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Everything posted by CrustyCrab

  1. How are they finished? Is one polished and one brushed?
  2. yeah, i can see that but surely if you go for the one that extends all the way across you want the panel to be shaped over the air in duct otherwise half the air will be drawn from above the panel? Otherwise the panels like yours would be better as there is a seal that sits above the rad on the bonnet which would effectively mean all the air taken is from the cold side?
  3. Ah cool. I love it how people put "Nismo" on eBay stuff Looks like it cuts half the intake duct off though?
  4. Ah rubbish, I didn't realise it wipes the results if you modify the voting options
  5. I don't really want to fork out for the carbon ones. Bit too pricey for me
  6. I'm liking the red and black theme there Coldel Done... Looks pretty cool, have you done it yourself then?
  7. Hi all, Ive been thinking about getting a cooling plate (that sits above the radiator). I have seen many different options available but I just can't decide what looks best; Brushed, Mirror polished, Body coloured, Etc, Or possible starting off a colour theme for the engine bay. What have others gone for? I have added a vote (including some colours - feel free to add to this list). Any help/advice welcome. Thanks Crabs
  8. Who oh why do people think that this is acceptable thing to do??? It looks soo terrible
  9. Nice selection of cars you've had
  10. Don't forget to give us some whent you get one
  11. CrustyCrab


    Wheels look sweet
  12. +1 Cheers Dave. You going to give it a go then? I'm thinking Carboard then MDF and then go on from there with carpet etc if it works. We can keep this thread up dated with photos
  13. Dave, What a legend.... thanks for your help, scale worked perfectly. ill hope to get on to making this in the next few weeks so ill put up some photos. cheers
  14. Hi Dave, Yes i can, if you can then that would be fantastic Have you got an A0 scanner then? I'll PM you my email address. Thanks very much, Greg
  15. Very good point!! I'm sure a profile could be developed straight from the car but if some one could send me one it would help no end. Yeah i always try but usually end up going down the "measure twice, cut twice" route
  16. Hi, I have always wanted a vertical tonneau cover for my 350 but I’m always too slow (or cheap) when I rarely see them come up for sale. I would like to know if anyone has one who lives near me and wouldn't mind if I used it to trace the profile to make my own? I'm in Bisley, nr Woking, Just off the M3 junction 3, Surrey. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Bacon can be offered.... Cheers, Crabs
  17. that's well funny, at least he was honest enough and think how much more damage he did to his 'reputation' :lol:
  18. Yeah they have been mullerd into a curb by the looks of it
  19. good luck with your search
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