and brilliant work.

    • Address: Unit 3 Hatton House, Falunden Lane, Hemel Hempstead HP3 0PQ Phone:7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

  11. Grundy - Shame, but hopefully we can get something better together even when re-planned.

    Even perhaps using davedutch's idea of Coventry Motor Museum as a venue.


    Anyway - staying with this date and venue

    I am quite happy to still make this meet happen as we have currently 22 people who have put their names down and presumably reserved the dates on the calendars.

    So I would propose - we still meet as it is a lovely spot and have a group picnic. IF everyone brings along their own, I am sure we can share picnic blankets or even use the wooden tables and benches on site. We could then all take the Outdoor Games of one sort or another and just have fun.

    Things like Radio Controlled cars, helicopters, Kites, Outdoor Jenga etc etc.

    I am happy to get there early to put up directional signs and corner off an area for us to park and party.


    Hopefully everyone would still be up for this.

    If general view is not to bother, I won't be offended, as I do have others things I have been asked to attend that day.

    I suggest we continue with the list of names already created and just confirm your position.



    • Like 2
  12. 350zedd - I am now just at Physio once more today and hopefully from there home free again.


    Everyone else - Yes, I did go quiet, I decided not to ignite this thread further, so banned myself from the forum for a day.

    I actually do not dare to make any further comments on this however and will be very careful what I write in future, it is all to easy to be mis-read and mis-understood.

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