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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. Well done Vlad, this months a cracking one for the zeds and this club with yours featured and with the bhp breakfast meet too ! I'd ordered May's addition due to the bhp meet and this is a nice surprise. Shame they sent the March edition by mistake

    Thanks you :)

    Yea, I did notice few Zeds from the BHP breakfast meet. Slowly but surely we will take over the world :lol:

  2. vlad you can look at this in 2 ways now. you cant sell it because its now a magazine car and youll have to enjoy the celeb status for atleast a year, or you now have a great advert to flog it off lol


    im gonna go with the first option though keep it and enjoy the attention


    Haha it's hardy a celeb status :lol: if it was a movie car, then yes lol but I see what you mean and I will decide in next couple of months, once I bought my own place.

  3. Used them few times and they were ok.

    Only had problem once, when I bought a set of Toyo tyres for the Zed and one of them kept loosing air...took it back to the garage and they took tyre off and found that it was coming apart on the inside :scare: that's like 2-3 days after installing it. Emailed camskill, they weren't intrested at all... So I had to buy another tyre out of my own pocket.

  4. Welcome.

    You're not that far from Cougar store, so why don't just take it there? They are in Leicester and know their stuff.

    Its a quite easy job, so may be search if you have any DIY garages that rent out ramps by hour? Drive in, use their ramp, fit exhaust, pay them for the ramp, drive out.

  5. Some people have put the box into their grans car for the first 12 weeks as they only plug in the cigarette lighter, but unfortunate if you have a bump and its not to hand. :)


    :lol: :lol: :lol: this is quality idea ahaha!

  6. Welcome to the forum.

    Firstly, don't get fully focused on low mileage cars. As in your FB post, you said yourself, a 60k car that was abused around the track and not serviced right would be in far worse condition than a car with 100k on the clock which was used as a daily looked after.

    My Zed is just over 70k miles, I only do about 4-5k miles per year, but I still service it twice per year and it's been supercharged for nearly 3 years now with zero problems.


    Regarding insurance... As said above, try admiral. When I got mine, I actually forgot to do insurance check before I bought it :lol: and at the start I was getting over £2k quotes. I went with admiral and it was 1600...I then added my mum as a "named driver" and it went down to 800. So give that a go, unless you already tried it.


    Hi Vlad,


    Yeah I fully appreciate that but I'm only going to have it for 3 years or so before I sell it on, so I don't want to buy one with 90K miles and then struggle to sell it because it's racked up to £120K + (il be using it as my daily)


    Amazing £800 is super cheap but I have already put both parents on and gone through most comparisons sites.. Going to try Adrian flux as I don't think they are on comparison sites. Probably get a cheaper price going directly to them aswell.


    Thankyou for the help! í ½í±í ¼í¿¼

    That's fair enough.


    Have you tried adding your parents one by one? Like add your dad 1st and see the price. Then do same quote, but add just your mum and see the price. As when i was doing i remember prices were different for each parent and were more expensive for my step dad than my mums (even tho he was driving for longer with clean license and no accidents).

    Good luck!

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