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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. Agree, Ferrari's way too common !!! :lol:


    Sad as it is, I do go and hunt out the Arab's who are over in Park Lane, when I am in London in the Summer months.

    The cars may not all be to my taste, but a sight worth seeing none the less.

  2. I may not check my tyres fully every time I check the pressures, but then I do not put off checking a slight brake judder for the cause or any other feeling, sound etc etc.

    I think you are really lucky to have got off so lightly , both in your car and on here.


    Hopefully the knowledge you take away from this - is to listen to sounds from your car and the feel of it and take action before putting yours and other road users lives at risk.


    Yes, tyres and lack of tread has got to be one of my biggest bug bare's, being the only thing that keeps you in contact with the road I do not think this is a bad thing. Maybe others do not see this as serious, I do, hence balancing, tracking, alignments are all done and up to date on my cars.


    Glad to hear you are at least thinking of getting your tracking done.

  3. Although your first post has an amusing aspect, if your story was not so serious.. I am glad your MOT was due and I think you have been very lucky as have other road users.


    Personally,I don't understand - you have a judder on the car, for some months and don't check what is causing it or think it might be worth a look.


    This is seriously dangerous and you have been travelling on a motorway ? :scare:


    I think you might want to include - If you car does not feel right and judders, get it checked, even if it has cheap tyres and you have heard of this happening before.


    Stunned !!! :scare:

  4. This is very off putting, I have a list an arm long already !!


    I should be working on my own accounts though and I am bored.


    I started with a Lancia Delta Intregrale - becuase I always wanted one


    a Lotus Exige - The VR Cup - would be good for track


    Right back to work as not checked values yet and did observe so far, everyone's came to the 100k !!! lol

    • Like 1
  5. Cotsolds - I know not especially far, but some lovely roads.


    Further away - Kielder Forest Park/Northumberland over towards Bewick on Tweed - another area for good roads.

    Your best bet is to use booking.com for accomodation once you know your route. Fairly accurate reviews on that site.

    From my experience you will get a excellent quality B & B's in the north for cheap prices compared to this area or anything south of here.


    Agree, Trossachs, Fort William, Loch Lomond - anything on the West coast of Scotland but longer will be required to appreciate it.

  6. So glad to hear you are back driving after what would have felt like forever.


    However, good to have got so many jobs done on the car while off the road - helps keep the love alive, albeit tormenting at the same time.


    I had 5 months in 2003 were I was taken off the road by my doctor, I was in a non fault accident, I could not bear to even look at my car though - just found it too upsetting and frustrating.


    Bet you are planning loads of big and small road trips now too. :D

  7. I bought a Garden Sprays for £7.99 from Aldi - but for the pure use of using when at shows. Probably holds 5 litres of water.


    Of course there will hardly be any force compared to a powered Jet spray, but sufficient for a relatively clean car and just wanting to get it wet to remove dust, clean wheels etc or rinse off.

    • Like 1
  8. Kind of on topic !


    I am assured by Press reporters - it was Chris Evans car I was taking photographs of this morning !!


    So I came out of my London Hotel which was based yards from the BBC, to be presented with stunning cars in the street.

    As one does, I stopped to take photographs of a rare light blue Ferrari (No idea on model), to be told it was one of CE's.


    Will try to post up a photo later.

  9. OMG - I have not kept up with this thread since 4.30pm, only just back on - and you lot are still bickering over the exact same things you were then. !!! You could have all got together been constructive and put a show out in that time !!! Men !!! ;) ;)


    So to add a little more ............. :lol: :lol:


    JC couldn't drive for a long time when he joined the show and had masses of instruction. Personally I still did not rate him as a driver.


    As for which woman - I would like to see Vicky Butler Henderson at TG.


    Having not watched TG for many years, I am looking forward to seeing it again, although Chris Evans - we will have to see if he has grown on me at all. I do not listen to Radio 2 - as I find his voice irratating and he shreiks and yells. I guess he might have grown up a little, so i will give him a chance.


    As for good books .......

    'The Mechanic's Tale - by Steve Matchett (Life in the Pit Lanes of F1) and for Sheene fans 'Barry' by Steve Parrish and Nick Harris.

    I would recommend both.

  10. I try to suggest to my girlfriends that Cars are like Shoes - works of art.


    I have managed to convince a few to view cars differently...........


    I have even managed to convince one to join me at the Historic Chateau Impney (Droitwich) Hill climb in July ........ took a lot of selling mind !!! :lol:

    • Like 2
  11. Help Required to make a final decision.


    I love cats and have been mulling over getting one or two for about 15 years now !!!

    Consideration for 2 would be to keep each other company and so would obtain the 2 together to ensure they got on


    I have previoulsy being put off by - my becoming very allergic to them, but have since worked out as long as I spend time with animals reguarly then the allergies disappear. Slight issues return if I have a 3 week break from being with animals but resolves itself quickly.


    Then I considered I could not really afford one let alone two.

    Finances are much better now, especially aided signigficantly by packing up smoking some 3 years ago.

    I have worked out crudely what I believe the costs of cat ownership are - after the initial expense, being mainly food, possibly litter (dependant on indoor/outdoor cat/s) and Insurance.


    I live alone and work full time - out from 8.30 - 6pm usually, spend one weekday evening a fortnight away, then during summer months - either out one day over the weekend and sometimes for all whole weekend (Fri - Sunday) this being almost fortnightly for 2 months, then one in three.


    I have previoulsy owned Siamese Seal Points and would go for either Pedigree or Heinz - shorter hair and minimal malting being the key.


    More recently I have found myself scouring papers and the Internet for Cats, so I am thinking its time I made a decision on this.


    My Questions are -


    What are people actually paying for their Cat Insurance and do they believe the upkeep costs are of cat ownership ?


    Is it unfair to own a cat/s in my situation ? My neighbours have offered to look after them - feed them when/if I am away.

    They do own a cat themselves.


    Any particular views and considerations I have missed too please


    Thank you

  12. There is a Pet Thread !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:











    Sorry - that is really not helpful is it !!!

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  13. Agree, doubt you could actually do that in 4 - 5 days.


    If would you prefer to visit areas of interest - these can easily eat up several hours a day (3 hours plus).

    This in mind, I would aim for 4 hours driving a day maximum.


    If you aim to drive 7 hour days ish - with 2 or 3 shortish stops plus lunch and fuel breaks, - in my experience you will not be arriving at your accomodation till 7 - 8pm after departing at 10am and little sightseeing,.


    For your first trip could I suggest perhaps ;-


    Loire Valley in France.

    Stunning Chateau's, many Vineyards - there will be a host of other things in the area.

    Photographers paradise too.


    St Malo is scenic with beautiful beaches.


    I like La Rochelle on the middle of West Coast.


    Just realised I have almost sorted a route almost there with slight re-arranging :lol: ) so to finish drive around part of the Le Mans Circuit !!

    Obvioulsy with the use of google itg is easy to check what touristy activities are available.


    Good Luck, it will be great. :)

  14. Wow, how lucky were we chaps ? :)

    Brilliant weather with roads fairly quiet and mostly in OK condition.

    That's my leading done with for the next few though, knowing everyone relies on you takes some concentration !!!

    All good fun mind, I did not lose anyone :thumbs: and I think just 2 wrong turns. !!! :blush:


    Nick - what radio (make & model) is yours? That's the 2nd time my has not linked into others so I need to get new ones.

    They make a huge difference.


    Good to meet up with everyone and some more new people.

    To finally drive out at what I thought was a drive of 4 cars and being 7 cars in total. Fantastic !

    If I say so myself, I do think the route took us through some interesting areas of countryside and beautiful villages.

    Hopefully more photo's will follow..............


    I am also hopeful most of you can join in the meet at Burton Dassett on Sunday 2nd August - now I have shown you the venue. :lol:

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